'Paedophilia is Hollywood's biggest problem,' explosive claim by former child star Corey Feldman


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Actor Corey Feldman has sensationally claimed that his Lost Boys co-star Corey Haim was the victim of a paedophile who was also a Hollywood mogul.

The Lost Boys actor said he was 'literally surrounded' by paedophiles at the age of 14, but didn't realise 'until I was much older what they were and what they wanted.'
In a special report, 'Underage And Famous' for ABC's Nightline show, Feldman blamed former co-star Corey Haim's death at the age 38 on the abuse he suffered at the hands of a 'Hollywood mogul' he refused to name.


The 40-year-old former child star said that paedophiles were 'like vultures' in the entertainment industry and alleged that the 'casting couch' even applies to children.
The pair were two the Eighties biggest child stars, alongside River Phoenix, and in addition to The Lost Boys, Feldman starred in iconic eighties movies The Goonies, Stand By Me and The 'Burbs.

He told Nightline: 'The number one problem in Hollywood was, is and always will be paedophilia," he said.

'It's all done under the radar... But it's the big secret.'
'There was a circle of older men that surrounded themselves around this group of kids. And they they had power or connections to great power in the industry.
'I was surrounded by them when I was 14 and I didnt even know it. It was only when I was old enough to know what they were.
'They all had either their own power, or connections to great power in the entertainment industry.'

In 2008, the pair who confronted each other on their reality show, The Two Coreys. Haim said to Feldman: 'You let me get f***** around in my life, raped, when I was about 14 and a half.

'So I'm asking you, what did you do when you saw that s*** going down?'

To which Feldman responded: 'I was being molested at the same time... what did you do about it?'

In 2008, the pair who confronted each other on their reality show, The Two Coreys. Haim said to Feldman: 'You let me get f***** around in my life, raped, when I was about 14 and a half.

'So I'm asking you, what did you do when you saw that s*** going down?'

To which Feldman responded: 'I was being molested at the same time... what did you do about it?'

Feldman was not invited to the funeral of his former co-star.

While his career has not reached the stellar heights of his child actor years, he recently starred alongside 80's pop star Debbie Gibson as Kathy Beth Terry's parents, Katy Perry's alter-ego in her Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) video.

Last year his rock group Feldman and Truth Movement released the Eco friendly album Titled "Technology Analogy".

We have to emphasize he does NOT talk about Michael, even though the media tried to make it look like that the first time he came out with such allegations years ago. But he made it clear he was NOT referring to Michael:

Corey Feldman has denied suggestions he was molested by Michael Jackson as a child, following his and Corey Haim's shocking abuse revelations on their reality TV show.

During an argument in the new series of The Two Coreys, the former 80s child stars allege that they were both victims of sexual abuse.

Haim claims that he was raped by a friend of Feldman's at age 14, then Feldman admits that he too was abused by "someone."

Contrary to speculation, Feldman insists in a new interview that this 'someone' is NOT Michael Jackson.

He says in the July issue of GQ, "People can say whatever they want, but it wasn't Michael. He and I have our own issues, but that wasn't one of them. The bottom line is, I know who it was. I didn't know how to cut him off. Not only did I continue being friends with the guy, but he was working for me. The guy that did this to me was my assistant.

“He would come in when I was sleeping. I would wake up and I would know what was going on, but I would just try to ignore it and hope that he would go away, which is how kids who aren't ready to deal with something deal with it. I was still a virgin at the time. I hadn't even had sex with a girl. So for me it was just kind of bewildering. “

What the shocking allegations tumble forth below.


In fact, Corey Feldman was interviewed by the police in 1993 and they were trying to make him say Michael molested him, despite of him saying it never happened. Instead he told them the name of someone who did molest him, but the police didn't care about that info. All they wanted was to make him say MJ molested him.

As for the claims he makes, I can believe this. I wonder how many real molesters are out there while the authorities and the media were chasing an innocent man.
This is scary when you think about it..............

But he should just come forward and say the names of the molesters...........

.....I'm sure there will be other victims who might also come forward as well............

