Organized Religion - Agree or Disagree?

Organized Religion - Agree or Disagree?

  • Agree

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 16 80.0%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So, a buddy of mine is doing a research paper and he needs as many numbers as he can get.

Do you agree with organized religion?

This has nothing to do with God or a divine being, just organized religion (Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, etc)

I searched and saw a thread on this, but he needs a recent poll with actual percentages. Thanks. :)
is there a yaynay option? lol


I disagree also. I have strong faith in God, but I am not in any organisation. I'm a christian simply because that's the way I grow up and it's geographical as well. I don't "fit" in in the organized relegions. It is so many things I can't relate to. I like to be free.
Mmm! your gettin pretty deep here...

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
Maybe it's just me but I'm not getting the question?

Is it...
Do I agree with my religion if I belong into an organized one?
Then my answer would be:
I do agree more with it, then I disagree... but for sure I'm not in love with everything every member of my religion is preaching in it's name all around the world! lol

Is it...
Do I agree with ppl being free to organize themselves into religious groups?
Then my answer would be:
Yes freedom of ppl (if not an illusion already) is the most precious to fight for.

Is it...
Do I agree with every given concept of those organized religious groups?
Then my answer would be:
Nope I certainly doubt the concept of Scientology for example... but then again that's maybe leading too far.
I'm a bit confused about what's being asked, as well :unsure:

Do I agree that there should be more than one religion in the world, despite some obvious similarities between them?


Do I consider myself to belong to a certain form of religion?

I dunno, I think my mind is a bit twisted and I read too much into some things, lol. :innocent:
i think it's more simpler, Mechi, in that if you agree with the concept of group organisation with any perscribed set of dogmas, absolute morals and practices; religious doctrine.
i think it's more simpler, Mechi, in that if you agree with the concept of group organisation with any perscribed set of dogmas, absolute morals and practices; religious doctrine.

Then I say as a member I clearly agree as long as noone is forced to become and/or be and/or stay a member of the religous organizations.

Freedom is a precious gift.

Thanks for clearing that up for my stupid me arxter.
Thanks for clearing that up for my stupid me arxter.
get out of here

Then I say as a member I clearly agree as long as noone is forced to become and/or be and/or stay a member of the religous organizations.

Freedom is a precious gift.
i respect your view, but just how free is a young mind when they're subjected to such doctrine from birth? i find discomfort in the raising of children through these dogmas that i see unnecessary since a child can accept some of the basic humanitarian morals and ethics without this loaded aspect of religion.
get out of here

i respect your view, but just how free is a young mind when they're subjected to such doctrine from birth? i find discomfort in the raising of children through these dogmas that i see unnecessary since a child can accept some of the basic humanitarian morals and ethics without this loaded aspect of religion.

It's the parents chosing the kindergarden, it's the parents chosing often enough the friends (at least in the early years), it's the parents chosing the schools, so it's the parents sometimes chosing the religion...
brain-washing if it is meant to happen, doesn't only happen religious wise.
kindergartens and friends you make between the ages of 3-7 is of no bearing to the effect that organised religion has on the way you live your life and the way you think of ethical issues going into adulthood and beyond.

there are many things that parents should 'control'; it's their responsibilities and duties to bring children up to function in soceity.

but you say you should not be forced into religion - and bringing up impressionable minds under these dogmas is not my idea of freedom in the context of their developing cognition.
But if parents do have morals and values they believe in they naturally want their children to grow up with the same.

To me it's not taking values and morals or some parts of history away or dogmen of any religion away arxter it's making ppl see they do have a choice... it's giving ppl education at least making it available for everybody.

You have to have some more faith in ppls mind.

If they are not interested... then it is their choice and/or loss lol however one wants.
But if parents do have morals and values they believe in they naturally want their children to grow up with the same.
i understand that but..

To me it's not taking values and morals or some parts of history away or dogmen of any religion away arxter it's making ppl see they do have a choice... it's giving ppl education at least making it available for everybody.
If they are not interested... then it is their choice and/or loss lol however one wants.
.. that's the flaw: 1. as a child, you're still not fully developed to make a choice about what you ("should") believe in, and 2. organised religion offers no choices when it comes to morality - it is absolute; either an infallible right or an infallible wrong.

to go back to my original point, i just think children should not be "brainwashed" (your words lol) with such complex doctrine until at least they are cognitively developed to interpret the dogmas themselves. the power of impression is very strong for a child (and even many adults) to have a choice in this complex matter.
i understand that but..

