Paranormal Activity in Your Area...??


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I was wondering and if I am not even allowed to post this for whatever reason, please forgive me. But, I live in Stafford, VA and I live in a suburbian area where the Civil War even came through. As far as I know, besides there being a church directly next to the community being haunted, there is no "paranormal activity" around that I know of.

So I was wondering what if any, have there been any haunted places near you. And or, if you have experienced pictures with orbs, pictures with dark shadow figures, etc.
I'm sure there are plenty of places where I live in Brooklyn that I don't know about.

I used to work across the street from the Belasco Threatre in the theater district of Manhattan. I never went in there but I used to look at the building from my office window and wonder...

Here's the story of its haunting:

Belasco Theatre
111 West 44th Street
Numerous accounts of haunting at one of New York City's oldest theaters including sightings of the building's builder and namesake, David Belasco, who lived in an apartment at the top of the theater before his death in 1931. His ghost is said to interact with actors, offering kudos and handshakes, and many have reported hearing footsteps and the disconnected elevator running. Sightings of the Blue Lady, possibly Belasco's companion, have been reported numerous times.

This site lists other supposedly haunted places in NYC:
111 West 44th Street
Numerous accounts of haunting at one of New York City's oldest theaters including sightings of the building's builder and namesake, David Belasco, who lived in an apartment at the top of the theater before his death in 1931. His ghost is said to interact with actors, offering kudos and handshakes, and many have reported hearing footsteps and the disconnected elevator running. Sightings of the Blue Lady, possibly Belasco's companion, have been reported numerous times.

Eeek that's scary... :bugeyed I like ghost stories.
Hmm I'm not familiar with 'paranormal' stories around my area, other than the obvious locations like the old gaol and oldest cemetary in brisbane.
Apparently the area I live in (Winchester, Hampshire, UK) has a lot of paranormal activity. There have been many sightings of ghosts in an old building that used to be a farmhouse (that they built a council estate around) and the city is supposed to have some of the most haunted buildings in England....if you believe in that sort of thing.

We also have a lot of sightings of UFO's, supposedly linked to the army barracks here, and once one of our local councillors reckoned he saw an alien walk right up the high street, and even spent a fortune getting an artist to draw it to see if anyone else would come forward and say they saw it the same day. Here's a link so you can read more;

Not sure what to think though, guess I'm one of those people who likes to see things for themselves.
I am a huge believer in the paranormal. But I never experience or seen anything strange yet. And I have been to and know of places where I live that is suppose to be haunted. Like there is a village not too far from where I live. That is suppose to be haunted. Especially the one building that is there. Here's the little story about it:

THE INN AT ST. PETER'S VILLAGE (St. Peter's Village, Chester County)

The Inn was originally established in 1881 as the Excursion House by quarry master Davis Knauer. It was used as a lab during WW2, and became the Inn at St. Peter's Village in 2005. It features the popular Fox Den bar, harking back to the days when foxes were raised in the basement to supply the local hunting crowd. The old hotel left behind a few visitors. It's said that you hear the cries of an infant from the Inn. You can also hear the sounds of creaking and footsteps from the 2nd floor from the spirit of a lady that allegedly hung herself there. It's been reported that the ghost of an elderly, bent over man can been seen walking the hallways and street outside the Inn.

Penn Hurst is another place that is said to be very haunted. It was even feature on the Travel's Channel show Ghost Adventure. So if you have seen the episode then you will know the story about it. I live only about 15 to 20 minutes away from it. The same goes for the Eastern State Penitentiary. Which was another Ghost Adventures episode. I live probably about an hour away from it.

HILL SCHOOL CHAPEL (Pottstown, Motgomery County This is in my town that I live in now.) The private Hill School was founded in 1856 and the dark Romanesque Alumni Memorial Chapel was built in 1904. John Meigs, the son of founder Rev. Matthew Meigs and headmaster from 1876-1911, donated the organ. That's not all he left behind. The story goes that Meigs, suffering from severe depression, hung himself from a Chapel light fixture. Since he committed suicide, he couldn't be buried in the cemetery's sacred ground, so he was laid to rest outside the Chapel's side doors. It's said that if you're in the Chapel late at night, you can see the light he hung himself from still swaying. The stairwell to the bell tower is covered with the signatures of former students. They seem to have hung around, too. There's been reports of screams, chiming bells, and voices speaking Latin coming from the stairs.

And there is this story:

It's the first story in that site. I used to live in that county until I moved to the county right next to it. It is consider a classic ghost story in that site. I never even heard of that story until I had read in that site several years ago. I had tried looking for that place whenever I go back in to that county. But I have yet to find it. So there are more than plenty of places of where I live that is said to be haunted. Here is a site that you can read some of those stories.:'scornerhaunts&history5
'Paranormal things' have happened to a couple of member of my family, including my self.

From what I can recall, my sister, when we used to go over a friends house, some sort of shadow would follow her. It was in the shape of a dog and had pitch red eyes and fairly distinguishable teeth (for the shadow anyway).

Also, one time she looked up at the top of a stair case and saw an old man hanging.

My mother, after her grandfather died, was laying in bed and she could feel his presence in the room. She then felt him (physically) sit on the end of the bed.
She's had quite a few things like this happen to her. Such as waking up and feeling someone strangling her.

As for myself, when I was much younger, I could see shadows in my room. And yes, I mean of people who weren't there. And I remember watching my door shutting by itself. I did try to block a lot of this out, so my memory can't recall everything.

When I watched the movie 'Paranormal Activity' it was a pretty scary reminder of those events.
My city is on that website, but looking at the stories, I don't really believe any of them. :smilerolleyes: I do believe in ghosts though. Disneyland is supposed to have some haunted areas. There are several people who died there. I know The Haunted Mansion is actually really haunted. Never experienced anything though. I think the ghosties are more likely to come out at night. ;) I went to Vegas recently and intentionally went to some supposed haunted places. I dined at Liberace's restaurant, Carluccio's (the food's so good, I recommend it), just outside of the strip. Liberace is supposed to be haunting the restaurant. I went into the "haunted" room. It's really neat. There's a piano shaped bar and his actual piano in that room. I had my picture taken by the piano, but no paranormal activity. I've also stayed at a hotel in San Diego several years ago that was haunted. I didn't know it was at the time until I read the hotel room log book and people wrote about paranormal activity. I didn't experience anything, but it did give me a bad case of anxiety expecting something to happen. :smilerolleyes: I'm really into ghost stuff

As for me experiencing paranormal stuff, well I can tell you I've felt MJ's presence around often, as I'm sure some other fans here have had.
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Oh man I can't read scary threads like this late at night when I'm all alone.

I had one really spooky experience but I'm not sure if what I saw was an actual living, breathing human being or...something else. I just know I ran out of that apartment faster than I ever ran in my life. It happened when I was very young. I shared it on this board in another thread.

Then more recently last year a few odd things happened around my apartment (I've only lived here not even 2 years yet), one of them being that my bathroom door suddenly for no reason got locked from the inside...without me in it. There was no reason in the world for this door to lock on its own. Everyone kept telling me that it was summer and probably the door expanded with the heat or something. But the bolt from the lock was pushed all the way in as if someone turned the lock. No other strange happenings have taken place since then, thank goodness. My nerves can't take it.
'Paranormal things' have happened to a couple of member of my family, including my self.

From what I can recall, my sister, when we used to go over a friends house, some sort of shadow would follow her. It was in the shape of a dog and had pitch red eyes and fairly distinguishable teeth (for the shadow anyway).

Also, one time she looked up at the top of a stair case and saw an old man hanging.

My mother, after her grandfather died, was laying in bed and she could feel his presence in the room. She then felt him (physically) sit on the end of the bed.
She's had quite a few things like this happen to her. Such as waking up and feeling someone strangling her.

As for myself, when I was much younger, I could see shadows in my room. And yes, I mean of people who weren't there. And I remember watching my door shutting by itself. I did try to block a lot of this out, so my memory can't recall everything.

When I watched the movie 'Paranormal Activity' it was a pretty scary reminder of those events.

OMG... all those incidents are scary as. Especially because they're one on one. The movie Paranormal Activity made me paranoid afterwards. You gonna watch the 2nd one?
OMG... all those incidents are scary as. Especially because they're one on one. The movie Paranormal Activity made me paranoid afterwards. You gonna watch the 2nd one?
Mabye. But I've heard in this one, animals and children become possesed. If that is true, It'll be much more difficult since I find it very hard to watch any harm come to children or animals. I'll see how far I can get through it...

Mabye. But I've heard in this one, animals and children become possesed. If that is true, It'll be much more difficult since I find it very hard to watch any harm come to children or animals. I'll see how far I can get through it...

I was in the cinema the other day to see Dinner for Schmucks, and normally the trailers are the same genre as the movie. But fricken Paranormal Activity 2 came on and scared the hell out of me, as I was caught offguard. This one looked scarier because it had more posessed people in it. I will be watching it though lol.
My parents house is on a road that was built on an old roman burial ground, and when I was younger I would see things that I now believe to be ghosts (I was too young to understand at the time). My mother has also had a few experiences, such as the night that my grandfather died, before we knew that he had passed, he appeared to my mother and said that 'Everything will be alright', and another time an old lady appeared on my mums bed, crying. However we don't know who the lady is....

My mother has also had many experiences of seeing lights in the garden and an eerie silence, which she thinks were UFO's.
I've always loved this kind of stories, since I was a kid. There are a couple of things that happened to me, but I'm always trying to be on firm ground and think that was probably my head, the stress, etc. So I'm no completely sure :lol:
But the more I read about the universe, medicine or nature, the more I'm certain that there are billions of things (yes, "BILLIONS") that science can't explain.
The power of suggestion and imagination...
I'm a huge believer that your spirit lives on but it depends on the circumstances. For example, some people have died left with "unfinished business" that needs to be taken care of. If thats the case, that spirit / soul is left ... 'uncompleted' ; coming back for some closure.

I believe also, that some people die unexpectingly and they don't even know they are gone. So, they too, their souls / spirits are hanging around the place they died.

Then there are those people who while alive, are just evil spirited who don't forgive people. So when they do die, they will live in a forever in a state of evil, dark, demonic state. Most of the time, thats what the evil prescence is in a place that is haunted. That person who while living was just a bad, miserable, pessemisstic person.
I'm a huge believer that your spirit lives on but it depends on the circumstances. For example, some people have died left with "unfinished business" that needs to be taken care of. If thats the case, that spirit / soul is left ... 'uncompleted' ; coming back for some closure.

I believe also, that some people die unexpectingly and they don't even know they are gone. So, they too, their souls / spirits are hanging around the place they died.

Then there are those people who while alive, are just evil spirited who don't forgive people. So when they do die, they will live in a forever in a state of evil, dark, demonic state. Most of the time, thats what the evil prescence is in a place that is haunted. That person who while living was just a bad, miserable, pessemisstic person.

Hi BillieJean84

I too believe in life after death,spirits,ghosts etc. But I am a very spirtual person. Even more so after Michaels death and the effect that his death had on me. I was so affected like so many others for reasons I could not explain. I needed to know where he was, that he was OK. Now I do know where he is and that he is OK. If you really want to know what happens to a person after death then please read "The Journey Of Souls" by Michael Newton. He is a psycotherapist/hypnotherapist who was a complete sceptic about life after death and past lives. Till one day he accidentally regressed a patient into a previous life. he was able to check the facts that this person told him. The rest is history. Hvery now a believer and also very spiritual.You can also hear what he has to say on Youtube, for free. It was this book that started me on my spiritual path. Please note that I am talking about spirituality and not religion. There is a huge difference. Of course if a person is religious AND spiritual all the better. My life has completely changed for as a result. Michael was a very spiritual person. His words and music are full of messages and proof positive of his spirituality. I cannot make you believe what I believe, but I urge you to read that book. It might change your life as it did mine. I thank Michael for that. It was he that showed me the way.

God Bless

Hi BillieJean84

I too believe in life after death,spirits,ghosts etc. But I am a very spirtual person. Even more so after Michaels death and the effect that his death had on me. I was so affected like so many others for reasons I could not explain. I needed to know where he was, that he was OK. Now I do know where he is and that he is OK. If you really want to know what happens to a person after death then please read "The Journey Of Souls" by Michael Newton. He is a psycotherapist/hypnotherapist who was a complete sceptic about life after death and past lives. Till one day he accidentally regressed a patient into a previous life. he was able to check the facts that this person told him. The rest is history. Hvery now a believer and also very spiritual.You can also hear what he has to say on Youtube, for free. It was this book that started me on my spiritual path. Please note that I am talking about spirituality and not religion. There is a huge difference. Of course if a person is religious AND spiritual all the better. My life has completely changed for as a result. Michael was a very spiritual person. His words and music are full of messages and proof positive of his spirituality. I cannot make you believe what I believe, but I urge you to read that book. It might change your life as it did mine. I thank Michael for that. It was he that showed me the way.

God Bless


thank you for that. I like to think I am a "spirtual" person however, I need some work. I would like to read books on it and thats one I will have to get sometime.
BillieJean84;3027273 said:
I would like to read books on it and thats one I will have to get sometime.


Chico Xavier, born Francisco de Paula Cândido (April 2, 1910 - June 30, 2002) was a popular medium in Brazil's spiritism movement who wrote numerous books, ostensibly using a process known as "psychography".[1]

He was born in the city of Pedro Leopoldo, State of Minas Gerais and is popularly known as "Chico Xavier" (Chico is the Brazilian nickname for Francisco). His hand was said to be guided by spirits that wanted to leave a written message, or sometimes entire books. Xavier's spiritual guide was called Emmanuel. According to the medium's writings, in Roman times Emmanuel had been Senator Publius Lentulus; he had been reincarnated in Spain as Father Damian, and later as a professor at the Sorbonne.

Some of his books are considered by Brazilian spiritist followers to be fundamental for the comprehension of the practical and theoretical aspects of Allan Kardec's doctrine. As reported by Xavier, his spiritual guide Emmanuel specifically warned him that if any teaching seemed to be in contradiction with Jesus Christ's or Allan Kardec's teachings, that he should stay with Jesus Christ and Allan Kardec. Xavier believed that the message of Spiritism belonged to the world. He often stressed the point that none of the abilities attributed to him were really his, but that he was only a channel for the work of the spirits; that he was not able to produce any miracle, such as healing people, and he could not contact someone that was dead, unless that person was willing to be contacted.

His appearances on TV talk shows in the late 1960s and early 1970s helped to establish Kardecist Spiritism as one of the religions professed in Brazil. Xavier's popularity remained unchanged in Brazil throughout his life. Despite his health problems (general weakness as a consequence of old age), he kept working up to his death, on June 30, 2002 in Uberaba.

The Messengers

A Story from the spirit world

by Andre Luiz, through the mediumship of Francisco C. Xavier
reviewed by Theresa Welsh

Do you wonder what happens when you die? Would you like a tour of some regions of the astral world populated by spirits? I say "some regions" because the spirit world is a very large place and our tour guide, Andre Luiz, can only tell us about the places he actually visited. Andre Luiz is the "spirit pen name" for one of a number of spirits who dictated information and stories through the mediumship of Francisco "Chico" Xavier.

About Chico Xavier

Chico Xavier, almost unknown in the United States, was immensely popular in Brazil, where his books - over 400 received by automatic handwriting - have sold millions of copies. Xavier was born into a poor family in Minas Gerais in 1910. He had a difficult childhood, losing his mother at age five, but he soon showed psychic ability. He began to sense messages from spirits and one of his sisters was healed through Spiritist intervention.

As a young man, he began receiving documents through automatic handwriting, where a spirit literally moves the hand that writes words on paper. The literary output of Chico Xavier, covering many topics, became popular literature in Brazil. Xavier never took a cent from the sale of these books, instead becoming a one-man charitable institution for the poor of his native land. There is no doubt he was a sincere and saintly person and the many web sites (pretty much all in Portuguese) dedicated to his memory (he died in 2002) attest to how much he was loved and revered by Brazilians.
Spiritism is is the belief that spirits of the departed are all around us and that the physical world is influenced by, and influences, the spirit world. Much of its main ideas are in The Spirits Book, which was compiled by Allan Kardec in France in the mid 19th century. The Spiritist Doctrine was taken to Brazil by Brazilians educated in France and there it took hold with the general population.

The books of Chico Xavier are generally unavailable in English, but an organization called the Allan Kardec Education Association (AKES) has as its goal the translation of as many as possible, given time and funds, into the English language. Only two Chico Xavier books are currently available and The Messengers becomes the third. I admit to some personal excitement about this one because I had the privilege of editing the book. I got a thorough advance look at this tale of the afterlife from the spirit pen of Andre Luiz.

Nosso Lar

The book picks up the activities of Andre from a previous book, Nosso Lar. In that book, Andre had been rescued by spirit helpers from the "Lower Zone," an area of the astral plane that is close to earth and where spirits who passed over in poor spiritual condition find themselves. It is not a nice place to be, full of darkness, anger, hatred and nasty spirits who lash out at each other. In his physical life, Andre (who is called "Andy" in this book) had been a physician, but had spent his life in selfish pursuits, with little empathy for family or his patients. He had not had any particular religious beliefs and knew little or nothing about Spiritism. But after years of unhappy wandering in the Lower Zone, he regrets his past mistakes and, desiring to find a better existence, is ready for help. That help comes from rescuers from the astral colony of Nosso Lar, a place that is actually a city full of spirits, all engaged in learning how to help others. Mainly these helpers travel back to earth to assist people who need spiritual help. Interestingly, Andre is rescued by an angel named Clarence (think for a minute about the movie, It's a Wonderful Life)

In The Messengers, Andy is studying with instructors in Nosso Lar to become a helper, or messenger, to the people of earth. He listens to lectures, talks with instructors, and is finally given an assignment, along with another former physician, Vincent, to return to earth under the care of an advanced worker, Aniceto. Aniceto tells Andy that the task is difficult and that "we don't waste time whining or expecting praise every time we do a good job."
Andy goes to a lecture at The Messenger Center in an auditorium filled with other spirits and learns that most of the spirits sent to earth, either in a physical body or as spirit helpers, have failed in their assigned duties. The lecturer, Telesphor, paints a grim picture of the tasks ahead. Since this manuscript was received during the 1940s, the lecture includes reminders of the terrible war that rages on earth. After the lecture, Andy lingers to hear the stories of some of the other spirits in the audience. He mostly hears sad stories of past failures. Andy is a bit shaken, but ready to move forward.

The Journey Back to Earth

He finally departs from Nosso Lar with Vincent and Aniceto. Advanced spirits have the ability to move rapidly and safely from one place to another, and there is a safe pathway back to earth, but Andy and Vincent do not have enough spiritual energy to use this method, so they must make the trip by a longer and more difficult method. They come to a region that is dense, dark and a bit eerie. In this forbidding place, Andy suddenly becomes aware that his spirit body is radiating light! He is overwhelmed with joy at the realization that his spiritual energy is increasing. But the journey continues until they come ot an outpost surrounded by thick walls. This is a place of light in the dark region dedicated to helping the unfortunate spirits inhabiting this region. Here the messengers from Nosso Lar will rest and visit with Alfred, the administrator of the outpost.

The outpost is an amazing place, where the spirit helpers who live within its walls must defend against constant attacks from deranged discarnates whose anger and hatred cause fierce magnetic storms. Only within the walls can rescue and rehabilitation happen. The workers within minister to many confused and sick spirits who are well enough to receive help. They also have long wards of beds where the "sleepers" lay, reliving their worst actions on earth in a dreamlike state. Skilled workers assist these poor souls in an effort to awaken them to the reality of their situation.

Andy meets Alfred and his beautiful wife, Ismalia, who lives in a higher plane and is with Alfred only for a visit. Alfred has another sad story to tell, about his life on earth and a friend who told a false story about Ismalia, whom he had sexually harassed. A jealous Alfred believed the stories and left Ismalia and his children and only returned after Ismalia had passed on. When the man who had given false witness was on his death bed, he told Alfred the truth. When Afred passed on, he learned that Ismalia had worked to help him from the other side. He wanted to be with her again, but, due to his need to make amends, was only able to have her visit from time to time. Since becoming administrator of the Outpost, he had been working diligently to serve others.
Later we meet Paul, the man who had falsely accused Ismalia. He is tortured by the memory of what he did (not only to Ismalia, but other women as well) and the lives he helped ruin. We find that Alfred and Ismalia have not only forgiven him but are now working to help him. They are carrying out Jesus' dictum to do good to those who harm you.

Aniceto explains: "The criminal cannot run away from universal justice, because the crime committed will be carried in his or her conscience. On Earth or over here, each individual lives in the reality of his or her own interior world. We all have to live with the most intimate creations of our minds."
We meet other interesting characters at the Outpost and read about a beautiful prayer ceremony where Ismalia's prayer produces "a profusion of small bluish flowers" emanating from her heart and showering onto those present. A spectacle of "special effects" along with music makes this an event unique to the spirit world.

But soon the astral travelers continue their journey. It seems there are many modes of transportation in the spirit world and in this case, Alfred provides a car and driver to take the travelers through some difficult areas ahead. They used "volitation" to get the rest of the way to coast of Brazil. (Volitation is a method of "flying" - just moving without using your feet).

Activities In Rio

Their final destination is a home in a poor section of Rio de Janeiro. This home is occupied by a widow, Isabel, and her five children, but is also a sort of "safe house" for spirit workers. Isabel has four girls and a boy. The girls and their mother are tuned in to the spirits around them, but the boy is different and takes no interest in the spiritual activities of the home, causing sorrow for Isobel. We learn a great deal about how spirits and humans interact from this part of the story. We learn that much spiritual activity goes on at night, when those in the body can leave their physical body and join the spirits. Isabel's deceased husband, Isadore, joins her and other incarnate persons also come, in their spirit bodies. Many spirit helpers arrive at the home and Andy learns a lot about the activities of these spirit helpers.

We learn that even on earth (maybe especially on earth), there are demented spirits who try to disrupt the helpers. In fact, Andy is amazed at the number of dark-looking spirits who seem to be everywhere around town. He says that anywhere he went, there were easily as many discarnates as people in the flesh. As Andy gains spiritual strength, he is able to see more and more of what had been invisible to him before.

Here is an interesting conversation between Aniceto and Andy as they rested in the countryside from their work:

"But does the mental matter emitted by individuals also have a life of its own, just like microbes that generate physical illnesses"?

"And could it be any different? You both know that incarnated humans are both physical and psychological beings. When one examines a physical illness, one doesn't take into consideration only the physiological situation, but also the psychological status of the individual."

"If the sick body produces millions of pathogenic microorganisms, so does the sick mind launch millions of mental forms into the environment. In this way, when it comes to people who have no knowledge of spiritual realities, not only the bodies, but also the minds, become ill. "

And another interesting passage from the same section of the story:

"As we all know, no living creature could survive on Earth without nitrogen. Although humans move around in an ocean of nitrogen and breathe in approximately one thousand liters per day, they cannot absorb it directly from the air. For the time being, God has not permitted the development of cells in the human body which are capable of spontaneously absorbing nitrogen, such as is the case for oxygen. It is only the plant kingdom which is capable of removing nitrogen from the soil and fixing it, so that other beings can live. Each grain of wheat is a blessing, and each fruit is a receptacle of sugar and albumin, loaded with indispensable nitrogen. All farming and cattle ranches are nothing more than the organized and methodological search for this precious element. If humans could fix only a small part of the nitrogen that they take in daily, Earth would be transformed into a true spiritual paradise. But if the Lord gives us much, it is also reasonable that He expects us to collaborate and make an effort towards our own happiness. Even in "Nosso Lar", we are far from being able to absorb our nutrition entirely from the air. And humanity, my friends, transforms the search for nitrogen into a mayhem of uncontrolled passions, hurting and being hurt, offending and being offended, enslaving and becoming enslaved, always surrounded by darkness …"

Giving Assistance

Finally, Andy attends a special meeting at the home of Isabel. It is meant as a rehabilitation process for the many suffering spirits who the helpers bring to the meeting. Aniceto explains that the anguished-looking spirits being helped into the house are living in a world of their own making. He says:
"The concept of the oneness of the universe is a vision not all can grasp, and it can cost a high price that we are not always willing to pay. We find it tough to do away with old habits and get on the right path. Under these circumstances, once we discarnate, the environment that we will find ourselves in will be full of the mental creations that we lived with while incarnated. Consequently, it's logical that those who thought and talked about nothing else but their illnesses will find themselves enslaved to these thoughts once in the spiritual world."

The helpers begin to provide "magnetic treatments" to the sick spirits. Andy joins in this work and finds he has cured a spirit of her blindness. He is startled as she says to him, "Who are you, Messenger of God?" Andy is naturally shaken by this experience. Aniceto tells him not to be affected by the woman's natural reaction and go on with his work and Andy finds he is not successful with everyone he tries to heal.

At the meeting are also people in the flesh, and several engage in a conversation about the work of mediums. There is a discussion of "phony mediums" and other problems with the process. We learn that good communication between the physical and spiritual planes depends on a lot of factors and can be disrupted by bad intentions or the presence of individuals not ready for serious communication. It is an imperfect process with many pitfalls.

Aniceto, Andy and Vincent are called to help a woman who has just died and is afraid to leave her physical body. She is in the morgue, lying on a slab, with the spirit of a young man who loved her close by, trying to coax her from her body. Aniceto takes over and tells the women that he is a doctor who has a new treatment. The woman is relieved and says she has had a bad dream in which she died and saw her fiancé. Aniceto tells her "Death doesn't exist...just believe in life" They go on to help another dying man, whose spirit mother is by him, trying to help him separate. He too is helped to peacefully pass to the world of spirit.

Finally, Andy's first experience as a Messenger was over, and it was time to return to Nosso Lar.

The story of Andy's experiences as a Messenger makes interesting reading and as you can see from this summary, there are many ideas in this material that are generally unfamiliar, such as: The spirit world has colonies and outposts; spirits travel by flying, walking and even by vehicles; spirits are all around us and can influence us; spirits assist us when we are dying so we can separate from our bodies; spirits use magnetic healing.

The Messengers comes with an Introduction, a Prologue and a Preface. There is also a glossary in the back that gives more information on Spiritist concepts.

To purchase a copy, see the Allan Kardec Educational Association (AKES) website

Personal Note: I had the privilege of introducing The Messengers at the book launch on July 9 at the Community Church of New York. The audience filled the church as several speakers gave their views on the life of Chico Xavier. I gave a fifteen minute talk on the adventures of Andre Luiz as told in The Messengers, explaining that the truths in this manuscript are the same as many very ancient spiritual traditions and also bear a striking resemblance to the revelations in the Readings of Edgar Cayce.

The main speaker was the very dynamic Divaldo Franco, who spoke in Portuguese. Those of us who don't know that language had headphones with a simultaneous translation. It was clear that many in the audience DID know Portuguese, as many were Brazilian. Spiritism is primarily a Brazilian movement, but a number of organizations in the US are working to bring its literature to an English-speaking audience. The Spiritism Group of New York is one of those organizations.
"People can cause "inexplicable" phenomena in altered states of consciousness. All these forces come from the unconscious. The conscious mind is only as a witness. Therefore the need to attribute the phenomena to demons, fairies and spirits and genies - to taste the consumer." Oscar González Quevedo's words. Doctor of Theology, Parapsychology University Teacher at UNISAL and at The Latin American Center of Parapsychology (CLAP).ález_Quevedo
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Lainy;3100593 said:
"People can cause "inexplicable" phenomena in altered states of consciousness. All these forces come from the unconscious. The conscious mind is only as a witness. Therefore the need to attribute the phenomena to demons, fairies and spirits and genies - to taste the consumer." Oscar González Quevedo's words. Doctor of Theology, Parapsychology University Teacher at UNISAL and at Center American Latin of Parapsychology (CLAP).ález_Quevedo

Lainy, I am curious about the original quote before the translation. There are a few things that don't seem logical in English.

