Pet problems...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
:scratch:Okay here goes. I got 2 guinea pigs with major attitude problems. Both of them buck their heads back when I pick them up. I got 2 hamsters with gargantuan cojones...(it's a Spanish word - look it up - its censored). And, to top it all off, I have a black Netherland Dwarf rabbit who likes to bite boobs.

1.) How do I know if the guinea pigs are happy?

2.) My male hamsters are extremely well-endowed. Is this normal??

3.) My male rabbit has a thing for human female breasts. Is that normal?

Don't laugh. I am serious. Really....
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as a fellow owner of guinea pigs... i can tell u that i know mine are happy when they "wheek" i'm sure u know the sound.... the sound they make when they see ur bringing over some tasty lettuce or something LOL

gp's are very skittish animals and mine still run from me and don't like to be picked up but once i start scratching behind their ears they remember oh yeah i like this part LOL
as a fellow owner of guinea pigs... i can tell u that i know mine are happy when they "wheek" i'm sure u know the sound.... the sound they make when they see ur bringing over some tasty lettuce or something LOL

gp's are very skittish animals and mine still run from me and don't like to be picked up but once i start scratching behind their ears they remember oh yeah i like this part LOL

They are still skittish?? Is it okay if they buck their heads back when you pick them up? Also, any rabbit owners on here? I just want to know if rabbits bite...mine likes to bite around my boob area. Hey, do not laugh at this!! He's a brat!!
Are your Hamsters Syrian? If so are you keeping them in seperate cages?
Cos Syrian Hamsters also known as teddybear Hamsters aren't allowed to be kept together as they will fight for dominance and one of them could get seriously injured or even killed.

If they are Syrian you should seperate them as soon as poss, even if they are happy at the moment.

If they are dwarf Hamsters its ok to keep them in packs as they are most happy when living in groups.
Keep the rabbit away from the boobs. :D
My dog used to always steal my bra while I was in the shower.

i can tell u that i know mine are happy when they "wheek" i'm sure u know the sound.... the sound they make when they see ur bringing over some tasty lettuce or something LOL
I used to have guinea pigs too and the sound they made was very assuring that they enjoy the things I give them.
Are your Hamsters Syrian? If so are you keeping them in seperate cages?
Cos Syrian Hamsters also known as teddybear Hamsters aren't allowed to be kept together as they will fight for dominance and one of them could get seriously injured or even killed.

If they are Syrian you should seperate them as soon as poss, even if they are happy at the moment.

If they are dwarf Hamsters its ok to keep them in packs as they are most happy when living in groups.

They are two male Syrian hamsters...and they are in separate cages. Believe me, I know about them fighting. My daughter called me up at work and said they were starting to fight - I knew that would happen sooner or we separated them.

But is it healthy for them to have big balls? Sorry, that's the only way I can describe them. My god. They drag their bottom half along the floor...! lol
Keep the rabbit away from the boobs. :D
My dog used to always steal my bra while I was in the shower.

I used to have guinea pigs too and the sound they made was very assuring that they enjoy the things I give them.

OMG!! The minute I come in from grocery shopping, and I start crinkling the plastic bags, they go nuts!! You can hear them all over the house - WEEK WEEK! It's funny. One of them decided to sit on her haunches this morning and chirp like a bird - what does that mean?? Personally, I think she thinks she's singing - cause we do a lot of singing here. We're all musicians - maybe the guinea pig thinks she's doing the soprano part??
wow u have a chirper? cool! it's not a common thing but when they chirp like that it's a good thing... def. a sign they're happy!

my wheek from the plastic bags too LOL my mommy was pig sitting once and she didn't know they did that and thought something was wrong with them LOLOL

anytime i have guinea pig questions i go to this site: n the ppl on there can give u good answers

i think the head bucking is prolly they're way of telling u they're annoyed but like i said they're prey animals so they're supposed to be skittish... from my understanding some just like to be cuddled more than others ;)
Mine "wheeks" soon as any of us walk in the door.. and when we walk in my son's room where she is.. she "popcorns" all over the place.. sometimes flying stuff everywhere.. LMAO. She is a hot mess... Our Ino.

Oh and she don't like being picked up. U have to chase her..but when she is in your arms she is very content and loves to be petted.

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Okay, I still need your help about black Netherland Dwarf rabbit likes to lunge and bite...


If he wasn't so cute, I'd get very mad at him...what do I do? Someone said to whack him on the nose...
Sounds like you need help from a "Rabbit Whisperer". LOL :lol: