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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
You go on with your life and follow all of your dreams. You put every bit of perfection in everything you want to do in this world. I know its tough as nails right now but you guys have to evaluate your thoughts right now. Honestly I'm surprised at how good I'm doing considering what just happened. Yeah, I was pretty down during the first 3 days but then I started to smile again. When james brown died, michael didnt say whats next, he went on doing what he needed to do. Yeah, it does suck that he was taken so unexpectedly but let it be a lesson to make sure those around you know that you love them. Michael knew how much his fans loved him. It sucks that we won't hear that beautiful voice and see those exciting dance moves but you still have to learn how to accept, appreciate and continue doing what michael would want you to do. Nothing is promised in this world so appreciate those you love. keep michaeling! Michael is somewhere smiling right now, there's no need to be depressed.
Yes, I Agree. I will miss him forever, but my life is here and I must do the best I can with it! Thats what Michael did and wanted us to do!
And now that hes gone, and the world is remembering who he was, how great he was, I'm so happy to say: I always loved him, all the time, never missed a day without him on my mind, his music, his dance, his voice! I'm really happy with me, thinking about that! Lets live a good life my friends!
I agree,today for me also was better I met some fans and we're thinking about foundation that will help children, as my friends says "this is jackson's style". we need to do what he wanted us to do and I know it's hard but being Michael's fan has never been easy because we feel that we have to help him to heal the world.
Thank you for your wonderful thoughts wrote. I go not dead yet, but is not alive, but fear all of this I felt better. I need to stop crying and I have to smile, but it is so difficult to do so. I can not listen to the songs of Michael, because once the tears flowing from my eyes. My mind does not want to accept this reality.​