Performing live?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was wondering, artists such as Michael Jackson, how do they handle performing live (such as when on tour), and not go deaf? Does he wear ear plugs or something? I have never been to a live concert, but I have heard they can be insanely loud. I just wonder how performers do it night after night for months, and not lose their hearing, or stamina. It must take a lot out of a performer. Also the crowds would get to me, I wonder if Michael ever felt like just hiding from all those people. I guess one would get used to it though.
Lots of musicians have hearing problems like Sting, Pete Townshend, Ozzy Osbourne, and many more. Ears aren't designed to stand in front of giant amps. Some lose some of their hearing or have tinnitus. Drummers are more prone, because drums don't have a volume level. Other musicians can at least practice with a low volume. People like Quincy Jones and some of the engineers who worked with Mike said that Mike like playing music extremely loud and they would wear earplugs because they couldn't take it. Sometimes the speakers would blow up because of the volume Mike was using.
I've often wondered this as well, especially with older acts who have done hundreds of live shows over the years, maybe even thousands. When I leave the arena's sometimes my ears are ringing and I wonder how someone can take that over the years. I know some singers wear ear pieces (to help them keep in tune, I suspect), but I don't know if that offers any protection from the sound.
I've been to a few front-row gigs, and I've never been deaf. Only pain I experience in in my legs, but that's all worth it :)
What Famous Musicians Had Deafness Problems?
October 28, 2008 by William Yap

Some of the best musicians in the world had deafness problems. If you think that is not possible, here are a few names you have probably heard of.

The first is Ludwig van Beethoven. You know, that classical German composer and pianist. At the age of 26, he began to lose his hearing since he suffered from a severe form of tinnitus which made it difficult for him to perceive and appreciate music.

Although there were no high tech gadgets back then to help with his problem; he used a special rod which he attached to the soundboard on a piano that he could bite so the vibrations would then transfer from the piano to his jaw. This was just one of the many hearing aids he used even when he was almost totally deaf.

But this did not hinder Beethoven from composing. To this day, musicians and music lovers alike still appreciate his work as a talented composer and pianist.

Let's go forward almost about 200 years and surely those who are reading this are familiar with the group the Beatles. Sir George Henry Martin who is a British record producer, arranger and composer also had hearing problems.

He was often referred to as the Fifth Beatle because he was either the producer or co-producer of all the Beatle's original records and played the piano in some of their songs. Unlike Beethoven, he retired from music due to hearing loss.

Another musician from Great Britain is the singer Peter Townshend. If you watch CSI, the soundtrack of that series was from this rock group. Just like Beethoven, Townshend suffered from tinnitus as a direct result of over exposure to loud music through the headphones and during concerts.

On the American front, you have Brian Wilson who happens to be a songwriter, bassist, and singer for the Beach Boys. What makes this person different is the fact that he was deaf in one ear not because of any illness. This happened when his father hit him on the head with a board while he was still young. Like the other musicians, this did not stop him from being part of the one best recording band's in music history.

One song diva, movie star and political activist who also has deafness problems is Barbra Streisand. At the age of 7, her doctor diagnosed her with tinnitus. But as we all know, she still pursued her singing career and even did a few films.

Eric Clapton, known guitarist and singer also has deafness problems. He like other musicians believes that this was caused by the loud speakers used during rock concerts. The sad part is that whether it is acute, mild or severe, permanent damage has been done and there is no way to reverse the symptoms.

The good news is that there are now treatments available but its success has varying degrees of reliability.

The musicians that were mentioned here were not deaf when they were born. They lost it later on in life but even with such a handicap, this has not stopped them from writing, producing or playing great music for audiences. If you know someone who has deafness problems, you can still help them be successful in life with a little encouragement.
A lot of them do have hearing problems as they get older and they do not wear ear plugs! they wear a microphone in their ear so they can hear the music theyre singing too. It must be crazy.