Our forever love


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys, I want to share with you this video I've made for Michael. I started it way back in July and finished it on December 25th. The reason it took so long is that I have been following Michael's advice; "When you feel angry or sad, have your moment, and then say to yourself, 'that's enough for today'". The lyrics in the song say "Fly me up to where you are", and the moments I have been feeling so down I've wanted Michael to come and take me away from earth are the only ones I've spent making the video... So for me, it's very emotional. I hope you all enjoy it as well.


(Youtube removed it due to copyrights but I hope Megavideo works well.)
Oh God... :weeping: :cry: I just cried right when the song started... it made me feel very emotional. I miss him... I miss you, Michael.
Thanks for sharing.
I was wondering, does anyone know how to "trick" the Youtube soundtrack system? I really want this video (with sound) on Youtube, but even though the song is already uploaded there before, it won't let me! :(