Our MISSION now as fans


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Vitoria, Brazil
We are the ones responsible to keeping his legacy alive!

And Im not talking about his music...this will naturally be forever acknowledged and respected. What we need to do is beyond his career achievements.

We have to do what he taught us to do all along and spread his message to the world.
Love. Give. Help. Heal. Respect.
We now have to reproduce all the good works he did, the charity, the help he gave to people whether financially or emotionally or spiritually.
He'll no longer be here on Earth to materialize his givings, so its up to us now to do it for the others in his name, in his honour, in his memory.

Lets make that change he asked us to do. Lets heal the world and make it a better place like he did.

Great message and good thread. Maybe the reason it's not getting a lot of responses is becuz it's still a little early for some of us to think about this. We're still grieving and trying to process why Michael isn't here himself to continue the message with us. Once the healing begins...it might be easier to carry this out ourselves. I dunno.
:( Great message tho.
wendy I agree with you. People will do what Michael said after they have healed a little. Right now it is still to fresh we dont even have all the answers to our questions yet. We may never have all the answers.
I completely agree. I have been feeling this strongly. I wish we could form a charity in his honor. I don't have the faintest clue how to do so, but someone out there must.
Lovely thread Telha, and you're absolutely right, it's our responsability to make him proud and honor his values.
I agree. And we should also keep his memory alive like Elvis's family do for him. He has been gone for years but you'll never know it by the way they celebrate him.
Remember: "Everyday create you history, every step you take you're leaving your legacy"
Now his legacy is in our hands...lets be a part of his legacy.

In every second of ur days, in every action, try to remember what he taught us...try to be like he was to other people...always remember to be kind, humble, caring and sweet...when u have the opportunity to help someone in any way, dont hesitate to do so.

He'll be smiling in heaven everytime he sees us doing the good works he taught us! :flowers:
I know. I agree, we MUST do this. We must continue to love him and stick with him (mentally) like we always did during the hard times.

I miss my angel, i really, really do.
Yes, we all do and always will...but this mission we have now is why we cannot give up on life and commit suicide...we cant be selfish and only think about our pain...everyone is in pain and by spreading his message we'll keep him alive forever...
Yes, we all do and always will...but this mission we have now is why we cannot give up on life and commit suicide...we cant be selfish and only think about our pain...everyone is in pain and by spreading his message we'll keep him alive forever...

thank you, Telha...i totally agree with you...but i and many other fans cant coupe with that pain ...i'm too weak to spread his message right now...oh, Michael please give us power to overcome that pain and begin to act...
Absolutely, good thread.. we must keep his message alive:)
I think MJ fans are good people anyway... :)

Pass it on!
thank you, Telha...i totally agree with you...but i and many other fans cant coupe with that pain ...i'm too weak to spread his message right now...oh, Michael please give us power to overcome that pain and begin to act...

i know sweetie...ive been feeling so weak too...

but people who i thought didnt really care about me has sent messages to comfort me, they sent me some love so the least i could do was to send that love back...so i thanked everyone rom the bottom of my heart...thats what i was able to do now...tomorrow will be a new day and we'll a little more healed and be able to do a little more :flowers:

Im now much more concerned about those who I love too...giving more attention and love and letting them know how much I love them...I'll be, from now on, taking care for my parents and my boyfriend just like they always took care of me. I will not loose them. I will always let them know how much I love them.

We can act in every little thing...

spread love, my brothers and sisters :)
YES YES YES!! I've telling all my mj friends this is what we do now. this what michael jackson fans are now. We are humanitarians now
YES YES YES!! I've telling all my mj friends this is what we do now. this what michael jackson fans are now. We are humanitarians now
Me too. Today I was able to handle dancing around my living room to some MJ music without crying too much (not slow songs, though - not yet) and I chose to listen to APoM and We Are Here to Change the World and Can You Feel It. And I remembered so much that even as a kid, I always felt like there was so much more to... to... I don't know how to explain it... I mean like all of us (Michael and all of us fans). We are here to change the world. We felt it, it was awakened in us through him, by him, with him, and now we must continue the journey. Unfortunately without our beloved Michael, but we must carry on, for him, for us, for everyone. I know Michael's had a huge impact on my life and I could let all the things he's stood for into my life further. And I want to.
One thing I wanna keep on doing and doing a lot more for is helping the abandoned sick and homeless animals I already help in my town...
other thing is take care of our environment, recycle, plant trees or other plants in his memory, use less energy, etc..

and one thing I was never good at but want to change is my relationship with children...I never felt close to them, I never could connect with them or...dunno how to put in words exactly but I never could get along with them well...i feel like they never like me or i just dont know how to talk to them...
i always admired how Michael connected with them in such a level he did...I never got even half of that around kids...
but I'll try to change that...like he taught me...i will love the children and help them...
when im ready to be a mother and i have a son, his name will be Michael.

Amen :angel:

What are ur goals to improve in ur mission from now on??