Pepsi commercial went wrong!

you know what sad is? these horrible comments :bugeyed never ends.
Yeah thats from that one Fox Special that Maury hosted. Its still unbelievable to think that that happened. And I've thought about it and I think it had to do with him having some form of hair product in his hair. I'm sure that had a lot to do with it.
That accident messed Michael up more then most people even know. Really sad that that happened. And Michael didn't even want to do those commercials.
That accident messed Michael up more then most people even know. Really sad that that happened. And Michael didn't even want to do those commercials.

Isn't that the truth!

I've heard some people say, "oh that burn was no bigger than a quarter in size! What's the big deal?" Well you get burned 2nd/3rd degree, it doesn't matter HOW small it is, it is still quite traumatic. And for Michael, makes it even moreso cause he didn't want to do the commericals. I'd say he got a little bitter about that. I'm even surprised he still used explosions in his concerts after that! I don't know if I could have.