Our Birthday gift to Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sydney, Australia
Is to smile.

I know a lot of us are still grieving the loss of Michael, but I just hope we all can bring a smile to our faces today.

Michael loved his fans. Michael loved to celebrate birthdays.

Michael's fans made him smile. Celebrating people's birthday's made Michael smile.

Today, don't be sad that Michael is gone. Be happy that he was here.

Remember all the wonderful memories, throw on an upbeat Michael track and be happy today. Dance. Laugh. Smile. Celebrate.

I hope we can all just smile today, for him. He would want that. He would love that.

awwww your right, I hope that yur idea can make-al least just for a moment- thge fans happy, and can make them forget just for a second that we are sad
mm.....you're right. today is a beautiful day, and we should not be sad.
If we're happy, Michael will happy too^^
You're right.
I tried to get it off my mind by going out today and just walking around. I was afraid to come home and be on here because I didn't want to be sad. I know Michael wants us to smile and be happy that he was here. It's very hard but just try for Michael. :)
It's a bittersweet day today. I feel proud of myself and of Michael, yet sad he's not here. But I have smiled. I smile everyday. He has taught me that. :)