(PARODY) The Legends Panel: Beyonce's Superbowl Performance

That Other Fan

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Plot: After her successful super bowl performance, Beyonce attempts to join the panel of legends which features Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Prince, and Madonna...

Just something random I decided to put together. If you watch it, I hope you like it. :)
^Funny! I do like Beyonce but, I don't understand though why some in the media are callin her the new KOP?! When she is a women not a guy! Besides her performance at the Super Bowl wasn't that amazing, she's been there done that ish before. She did MJ moves and her outfit was straight up copied by an outfit Tina Turner wore once lol. She is talented but I swear I have never seen a artist straight up jacked other artists the way she had done her whole solo career. Being inspired she would call it though. Hmmm I beg to differ! Sorry B, callin it like I see it! -_-
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Haaa so now they have finally reached the point where they are looking among the female sex to find a replacement for KOP. I am sure we all remember when they were calling so many different people the new KOP after 09, at least they were all male at that time.

They need to get back into perspective. Beyonce's performance was interesting because it seems it was the first time a lot of light flashed, popped, splattered all over the stadium. However, the moves, dancing, songs, sexy outfit are typical Beyonce. It is not as though she did something completely different in an artistic way that night. Her figure appearing in the shadows was done by Michel several times like at the MTV awards. Her outfit as Blue says is similar to Tina's, and I will also include it reminds me of a Bo Derek look in some movie from the past. I like Beyonce, but there is more to a KOP than that^^, otherwise most of the artists now would be KOP.

I often wonder when female artists use skimpiness & sex to gain fame, what do they rely on when their body changes? You never find that problem among males who focus more on their singing/dancing, although they may portray a "look" like Michael did. I mean you hardly see male singers on stage with skimpy underpants only showing off their legs, a short tank top to show off their chest, wearing high heeled cowboy boots & shaking their behinds in the audience faces all the time, shaking their chest, & flinging their hair in people's faces.
^Funny! I do like Beyonce but, I don't understand though why some in the media are callin her the new KOP?!

It wasn't started by the media it was from beyonce's camp. Her husband calling into a radio station comparing her to mj and saying she's the second coming, a photo of bey scrawling on the mirror 'king b'. Getting ppb to introduce her video at the cardiff tribute by saying she was the one carrying the torch or something that mj first lit etc. She's been trying waay too hard to be seen as mj's successor - media are just getting on her delusional bandwagon seeing beiber's is slipping of late.

The video was funny, but mj's outgrown that panel - his peers are beatles and elvis!
This is a epic classic I can't stop laughing omg at our mj dead at prince Janet snatch wigs off
That Other Fan, I didn't think it was possible for you to make an even funnier video;
but YES YOU DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical: :rollin:
