'Paris Jackson singing' WARNING


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I want to inform you all about this...

I was told that there is a file being spread around certain websites with the poster claiming it to be a recent recording of Paris Jackson singing.

I would advise you that if you happen to come across this NOT to open it, because it will either be:

A) Simply someone pretending to be Paris.

or I think, more worryingly -

B) A harmful file with spyware designed to collect personal information or a virus which will damage your computer.

I very highly doubt it is actually Paris, so I advise you please do not click on it, or anything like this.

I suspect the title 'Paris Jackson singing' is just to prey on people's curiosity. Whoever is posting it will expect people to automatically click and download out of curiosity.

Please warn others about this. There are young people who have become 'fans' of the children and in an excitable state may open this without thinking.
They probably got it from a tabloid, they were running an article a while back about Paris being interested in doing a song dedication to her dad. Seriously though, a song released lowkey on the net? The Jacksons wouldn't go out like that. They know about proper promotion,lol.

Last thing I want is a virus, or worse someone pretending to be a child to gain exposure. Let the exlpoitation begin. Sad that fans are prob. the ones behind it. :(

Thanks for the heads up.
They probably got it from a tabloid, they were running an article a while back about Paris being interested in doing a song dedication to her dad. Seriously though, a song released lowkey on the net? The Jacksons wouldn't go out like that. They know about proper promotion,lol.

Last thing I want is a virus, or worse someone pretending to be a child to gain exposure. Let the exlpoitation begin. Sad that fans are prob. the ones behind it. :(

Thanks for the heads up.

Totally agree with your comment.:clapping:
Thank you for the warning!! ^^
That happends too with facebook and things like that...
Grace said to warn everyone that they(the children) don't have it, any of those!
It's probably not Paris, but a virus that is spread. And that's the last thing that I need. Like those porn threads an few months ago that I know has viruses. (I still shudder at one of the threads. I did not need to see that.)

Please warn others about this. There are young people who have become 'fans' of the children and in an excitable state may open this without thinking.

I have seen kids that are PPB's ages that are fans of them all over the internet, I hope that they know better to do that. :(
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