.....All these sick people must be brought to justice!!!!!
In my opinion it's a bit strange to sit on TV to talk about the fact that he was abused by Hollywood people, but no names mentioned. So what is to be achieved with the interview? At the end of the day he receives a salary for the interview and nothing more does not happen then to put out a few speculations in the world. In my opinion Feldmann is a suspicious character. The next will come is a book.
I think that most MJ fans have a thing aganist Corey, Id say they hate anything connected to MJ and Corey, but I dont think that Corey would lie, literally as for the molestation allegations..., but on the other hand, there has been NO investigation, no official accusations against anybody... so...
anyway, we all know it happened, is happening and will be ...
Corey might know some things about Hollywood secrets, but the guy is so obviously attention-seeking that it's hard to believe much of what he says. He's probably right that it's a problem in the industry, but was he really surrounded by them at 14? And, why didn't he figure it out until much later?
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Corey has no credibility so frankly hes like the boy who cried wolf. Name names or say nothing but he likes the attention
he's saying it for attention but hollyWEIRD is satanical, i hope the next cali earthquake sinks that slimepit, the moguls and its alien values.
It makes sense he doesn't want to name names. He could be sued for tons of money by the people being named. He'd better have videotape proof or something if he named names.
I'm still grateful that Corey didn't refer Michael, but still I don't care about him and still don't trust one bit.
Quite frankly, who knows. However, one has to give him credit for explicitly saying it wasn't Michael. He could just have kept mum and probably made more money with the mere speculation, however, he said it wasn't Michael nonetheless. With that said, a lot of what he says is a bit off, especially his reluctance to name names. He'd be far more credible if he told people who this pedophile was--he might be right, it might be a problem in the industry (which would not surprise me), however...this problem will remain a problem until people speak up. Getting paid to do interviews which reveal nothing is not speaking up--naming names and bringing true attention to the problem is.

Feldman should reassess his priorities and think about what he's saying. His reluctance to specify contributes to the problem.
I read this speculation that Corey Feldman was talking about Joel Schumacher from another board:


From iamprobablynot:

I have seen speculation implicating Joel Schumacher in Corey Haim and Corey Feldman's allegations, and therefore think it is worth mentioning Brad Renfro. He was a young Hollywood actor who died of a 'heroin overdose' in 2008, aged 25, after years of drug problems.

Renfro made his Hollywood Debut in 1994 at age 12 in 'The Client'. Directed by? Joel Schumacher.


I think iamprobablynot is correct, that is who CF is talking about. Hopefully the truth comes to light.:ph34r:
I'm still grateful that Corey didn't refer Michael, but still I don't care about him and still don't trust one bit.

he did when interviewed by bashir. made comments about the STD book and let bashir run with it
That's quite disturbing. On the other hand, I'm glad he denied it being Michael to the media. That's a really great thing. I don't know what other issues they may have had but I'm glad he has made it clear that it was nothing sexual or abusive. Of course, not that the media or haters care...

He should reveal the name of his abuser. Then the media could finally move on to a real molester rather than a falsely accused one.
Something tells me that there's strange things going on in Hollywood. Could it have something to do with these "Illuminati" conspiracy theories?
That's quite disturbing. On the other hand, I'm glad he denied it being Michael to the media. That's a really great thing. I don't know what other issues they may have had but I'm glad he has made it clear that it was nothing sexual or abusive. Of course, not that the media or haters care...

He should reveal the name of his abuser. Then the media could finally move on to a real molester rather than a falsely accused one.

I agree.
Michael Jackson:

Imitated... Impersonated

But NEVER duplicated... we love? you Michael Jackson... RIP
^Ehm...what does that have to do with the topic at hand?

In regards to the actual topic, I agree in that there is something strange going on in Hollywood, but I think this has always been the case. Do I think there is some sort of secret society out to get us? No. The very idea is ridiculous. I think it's all power games and basic greed, when you get powerful enough, you can get people to do things for you, to cover up other things, etc. It's a really nasty environment, and Michael was completely out of place amongst such monsters.

So, Feldman may be on to something, but it would help tons if he revealed who his molester was. Otherwise, it's just another thin-air allegation without substance, as far as we're concerned. If the man in question really did what Feldman claims, he ought to reveal him for the whole world to see, and there better be no ulterior motives on Feldman's part--that's the other problem. If Hollywood has a pedophilia problem, it also has a "false allegation" problem, and I'm not just talking about the cases which pertain to Michael.