Our Christmas Gifts To Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Hi, I thought it would be a really nice gesture if we all made our own Christmas gifts for Michael this year. You can make cards in photoshop, make a collage of pictures or make your own MJ video etc. And then post them here when they are complete so others can enjoy your Christmas gift to Michael too.

It may be a tad early yet, but given more time, a lot of work can be put into the gifts and I'm sure they'll all be wonderful no matter what ideas you come up with.

I'll be looking forward to seeing everyones gifts!
Lovely idea! I was just watching his "first christmas" video clip earlier. I think it would be a wonderful gesture for all of us to do somethin' special for him even though he's gone. I think he'll still see and appreciate the love. :heart:
Beautiful idea. I'll be making something, even though my photoshop skills are pretty dire to say the least!
That is a wonderful idea. I will come up with something later. But these pictures can it be pictures of Michael or yourself? Because I have more pictures of Michael on my computer than I have of me.

It can be pictures of anything you want! Yourself, your friends, family, Michael, a mixture! Anything. As long as it expresses your love for Michael, that's all that counts. :)
I'll be volunteering, just like I did on his birthday. I'll take pictures and use those. :)
My gift to Michael will be making sure the children in my life (brothers and sisters and boyfriends neice and nephew) have a beautiful and memorable day. I will also be sponsering a child and I have asked everybody to donate money to my Uganda fund instead of giving me gifts so that I can pay for my flights to work in the orphanage next year
I really want to give for Christmas, like to a child less fortunate. They had this setup when I was in junior high and high school. There was a Christmas tree with tags that had the name and age of a child on it. You'd attach the tag to a gift, which could be anything like a toy and then put it under the tree. Then the gift gets delivered to the child. I used to do that, and now I'd like to do it again. That would be my gift for Michael I think. That is L.O.V.E. :)
What a wonderful idea!! Love it!
I think we should all also put Michael on top of the christmas tree, 'cause he's a beautiful angel now. xxxxx
When I was at school what we did every christmas was make up a shoe box of some toys, colouring pencils, colouring books, some old t-shirts, toothbrush, balls etc and sent them to children in Romanian orphanages. I am thinking of getting everyone at my work to make up a box each and we can send them to Romanian children, all in Michael's honour.
What a wonderful idea!! Love it!
I think we should all also put Michael on top of the christmas tree, 'cause he's a beautiful angel now. xxxxx

That is such a nice idea I love it :clapping: :angel:

I want to do something for the children as well this year.