People living in Groningen, The Netherlands, check this!

Jan 17, 2004
This saturday, april 24, a music-school will perform some songs, it's called ' From Mozart to Michael' basically they'll play alot of songs, and they will end it with Earth Song, it's being done with all kinds of instruments. I heard it's free to go there, since i live very closeby, i will definitely go check it out.

Go to that link for more information. Maybe see you there ;)

Oh wait, i now see on the site that it costs 10 euro. My bro told me it was free.
I just called the music school, the last piece of it (Earth Song) is free for everyone , so i'm gonna go there this afternoon, this sounds cool.
Wow, it was incredible. Lots of young people with instruments and one lead singer, a lady, it was very good. It was goosebumping good actually. This was very very well done!!!! They did Earth Song twice, cause the applauding was overwhelming for them after the first Earth Song play.