Peru Shamans prediction on michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jan 20, 2008
I searched for this article spesificly becuase I remember I read it somewhere last year. Anyways, usually I hate predictions no matter what, but this was indeed interesting :)

Here's the article:

"Peruvian shamans met at Lima's highest point on Sunday to perform a ceremony which they believe will help protect the spirits of world leaders in 2009.

Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and Barack Obama were among those leaders chosen to receive special attention.
It was predicted that President-elect Obama would have a good start to 2009, but that Venezuela's leader Hugo Chavez would have a "quite a bit of desperation" this year. Despite lacking world leader status, Michael Jackson also received special note with healers saying "he would get stronger" in the coming year."

They were absoulutly right and indeed our mike got stronger and will continue to do so througout this year and next year.:punk:

I find it quite funny and interesting that in the middle of nowhere in peru, amongst world leaders they have predicted on, you find Michael Jackson!That's remarkable Michael has had a huuuge impact and he has obviously touched the lives of many human beings on this planet, Including the Perivians shamans in the mountains.

Here's the article from desember 08' link:

Oh and they had right about Obama too.. I didn't care to look for the others.
Muchos, Thanks for the reminder. Great minds must really think alike; I actually thought of the shaman's prediction for Michael after he made the announcement to Tour In London.

I am sooo Glad for Michael!!!!!
:)Sounds cool..It reminds me mother of Sylvester Stallone,she also predicted before trial that Michael Jackson will be vindicated and he will return more stronger than ever in 2008-2009:).She also predicted that Arnold will be Governer of California and it turned out to be right prediction.;D
:)Sounds cool..It reminds me mother of Sylvester Stallone,she also predicted before trial that Michael Jackson will be vindicated and he will return more stronger than ever in 2008-2009:).She also predicted that Arnold will be Governer of California and it turned out to be right prediction.;D

Really? haha that's great. Michael is unbreakable indeed
Are these Shamans famous for their predictions? I never heard of them.

Anyway, Michael is about to prove a lot of people wrong about him. That's my prediction.
I remember that, and it looks like they were so right! :D Thanks for reminding us. xx
I searched for this article spesificly becuase I remember I read it somewhere last year. Anyways, usually I hate predictions no matter what, but this was indeed interesting :)

Here's the article:

"Peruvian shamans met at Lima's highest point on Sunday to perform a ceremony which they believe will help protect the spirits of world leaders in 2009.

Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and Barack Obama were among those leaders chosen to receive special attention.
It was predicted that President-elect Obama would have a good start to 2009, but that Venezuela's leader Hugo Chavez would have a "quite a bit of desperation" this year. Despite lacking world leader status, Michael Jackson also received special note with healers saying "he would get stronger" in the coming year."

They were absoulutly right and indeed our mike got stronger and will continue to do so througout this year and next year.:punk:

I find it quite funny and interesting that in the middle of nowhere in peru, amongst world leaders they have predicted on, you find Michael Jackson!That's remarkable Michael has had a huuuge impact and he has obviously touched the lives of many human beings on this planet, Including the Perivians shamans in the mountains.

Here's the article from desember 08' link:

Oh and they had right about Obama too.. I didn't care to look for the others.
Yes, that is quite funny isn´t it:).
I also find it kind of funny, but I do not put too much into predictions.