.. that's the flaw: 1. as a child, you're still not fully developed to make a choice about what you ("should") believe in, and 2. organised religion offers no choices when it comes to morality - it is absolute; either an infallible right or an infallible wrong.

to go back to my original point, i just think children should not be "brainwashed" (your words lol) with such complex doctrine until at least they are cognitively developed to interpret the dogmas themselves. the power of impression is very strong for a child (and even many adults) to have a choice in this complex matter.

Either children are brainwashed by their parents or they are not.
No brainwashing will ever work with a child if the parents do take care.
You're right, it's not the kids able to make a choice, that's why parents do so and either actively take part in it, or it happens cuz parents just don't care.
And please hear me again saying... brainwashing doesn't only work religious wise.

If you ask me we all should more take care what nowadays happens media wise EVEN THOUGH we're having the internet.
You're right, it's not the kids able to make a choice, that's why parents do so.
organised religion does so, through a generational cycle.

again, i obviously have no problem with parents imposing upon their kids basic humanitarian morals that are shared by almost every society of different beliefs. but it's the lack of choice and freedom in your thinking when it comes to religious "infallible" morals that disturb me.

religious doctrine involves matters that are far more complex than simple choices your parents should make for you as a child. it's how you lead into those complexities which makes that now-grown-up adult already conditioned to it through childhood.

this is why i questioned the freedom of it.
organised religion does so, through a generational cycle.

again, i obviously have no problem with parents imposing upon their kids basic humanitarian morals that are shared by almost every society of different beliefs. but it's the lack of choice and freedom in your thinking when it comes to religious "infallible" morals that disturb me.

religious doctrine involves matters that are far more complex than simple choices your parents should make for you as a child. it's how you lead into those complexities which makes that now-grown-up adult already conditioned to it through childhood.

this is why i questioned the freedom of it.

arxter... if you think religious persons can not think for themselves and make free decisions by using their minds... then there's no sense in discussing with me. ;)
I think society is full of infallible morals it's not only a religious thing... and I don't give responsibility for chosing my very own morals valid to anyone... neither society nor my religion. lol
I was brought up in a catholic kindergarden, with lots of catholic friends (others also of cuz), and in only catholic schools, I've spent lots of my extra time in charity work and social work at church (my parents chosed most of it for me so first cuz they are catholic and second cuz I grew up in a pretty ordinary more poor kind of neighbourhood and they wanted to know me save)... well I'm thankfull for the way I was brought up.

And believe me if I'd make a choice for a kid of mine, I'd do it cuz it would be my choice.

I can understand ppls suspects and having problems with the churches... but they are not the only existing ppl
Many many ppl do feel home and accepted in their organized religion.
If you'd take all charity work and social work done my organized religion from this planet countless social systems (btw included the german one) would break completely together.

Well we had this discussion before so it's kind of boring... everybody can read my standpoint in the old thread about religion.

What I do not understand is that organized religions are way more targeted and attacked then for example the weapon industry is or those pharma companies giving HIV medical cocktails only into well paying countries or the oil industry thinking it's okay to go on destroying this planet or politicians turning countries into rising weapon arsenals again instead of decreasing those etc. ...

Brainwashing works everywhere.

I mean explain to me how all those republicans in the US can celebrate themselves this way when a republican in the last 8 years is mainly responsible for destroying their very own economy. How they can scream of joy about a woman proclaiming such politics as Mrs. Palin does (and I don't care if she has a pregnant teenage daughter... wow that's really the last to worry about).

The whole election campaign going on focussing more on the persons then on the content or programmes they stand for... wow... lol that's what I call washing brains.

Again where ppl are forced to belong to a religion and do not have a choice... then I do agree with you, those relgions don't understand the purpose... but where you're completely free to join or leave... your concept is not valid to me.
As long as ppl have a choice... accept them doing their choice... or accept them not doing their choice cuz of being lazy stupid however.
I prefer them having a choice... and not taking their freedom away to belong to an organization or organize themselves for whatever their reason might is... may it be a religious one or not.
no Mechi i never said or implied that religious people cannot think for themselves. i'm talking about the absolute morality that organised religions present and how children are conditioned into it at an early age. i myself was conditioned for it at an early age and broke out of it after studying further and deep into science and ethics. so i'm not generalising for the children of religion, but i am heavily criticising the system.

in fact, i still practice a lot of the things Islam taught me (through my guardians) and was really influenced by it (still am) but it doesn't mean i follow the doctrine or core beliefs. and it still means that many morals cannot be justified absolutely.

and again, of course "brainwashing" happens eslewhere and i agree on the examples you've given. but two wrongs do not make a right, imo. but then again i guess we'll only agree to disagree on this one as well.

is there a yaynay option? lol

This, I'm not sure how I should answer.

