PETA don´t like pets?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Maybe they think heaven is a better place for them

I don´t know how many homeless pets there are in USA but a number mentioned about cats are 60-70 millions.
Someone in a swedish cat forum said americans don´t adopt animals but I know it isn´t the truth.
There are many Feral Cat Organizations and I suppose there are organizations who help other pets too and many of them manage to find homes for more pets than PETA manage to do.
PETA is a big organization and I guess they get more money than most other animal organizations and I think they should find other solutions than just kill at once.
Peta are idiots......

For them its OK to kill an animal...........but not OK to wear fur..........and not OK to eat meat!!!!
MIST;3382532 said:
Maybe they think heaven is a better place for them

I don´t know how many homeless pets there are in USA but a number mentioned about cats are 60-70 millions.

Sad. :cry: And it happens all over the world. Cats, dogs and other animals are cruelly abandoned every day for stupid reasons. :(

Krshna28;3382558 said:
Peta are idiots......

For them its OK to kill an animal...........but not OK to wear fur..........and not OK to eat meat!!!!

PETA might do good things ,educate people about the importance of spay/neuter ,maybe they have clinics for it too but this:

As Dana Cheek, the former director of the Norfolk SPCA wrote:

I often receive phone calls from frantic people who have surrendered their pets to PETA with the understanding that PETA will "find them a good home." Many of them are led to believe that the animals will be taken to a nearby shelter. Little do they know that the pets are killed in the PETA van before they even pull away from the pet owner's home … PETA refuses to surrender animals they obtain to area shelters for rehoming. If only the celebrity 'deep-pocket' donors on the west coast knew that their donations were going to kill adoptable cats and dogs here in Norfolk.

I thought PETA would belong to the no kill movement.
I think PETA believes animals should not be in existence to tend to our needs in general, so radically pets are included as they serve to accompany/entertain us. That's not their animal instinct to do. I do not wholly agree with this though. My cat is the most perfect parasite ever invented. Grumpy being tended to her every need. That's her purpose, being a princess, not being wild. Oh well. I think PETA does a lot of good things like bringing awareness to animal cruelty and the fur industry, but they take it too far sometimes.
Peta don't wanna bother rehousing or releasing animals because it would cost more money (even though they get millions every year)..............

Steve Irwin (RIP) has done more for animals then PETA and WWF put together!!!!
MIST;3383147 said:
PETA might do good things ,educate people about the importance of spay/neuter ,maybe they have clinics for it too but this:

As Dana Cheek, the former director of the Norfolk SPCA wrote:

I often receive phone calls from frantic people who have surrendered their pets to PETA with the understanding that PETA will "find them a good home." Many of them are led to believe that the animals will be taken to a nearby shelter. Little do they know that the pets are killed in the PETA van before they even pull away from the pet owner's home … PETA refuses to surrender animals they obtain to area shelters for rehoming. If only the celebrity 'deep-pocket' donors on the west coast knew that their donations were going to kill adoptable cats and dogs here in Norfolk.

I thought PETA would belong to the no kill movement.

Wow! :eek: This is so sick. I never imagined they would do that. I'm shocked.
I need a cat to eat the mice in my house and a dog to scare the burglars away. That way I can sleep better at night.

edit: I was just being facetious
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PETA sucks. Rucka Rucka Ali once made a really rude song about them--I won't post it here, but it's definitely worth YouTubing lol. There is one part of it I have a problem with, but overall, the song hits the nail on the head.

In any case, I'm not surprised to hear PETA are a bunch of hypocrites. It's no wonder they mainly have sleazy celebrities supporting them.
I once heard a person had a dog, but they gave it up cause it didn't match their couch of something like that. PETA believes that all the animals of the world should just run free all over. I'm all for animals being free, or at least being treated well, but what if the animal is injured or something, then it might not be able to survive.