Over 18 or so? (I'm inebriated thread)


So I noticed there was not a thread about this topic.. and I'm sloshed, slightly falling off my seat and bored, not quit ready to sleep. Alone and pathetically typing while drunk and I figured this forum needs a place for those who are not quite able to string together a sobriety filled thought.

Nose is pleasantly tingly and the rest of my face is numb.

I rarely ever drink but it seems that when I do, I get lonely if left alone. I don't feel like sleeping. Don't feel like being alone, so thought I'd post a stupid post.

Add to it if you'd like. Maybe tomorrow it'll be deleted, or maybe I can read it and roll my eyes at myself.

So how's it going? Anyone?

I miss that man... I miss our MJ. I wish more men could be like him. Those who are, Thank you! love ya.
Sorry for not setting a perfect example (to the kids):angel:< ? slightly tarnished.
Nose is pleasantly tingly and the rest of my face is numb.

I miss that man... I miss our MJ. I wish more men could be like him. Those who are, Thank you! love ya.

LMAO (I'm not laughing at you but your funny post) Definitely not toasted over here but I enjoyed reading what you had to say.

And Amen to the words about MJ :clapping:

By the way, you typed quite well for being drunk :yes:
Thank you :) I tried. If you could see me you'd laugh even harder. I am sort of sliding off my chair and my headi s tilted totally sideways. Please feel free to laugh :)

yup , still missing the whipper snapper. (just checked)
Hahaha classic :p

Nice Thread. I'm sure plenty of us Aussie's will pop in here :p Especially on Tuesday...as it's Australia day!

My bet is on Misty to make an appearance if she sees this thread :lol:
poifect! (perfect) I could use some company. How can I possibly type without making many errors right now? How is that really possible? I must be making extra effort. That' s the only explanation I have.

I friken miss everybody.... :( life would be happier with people in real offline life. bitter sweet this online stuff is.

ok looking forward to all the Aussies taking over in here :)

angel :heart: welcome back babes , :huggy:
nice thread, im never on the computer when im drunk, id probably get in trouble for the stuff id write lmao
lol, I forgot about this. I'm surprised people can still post in here. I'm not drunk or even drinking. I was just looking back on old posts. I think I might type better when drunk now that I see this. haha