Orianthi says MJ didn't seem to be in bad health at all..

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Of course he was healthy.

Who said he wasn´t???
a lot of people said he wasn't.

True...because many WANTED to believe he was a drug ridden, emaciated mess. The Diane Dimond's were salivating with the prospect and lied all over the place.

Remember, when some old marijuana was found in his rental home (which could have belonged to the actual owner of the home or even previous renters), they tried to make it out as heroin!!

Sick depraved rumor mongers crawl out of all kinds of woodwork and holes to disparage Michael's name.
True...because many WANTED to believe he was a drug ridden, emaciated mess. The Diane Dimond's were salivating with the prospect and lied all over the place.

Remember, when some old marijuana was found in his rental home (which could have belonged to the actual owner of the home or even previous renters), they tried to make it out as heroin!!

Sick depraved rumor mongers crawl out of all kinds of woodwork and holes to disparage Michael's name.

.....where have you been for the past three months? Haha.

he doesn't deal with those threads. he's only interested in the ones that disseminate whether Mike sang his songs LIVE lol.

EDIT: btw, did you guys hear the podcast of her full interview? it's actually great. she talks a lot about the rehearsals and how she met Michael and her audition and what he was like. she's great. I love her. I think she'll be one of the guitar greats someday if she sticks to it and chooses well. it's really sad she didn't get to do this all the way with Michael.
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There's 2 or 3 threads already about Orianthi's interviews.
well..like you said...she did many. this is one subject of importance..
and it's not like this is anything new. if quincy jones says something, somebody posts a thread. then if quincy says something else new that is different from what he said before, somebody posts a second thread on that.
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i make a concerted effort to make sure it isn't repeated..and i couldn't find it. if you would be so kind, pls provide the link. otherwise, pls consider the bigness of the forum, and the importance of the subject matter..
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