It wouldn't be very logical for things to occur from a state of unconsciousness when one is-well- unconscious. Did it say SUBconscious in the original quote?
I don't understand the last part- "to taste the consumer?"
thank you for that. I like to think I am a "spirtual" person however, I need some work. I would like to read books on it and thats one I will have to get sometime.

Hi, you might find this book interesting. It's definitely a bit "drier" in it's language and some of it's subjects- but you can even read this book bit by bit as things interest you on a personal level.

It is one of the best works ever written by someone who tried to find "realm and reason" in this area without pulling things out of thin air, because things can actually make sense.

This book definitely has been written by someone who is influenced by the idea of a Christian God- just wanted to mention that.

If you keep in mind that it was not written by contemporaries in our time- I think you might still enjoy it.


I think it is available as a PDF.

Some info on Allan Kardec:

I loved it so much, I do own a hardcopy of this and other writings.

I don't take everything printed there as gospel either, since Mr. Kardec was simply one of the first to bring some "order" to things. It was still a fascinating read.

Hope that helps! :yes:
I cant say I believe in any specific theories, nor do I have any explanation for the things I have witnessed.

I used to live in an appartment that was in an old house. I had a cat that sometimes went absolutely crazy, walking back and forth meowing frantically at a wall, where there was nothing, all hair standing up. Regularly, I used to wake up at 4 am (sharp) but the hardwood floor creaking under footsteps going from the bathroom, around the couch, up to the bedroom door where they stopped. Of course, I couldnt see anything or anyone there. One night, my boyfriend and I were awoken with a start by a huge noise of broken glass coming from the kitchen (it was just on the other side of the bedroom wall). We thought the dishes had fallen or something, so we went to the kitchen. There was nothing. It was 4 am sharp.
One day I was there on my own, I saw the light being turned off in the living room. When I checked, it had been switched off.

About 4 years ago, I bought an appartment in what used to be the attic of a very old house, 100 years old now.
I brought a guitar one day. That same night, I was awaken by the sound of a string being pulled. Then I heard a laughter, female, young, sounding very happy at the joke. As I found out the following morning, the string was broken; same thing happened 2 more times, then I got rid of the damn guitar, coz u know, I need my sleep.
I've heard people whispering loud enough to wake me up; it was coming from the exact same place as the laugh, near my bed.
My TV and phone sometimes stop working all the sudden, when all the other appliances plugged on the same trailing socket are working fine. I've got a lamp that turns itself on and off, when its digital clock doesnt...

I'm quite interested. I called my ghost Ginette, and told her if she didnt like the name, she could write hers on the bathroom mirror. Nothing so far.
Pace said:
Lainy, I am curious about the original quote before the translation. There are a few things that don't seem logical in English.

It wouldn't be very logical for things to occur from a state of unconsciousness when one is-well- unconscious. Did it say SUBconscious in the original quote?
I don't understand the last part- "to taste the consumer?"

No, that was a literal translation of what he had spoken in interview for a brazilian magazine. An altered state of consciousness (ASC) or altered state of mind, is any condition which is significantly different from a normal waking beta wave state. And "to taste the consumer" that was a joke he made to say that people attribute the phenomena to demons, and spirits or anything. Anyway I apologize because English isn't my first language so I didn't knew that expression was unknow. :)

I'll post again here maybe it's better to understanding now.

Originally Posted by Lainy
"People can cause "inexplicable" phenomena in altered states of consciousness. All these forces come from the unconscious. The conscious mind is only a witness. That's why the need to attribute the phenomena to demons, fairies and spirits and genies." Oscar González Quevedo's words. Doctor of Theology, Parapsychology University Teacher at UNISAL and at The Latin American Center of Parapsychology (CLAP).

Here is the website where you can read about (portuguese, spanish, english, french)
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