oprah pre- michael interivew

Thanks billyworld. I have seen this show. My mom taped it back in the day. There goes OPRAH, butting in again, refusing to allow her guests to speak. This woman can't be more annoying.
Thanks for the videos.

But how can Oprah annoy someone?
In my opinion, she is a stunning woman! I love her! She made this interview really impressive. :clapping:
It was a good show on Mj because of the guess! But, what got annoying about Oprah is how she treated MJ after that interview because of the allegations! She learned nothing of the man after interviewing him and seeing who he was and how charitable and loving he was to people! I don't understand how she didn't get it, it was right in her face!

He was close to another family has u can see from the interview here, not just the chandlers and other children, like that little girl! Looking at this interview I can't even believe that this is the same women! Clearly she only goes where the wind blows! She is a crowd follower. Everyone sh*ting on MJ after 93 so she did too and when everyone gave a tribute to him after he passed, I guess she thought she should too! How very stupid!
I've never seen this, thanks! Good to see a whole show dedicated to MJ in a positive way, I hope it managed to change people's mind about him somewhat :)
Thanks for the videos.

But how can Oprah annoy someone?
In my opinion, she is a stunning woman! I love her! She made this interview really impressive. :clapping:

How can OPRAH annoy any one.? oh, let me count the ways. Change my mind, don't have enough time. But i will say this. MJ was always my favorite celebrity and OPRAH was 1a. She disilllusioned me greatly with her no-guts position on the MJ allegations. Like someone said in this thread OPRAH checks which way the wind blows before she takes a stance. She revisited her blockbuster interview with MJ to grab cheap ratings.
totally agree, And if the world had not have been showing MJ love, then she would not have said a word or re-aired that show.. She's as phony as they come.
I had never seen that before!!! Wow it was great to hear all those great and aspiring things about Michael!!!
I had never seen that before!!! Wow it was great to hear all those great and aspiring things about Michael!!!
I saw it yesterday and I loved it :wub:
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Oprah was kinda nice while this era and i really liked her before, but what she was saying later and still is... She's a bitch. How can she say '' I never knew what the truth was as none of us will ever know what the truth was.'' - You know what i'm talking about. She has no respect and she showed that on the interview with Lisa Presley too and many other occasions.
Cant stand oprah,two face bitch,stopped watching her cos of the way she treated michael,by the way,thanks for the video.