People are eager to help


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In the first day of the year a tragedy for us catfriends in Sweden happened.It was a fire in a shelter for cats and it was burned down.
I don´t know exactly how many cats there were but around 40 and maybe half of them died or had to get help from vet. to die and the rest escaped.
Some run into the forrest and I hope they will find them soon, its cold here now,
Food and everything else for the cats were destroyed too.

The light in the tragedy is that there are so many who wants to help, give money, give food and other things the cats need.Some are ready to take things in their cars and drive for hours for the cats.
People are contacting shops where you can buy catfood and ask if they have something that is to old to sell but not to old to eat.

The couple who had the catshelter must be very sad now.They are devoted to help cats and they do it for love ,you don´t earn money on cats here.
I hope they have an insurance and that they can continue to help cats to get better lifes.
Oh no, that's such a shame :( Those poor cats!

You will find that during the most trying times all sorts of people will come out of the woodwork to help, it gives you faith in humanity :)

A rescue centre near us was broken into right before Christmas, and food/toys/blankets were stolen and they appealed in the local paper, and ended up having an abundance of things because people were so generous :)
Local papers are good when you want to rescue cats and there is a story they can write about it.
Kittens found in a plastbag, cartoons and the story about the kittens found in a pipe down in the ground really upset people.
There are of course bad people who abandon cats in this way, but there are so many more
good and generous peope who do everything they can to help.

We read and hear about bad things but there are so many good things people do but they don´t always write about it in the papers.
Some people don´t want to be written about, they just help because they want to and not because they want to impress on others.
They got about 6000£ in just a few days and a lot of things you need in a shelter for cats. The owners care very much for the cats and they are happy for every cat they find alive.They don´t sleep many hours before they are looking for the cats again.
More people want to help to trap the cats so they could rest more but the cats who are out there is frightened and they don´t want to scare them more with unknown people.
There are people who come with food to the owners and have them to eat.

19 cats are still missing but there are tracks from cats in the snow.
So far they had to kill one cat who was badly injuried.