I do believe in God yet over there years I believe people have used *insert name religion here* for there own agenda.

Also depending on who you ask Buddhism can be just a philosophy and not a religion.

But yeah.

That's my two cents.
arxter I very much agree to very much disagree! :agree:
you happen to be thankful you were brought up in a Christian faith, you associate it with moral rules, altruism and safety. But not everyone feels comfortable with their parent's relgion. I was brought up in a catholic family too but have no appreciation for all the harm it caused to me. I was forced to going to a church when I didn’t want to. I always hated it and couldn’t understand its purpose. The Bible was the most terrifying book I read as a child, not just because of horrible images of burning hell, but by stating it was TRUTH. It was really hard and frightening to decide to chose a different way off thinking even when it became for me an obvious nonsense what I was told for many years. So I think religiious indoctrination of children isn't really innocent thing but DOES cause harm in a long run. It makes them feel afraid to think themselves and discover the world, make moral choices and enjoy the life because of constant fright they will be punished by god if they dare to do it in unaccepted way.

Again where ppl are forced to belong to a religion and do not have a choice... then I do agree with you, those relgions don't understand the purpose... but where you're completely free to join or leave... your concept is not valid to me.
As long as ppl have a choice... accept them doing their choice... or accept them not doing their choice cuz of being lazy stupid however.
I prefer them having a choice... and not taking their freedom away to belong to an organization or organize themselves for whatever their reason might is... may it be a religious one or not.

You're saying about making free choices... but when you’re raising a child in a particular religion you don’t expect this child will reject it, do you? Children are EXPECTED to continue to believe what they were taught for the rest of their lives. What is purpose of talking about freedom of personal choices then? You apparently hope they don’t make a different choice, because you’re convinced your faith is the true one.

I totally agree with you, arxter, that labeling children with the religion of their parents is an obvious obstruction to their personal freedom. I’d say that using threats of being tortured for all eternity to keep them in ignorance and discouraging to use their own brains is a form of psychological abuse.
Lol, sorry for the confusion, guys.

...and thanks arXter for clearing things up while I wasn't able to get to it. ;)
But yes, like he said... religious doctrine, core teachings, etc. etc.

Again, this has nothing to do with a belief in God or any divine being for that matter.
For example, being raised and surrounded by muslims all around me, I was taught if I didn't pray 5 times a day, I would be punished for it b/c I'm not fulfilling my duty as a muslim. I've just always felt I don't need to pray 5 times a day, that's not necessary.
On the other hand, I have Catholic family members who tell me I need to get baptized and confirmed as soon as possible... or I won't be "saved." No, thanks.

I feel all these extra things aren't mandatory. I have faith in God and faith in all the prophets; no need for religion, IMO. I'm not trying to offend anyone, just sharing my opinion. :)

*** I'm using terms like God and prophets b/c I was raised with the Abrahamic religions, this can be any other religion from Hinduism to Buddhism.
of course. we all need God to guide us through difficult times :yes:

You're saying about making free choices... but when you’re raising a child in a particular religion you don’t expect this child will reject it, do you? Children are EXPECTED to continue to believe what they were taught for the rest of their lives. What is purpose of talking about freedom of personal choices then? You apparently hope they don’t make a different choice, because you’re convinced your faith is the true one.

I totally agree with you, arxter, that labeling children with the religion of their parents is an obvious obstruction to their personal freedom. I’d say that using threats of being tortured for all eternity to keep them in ignorance and discouraging to use their own brains is a form of psychological abuse.

A child is not making free choices because their parents or other hopefully responsible adults do.
Or did you by any chance chose if you want to go to school or not?! Parents are chosing anyways what they want their children to learn. The children are obstructed in their personal freedom anyways not only religious wise. But the parents should be free and have a choice. As they do... and they do their choices not always good independent of if they are religious organized or not I guess.

