Pet names?


hey you guys, I'm looking for inspiration as I am currently looking into getting a pet. I want a cute little kitten, since I've grown up with cats in the house and I just love them.

The name I am in love with at the moment is "Shadow"....but I was wondering what names you all have come up with for your own pets, or what you would name your pet if you had one?

Peace :cheeky:
My cats name are Ronja, Ina, Maja,Ariel, Larissa, Linnea, Kajsa,Daisy, Wille

If I had a red male cat the name would be Aslan -I love the books of Narnia.
Kajsa was supposed to be a Caspian.
I have been temporary home for many cats some had Shakespeare names, Ofelia and Julia
My mom's cat is named Oreo...because he's black & white like the cookie. :)

Our cat before Oreo (who passed away several years ago) was named Punky...after Punky Brewster, if any of you remember the 80's sitcom. It was my idea.
I have black twin brother cats, one is Mikey (and a real cutie pie), and Adam (the bully).

My last cat that died at an old age was named Peter, a lovely and loving long haired gray and white true friend who was totally deaf. I miss him.:(

My dog is Nicky, and I have no idea how I came up with that name. :scratch:
I have a black cat named Salem and a black and white cat named Oliver.
Both are rescued cats! It's great to adopt and save a life!
I had animals with the names Max, Molly, Lucy, Elliott, Kiwi, Petey, Millie, Whitey.
All the cat names in our house were Jinks, Sweetie, Mousy(=Grey), Princess, Mango, Pickles and Porsche!
Hope you find a nice one ..wait till you have the cat that is easier!
We all way's go by the color or character!
Our canary's name was little man...
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I have cat named Suzie, a dog named Rusty, I have two rabbits who are called Stwmpan & Siwgr Plwm ( Siwgr Plwm means Sugar Plum in welsh, she's a white rabbit with bright red eyes) and I have a hamster named Seren ( which means Star in welsh).
OK, here are the names of all the pets I've ever had. LOL

Brutus (cat)
Waldo (cat)
Shakespeare (dog)
Cleo and Patra (Siamese cats, brother and sister)
Cuddles (cat)
Miss Kitty (cat)
Bingo (dog)
Trixie (dog)
Sampson (a dog, we called him Sam)
We got my cat when she was 4 and already named, Cassie, i would have liked to name her something a little more edgy! haha
Anyway she has adopted many a strange name living in our house: CJ ( short for Cassie Jackson), Cassie Woo ( but mostly just Woo). She gets called Casper, Boo, Cassie aracrastie ,or Casablanca. My personal favourtite is Cassie Soze, she just got that when she was being evil while we were watching Usual suspects (Kaiser Soze) :lol:
Not that anyone wanted to know any of that! :lol:
My dog is Jackson. My dad's dogs are Lilly and Buddy. I've had other dogs in the past named Carmen, Sadie and Daisy.
Names I've used on pets have included...

Reggie (huge shock I know)
Rat (long story :p )

Not very flashy names but you know... I try to go by personality :p

Good luck!