parents, and their childs boyfriends.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las vegas Nevada United States
So alright first of all I am a 24 year old. I have had very bad relationships in the past. But for the first time in my life I meet somone who has blown my mind away. His name is Jordan. I love him so much. My parents have not met him yet, and when I told my mom about him today over the holidays she was angry. Angry that she believes he's going no where. He is going to school for business, then to begin his catering business, and while he does that he's going to culinary school, then after that he will open his own restaurant. He learned his cooking from his families past experience in owning restaurants. He is highly qualified. And I know that when he goes into culinary school he will be phenomenal. But my parents think that everyone wants their won restaurant and you know thats true, but if you believe in yourself, and your talent than you will go far. I believe in him, and I will support him in anyway.

I'm sorry I just needed to vent at how angry I am that m mom is so furious for me for dating a guy like that. A guy who worships me etc. She is just afraid that he wont have insurance because of my heart problem etc. And I believe has a parent I would understand completely, but at the same time your child has to make their own decisions.

I'm just very hurt.

I basically needed to vent sorry everyoe.
I'm glad that you've found a guy you love so much and I'm sorry about your mother.

I'm also sorry that I can't help :( However it's okay to vent and let it out and we as MJJC are here for one another.