My parents brought up thinking persons (btw not only me also my two brothers). To make sure that, they chosed for us to be brought up in catholic surroundings (means mainly schools and kindergarden... my brothers were never in youth clubs or involved in charities or choirs like I used to, therefore one of my brothers used to visit bible lessons etc.)... nevertheless I was never tortured with threats. Also we got taught (and btw in our catholic schools) about other religions (and no not as being worse ones... just about their teachings as valid as the catholic ones) because in our schools there were also muslim kids and jewish kids and of cuz kids from other christian religions also... so we got taught about all those religions because we were taught to get informed about where we belong to cuz of the will of our parents and this way we got information about those other kids religions very much also at least much more than my friends same age in public schools who didn't get religious lessons.
Also we had many kids from other countries (kids from refugees of cuz they were mostly poor also) in our classes telling about their life. We were very much taught to find out about our roots, nationalities and of cuz also religions.

(Btw you know those friends visiting public schools who never heard about Islam were pretty thankfull when I've told and could show to them Islam is not at all about killing all not being muslim since Mr. Bush was giving a message like that... they were more likely to believe him for sure than every kid who was in class with me at my catholic school.)

In no way we were discouraged to use our brains or we were kept in ignorance in our catholic schools. The opposite is true.

And it's kind of dangerous to think public schools don't brainwash because they're not religious or not teaching religions lol I really can't repeat that often enough.

Back to our bringing up catholic way
One of my brothers left the catholic church. He chosed his life to be not religious.
The other one is still in the catholic church and even goes to celebrate a mass there wherever the pope at times appears in Germany.
I'm pretty engaged in voluntary social work at my community cuz I'm a psychologist and offer my work there for those without insurrance and those just in need without that they want it to be official... victims of crimes etc.... anyways I'm a catholic who believes the pope is only human and even if he should be chosen by God he's doing mistakes just like everyone else etc. but yeah I do offer my services for free in the church now cuz I got my chances only through the church cuz public services, politicians responsible... they cared a shit about us poor ppl in the lower parts of the city.
My parents are very happy and proud with all of us children independent from choices we do in life.

Ok to make a long story short... my brothers and me had a wonderful education available thanks to organized religion because it was no way offered by public schools or kindergarden or organizations in the area where I grew up.
We're thinking ppl, educated and no way brainwashed lol and for sure all of us thinking pretty different about many things... but we were brought up to be tolerant and respectfull towards everybody and everything in this world.

I respect very much ppl who are having bad experiences with organized religions and that's why having their problems with those.
I don't doubt it... no way... but it's not the complete picture.

What I do not accept is if there's an only bad picture drawn about organized religions. That's definately not true and I don't like if it only sounds like that.

Many many ppl find a hold in their churches, organized religions also... because those are NOT ONLY full of dogmen and teachings like you read above. Again that's just not the complete picture.
It would mean nothing less than death for many ppl if side-arms of such organized religions which are lots of charity organizations wouldn't exist anymore. Because often enough it's the churches working where noone else gives a sh** anymore about ppl.

If you need more prove for this I can only advice you to read Minnies thread in this very same forum about her experiences in the US called something like... how do I let go... I'll be back with the link.... here it is
See thankfully I was never homeless... but I'm greatful to be who I am, well who I chose to be... and a good part of it goes to the catholic church.

And this thread is not only about the bringing up of children in a religious belief... it's pretty general about agreeing or not agreeing with the concept of organized religion.
I can only very much agree cuz I'd no less than fear for many many ppls life if organized religion how I know it wouldn't exist.

Sorry for this pretty long post but I hope I made my standpoint clear.
I don't expect someone to agree with me... but some might do find some understanding where I'm coming from.

So everybody please fell free to disagree.
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I agree with some, but not with all of them. I don't disagree with the idea of organized religion, but there are some religious people that take it too far (and become extremists.) No God wants us to kill people, or hate each other.
I am in 2 minds about organised religion. I don't have a problem with organised groups. Everybody needs something or someone to depend on. The church fullfils a social function and there are many stories of people who have been homeless or lacking friendship ad have been supported by the church.
I believe that some churches are moving away from the full on indoctrination and are being more flexible with their members. I like that. I wish my church was more like that when I was growing up. I don't think I need a church now too tell me what to do or how to behave, but I think that there are lor\ts of people who still have the need to belong and there should be such a place for them to go to.