"Pants on the Ground" singer Larry Platt beaten to death


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
MJ's home state of Indiana!
This is so sad. :(

“Pants on the Ground” singer and “American Idol” sensation Larry Platt was found dead last night outside a convenience store in downtown Atlanta. According to witnesses at the store, Platt was beaten to death by a group of young men who were loitering in the store’s parking lot.

“There were six or seven gang bangers in baggy pants hanging out in the parking lot, and this old guy walked up to them and started singing and dancing,” said Marcus Lee, the store’s owner. “When he got to the second verse, they started beating on him.”

“I called the police, but by the time they arrived you couldn’t even recognize his face because of all the blood.”

A memorial for Platt is planned for this Saturday.
whaaaa? i just saw him on american idol last week
and i read most of the comments on that article they said its fake .
This would suck but he was on AI just the other day for the final and this was posted January 29 so using my awesome date skills if he did die then its a bit of a miracle that he was on AI
I think it's fake. The story is too ironic and that looks like just a random picture of cops.
So this is fake?
Oh my gosh...I'm so glad it's fake. That would be so sad if this actually happened. :(
Thank god it anit true.

Whoever made this rumor up should be ashamed of themselves!