Oprah Winfrey Lands First Interview with Whitney Houston's Daughter, Bobbi Kristina on 3/11


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
Oprah Winfrey Lands First Interview with Whitney Houston's Daughter, Bobbi Kristina


Don't count Oprah Winfrey out just yet.

The media maven, who's namesake network is struggling for ratings, has scooped an exclusive interview with Whitney Houston's daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown. The talk will air on OWN's Oprah's Next Chapter next Sunday, March 11 at 9pm EST, according to a release from the network. Bobbi Kristina is expected to share personal memories of her mother and address "rumors and speculation surrounding Houston’s death."

The special, which was taped last week, will also include interviews with Houston's manager and sister-in-law, Patricia Houston, and her brother Gary Houston. Prior to the interviews, OWN will also re-air Remembering Whitney: The Oprah Interview, which features Oprah interviewing Houston in 2009.

Bobbi Kristina has been keeping a low profile ever since Houston's death on February 11, but family members maintain she is doing well, after being hospitalized shortly after her mother's death.
I predict this interview will be vastly different from the Jackson one she did.......Miss Winfrey won't have a problem showing some empathy for Whitney's daughter and family members.
I guess she, Bobbi Kristina, must be ready for this.
The show will air on the one month anniversary of Whitney's death, but was taped last week.
It seems a little soon for it but like I said, she must be ready. Saying that, I trust Oprah will handle
this interview delicately and with a lot of sensitivity.

I know she probably didn't feel like celebrating, but I want to wish a happy belated
19th birthday to Miss Bobbi Kristina. March 4th.
I am sorry but this feels wrong and I don't think Oprah cares about Whitney or her daughter. It's about ratings. I watch the entertainment shows and everyone always praises Oprah. It's annoying like she can do no wrong ever. Was she friends with Whitney? Did she ever try to help Whitney? She comes across phony to me and I don't understand why she never gets criticized ot questioned for anything she does when others do. She shown compassion to everyone but Michael and I don't get that.

I am sorry if I sound if I am ranting. I watch these shows and all people do is suck up to Oprah like she is god or something. I am not going to watch. They don't even know the cause of death yet.
I am sorry but this feels wrong and I don't think Oprah cares about Whitney or her daughter. It's about ratings. I watch the entertainment shows and everyone always praises Oprah. It's annoying like she can do no wrong ever. Was she friends with Whitney? Did she ever try to help Whitney? She comes across phony to me and I don't understand why she never gets criticized ot questioned for anything she does when others do. She shown compassion to everyone but Michael and I don't get that.

She apparently was friendly with Whitney. But yeah, I chafe under the whole 'Oprah is our god' attitude most media outlets seem to have.

The interview must have been hard so soon, but at least Bobbi Christina wasn't so young. She got to be with her mum a little more than PPB got to be with Michael, and while that makes it no less painful, it does grant her more maturity and insight when it comes to discussing her current circumstances. She's done well to stay out of the public light for the time being.
She apparently was friendly with Whitney. But yeah, I chafe under the whole 'Oprah is our god' attitude most media outlets seem to have.

The interview must have been hard so soon, but at least Bobbi Christina wasn't so young. She got to be with her mum a little more than PPB got to be with Michael, and while that makes it no less painful, it does grant her more maturity and insight when it comes to discussing her current circumstances. She's done well to stay out of the public light for the time being.

That's true. I just can't stand Oprah. I hope Bobby Kristina keeps a low profile for awhile.
It seems to me that Oprah will do anything to boost her ratings, even if it is inappropriate. Greed is a terrible thing.
Really good interview with Whitney's brother, sister-in-law and Bobbi Kristina. Oprah interviewed Bobbi Kristina in a more casual way, both standing so it was less like a "formal" interview. With her aunt standing by watching protectively. I think it was handled well. Gosh, when Whitney's brother sang towards the end while gathered around a piano with his family and then broke down...that was very sad and touching. He seemed unemotional during the interview but broke down while singing Whitney's "I look to you". Heartbreaking. Oh and he has a great singing voice (how could he not).
^ Glad you liked it. I read that the daughter wants to follow her mother into a showbiz career, so no low profile for her i guess.

Personally i thought it really soon to have such an interview, the cause of death hasn't been determined yet,has it? It appears oprah was a friend to whitney and trusted by her family and was invited to the funeral, so it makes sense her being the interviewer but it just reminds us once again how totally inexplicable the choice of oprah was for the first interview with ppb when she was anything but sympathetic to mj.

general ratings don't lie. and i ain't talking about this interview. i'm talking about kharma...reap what you sow..Oprah..Michael's God's child, forever...and you mess with Michael, you mess with God. So, now Oprah's struggling. She doesn't come across any better than..well..even Jerry Springer comes across better, because he doesn't mess with serious matters.