Peace corps


Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
Peace Corps During Secretary of State Hilary Clinton's visit to Ukraine this week, she gave a brief speech to U.S. government employees and their families. She acknowledged the work of Peace Corps to the delight of Peace Corps staff members in the audience. After the speech, she met with Peace Corps staff members, where Information Management Coordinator Henry Shymonovych took this photo of Secretary Clinton with Peace Corps Ukraine Country Director Douglass Teschner.

For more, check out this video of a Ukrainian news report on the June 20, 2010 swearing-in of 72 new Peace Corps Volunteers and our Ukraine country page

As Always

Peace Corps The Ghana Black Stars had a great run to the quarterfinals and helped Peace Corps Volunteers in Ghana get their students excited about learning geography. Volunteer Marian Cast Ruge shared this photo of junior high school students in front of the World Map that she and her husband painted at a school in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

To encourage the students to use the map, they did activities related to the World Cup including locating all the countries that had teams participating in the tournament games in South Africa and drawing each country's flag.

Browse more stories and photos or submit some from your service or staff time with Peace Corps at

Learning with the World Cup in Ghana

Love Always


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met with Peace Corps Volunteers during her travels through Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia the first week of July. During her stop in Azerbaijan over the weekend, Peace Corps Education Volunteers Jonathan Elkin of Newton, Massachusetts, Mathias Jackson of Freeburg, Illinois, and James Wrocklage of Derry, New Hampshire, introduced Secretary Clinton to a softball team they helped form in their Azerbaijan community.

The softball team, named the “Portsmouth Pizza Factory” for the uniforms donated by “Pitch In For Baseball,” is made up of boys aged 13 to 15 who have developed a passion for the game. Jackson, elected commissioner of the Peace Corps/Azerbaijan Youth Softball League, has helped the league expand from four to eight teams, secured equipment from “Pitch In For Baseball,” a U.S. based non-profit organization, and paired with the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan, to fund the shipping of equipment and promote awareness of the program through local and nationwide media coverage. In the last year and a half, the softball league has expanded its efforts to nearly all corners of Azerbaijan, reaching an estimated 200 youth a season.

Photo: Peace Corps Volunteers Jonathan Elkin (back row), Mathias Jackson (far left holding a hat) and James Wrocklage (left of Secretary Clinton) introduce Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to their baseball team in Azerbaijan.

Secretary Clinton Visits Volunteers in Azerbaijan


Love Always

Peace Corps Volunteer Alex Plum organized a Camp Boys to Men in Micronesia to address the issues and challenges facing young men in his community. The camp was co-facilitated by fellow Volunteers Trevor Ramsey-Macomber and Dan Lebiednik, and focused on the importance of attending school and related study skills; abstinence and HIV/AIDS education and healthy relationships; and substance abuse and mental health awareness.

Camp Boys to Men - Micronesia

Twenty-two eight grader boys from four different islands of the Satawan Atoll-Satawan, Kuttu, Ta, and Moch participated in the first ever Camp Boys to Men in the Mortlocks region of Chuuk State of the Federated States of Micronesia.


L.O.V.E. Always
