Our Mission


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
St.Petersburg, FL
I wanted to take this time to express something that I have been thinking about the last day or so. Now that the passing of the King has finally hit me and I have realized that it is real, I was thinking, where do we go from here? Then it hit me. It is our mission as fans from this point forward to help carry Michaels legacy on and cultivate it so it will live on forever. I believe it is our mission to do whatever we need to do as fans to make sure Michael is never forgotten and hopefully that he will be even more successful in death as he was in life. I think this includes requesting his music on the radio whenever you can and keeping up with whatever new product is put out there and support it as much as we can. With the outpouring of emotion I have seen over the past few days tells me that Michael can be bigger and more sucessful then Elvis was after death. He doesnt have to be that but I just believe we owe it to Michael to keep supporting him and his music until we pass ourselves and before we do make sure that some else will follow in our footsteps. Michael will truely be immortal. I know this probably didnt make a whole lot of sense but it is something I needed to get out.
