People making jokes about child molestation


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does it bother anyone else how so many people just throw around child molestation jokes like the whole issue about child molestation is no big deal? Making jokes about something as serious as that is just not funny. All the ''joke'' is is ''hahah he/she molests kids'' that's all it is. There's nothing clever or witty about it. I mean how would you feel if you were molested as a kid and then you heard someone making jokes about it like it was no big deal?

I don't care if the person accused of such crimes is innocent or guilty the jokes are still not funny
Some things people say are really nasty :yes: but that one is going to far :yes:
I totally agree with you. I've heard a few times. It's so disgusting.
Tell me about it. At school, I have to deal with someone making a joke like that at least once a day. It's so sickening to see that they have no problem making light of a serious topic, regardless of who they attach it to.
Doing such horrifying acts on an innocent being is one of the worst sins a person could commit.............

What is so funny about that????

Making fun of such things is almost like condoling such acts...........
A lot of jokes cross the line and get brushed off as nothing tbh like another example - racism. People make it 'funny' so it does not count in their eyes as racist but it is.
Only retards (stupid people) find them funny. Making jokes about m**********s are just stupid and very sick. These people making jokes are too damn stupid and sick. That's right I censored that m word, I've been telling you that word must be censored here, like that certain name is taboo is censored J***o.