
michaels wendy bird

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a land full of gold pants!
Not even sure if i spelt that right lol but just curious what everyones take on them are???

I mean i have not experienced any in pictures till Michael past i mean when i went to Madame tussads to see the new Michael wax work obviously i had my picture taken and there is an orb on mt shoulder in the picture??? Then just before myself and my mum went to see this is it she took a picture of me and there is another one right above my shoulder, there is not one on her picture or any other picture i have taken??? I am not saying it is anything spirituall i just dont really know what to think and just wondered if anyone has any knowledge or has an opinion on them!!
You will no doubt get many different takes on what an orb is. To T.A.P.S. they are just merely bugs or dust that fly in front of the cam. Others will tell you that it is a ghost trying to manifest. Orbs are balls of energy. but i suggest you look them up or post your photos so people can get a better idea of what you are describing.
Excuse me, it is near my hand i do apolagise i thought it was near my shoulder i dont have the one from madame tussades as it is on a friends camera!! I can now see two orby things!!!


Now this is mums picture which was taken a second after with the same camera in the same spot and there is nothing??


Maybe i am just wishfully thinking it is something more then it is!!!!
ok there is nothing wrong with wanting to see and hoping for Michael. But i do notice that there is a window right behind you and there is a glare from the flash on there. So it also could be from that window. you are in a different sort of position in the second pic and that also helps. There is nothing wrong like i said with wanting Michael or his energy near you.

If you want to REALLY try it is not that hard to attempt contact with Michael. Conduct a sayonce, DO NOT USE A ouija board. those things are DANGEROUS!

Have your camera set up, and a DVR or in other words a Digital Voice Recorder. Ask Questions and give time for a reply. if you need anymore help feel free to send me a PM.
ok there is nothing wrong with wanting to see and hoping for Michael. But i do notice that there is a window right behind you and there is a glare from the flash on there. So it also could be from that window. you are in a different sort of position in the second pic and that also helps. There is nothing wrong like i said with wanting Michael or his energy near you.

If you want to REALLY try it is not that hard to attempt contact with Michael. Conduct a sayonce, DO NOT USE A ouija board. those things are DANGEROUS!

Have your camera set up, and a DVR or in other words a Digital Voice Recorder. Ask Questions and give time for a reply. if you need anymore help feel free to send me a PM.

Thanks hun, yeah i see what you are saying i never thought of the whole window thing playing a part in it!

Its not that i want to contact Michael in anyway it was just a nice thought for a minute that he might be around lol I know i prob sound sad but you know sometimes it is comforting :( I was having a really hard time with the whole thought of this is it as well and i dunno i thought maybe he was helping me through it lol!

Thanks for the advice though hun! xx
You dont sound sad. We all wish it. We all had or are still having a bad time dealing with his passing. Its good to be a part of this forum because you have a lot of people to talk to and help you through your feelings. I just throw out those tricks in case someone wants to try.
Reminds me of this pic of me and Becca, we had two pics in exactly the same spot and this one came out with two beams on it.


Of course he would pick the picture I look ridiculous in :p
I like to think it's Michael. :wub: