Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Like Elvis, The Beatles, and Michael Jackson before him, Justin Bieber has millions of screaming fans all over the world who adore him. But unlike those music legends, Justin defines a new age of pop stardom with his social-media following of more than 30 million Twitter fans who keep up with his every move.

In one of her biggest interviews since her 1993 conversation with the King of Pop, Oprah sits down with Justin for an in-depth look at his career. "There's never been a star like you," Oprah tells him. "Even those tremendous legends didn't have a rise to stardom like yours.... How do you manage that?"

Watch "Oprah's Next Chapter" -- featuring Oprah's in-depth interview with multi-platinum superstar Justin Bieber -- on Sunday, Nov. 25 at 9 p.m. ET on OWN.

Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

That Michael interview is the biggest one she ever had because it put her on the worldwide map. I knew who she is because of that interview.

That claim about JB is such a fallacious lie, the 3 of them became famous when internet didn't even existed and there were less ways of exposure and when Michael was JB's age, he was already a veteran and already proved his talent was for real because he was a prodigy since a very young age. So I give more credit to Elvis, The Beatles and Michael because it was harder to become famous.
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

Oprah is smoking crack..
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

We had no internet, we had 2 tv channels which sent programmes from 18 to somewhere between 22-23.Not much music,seldom pop.

We had radio with a few hours pop/week
But I knew about Beatles,Elvis, Jackson 5 -where Michael was the only name I knew..

If Justin Bieber had lived then, I probably would have no idea who he was
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

OK, Oprah is a media b!tch, but partially she is right.
Simply because of Youtube (more than 3 billion clicks) and media promotion, and of course, because of the internet possibilities + social nets, yes, JB has the rise to starom like nobody before.

BUT, being promoted in media doesnt mean being relevant for music and having a special status comparable to iconic legends, especially when you are just 18+, and only two albums released.

JB can have 30M+ to 50M+ followers on fb or twitter, but the thing is that his albums are not selling very significantly due to the numbers of his followers.

On the contrary, Michael Jackson was a megastar of a new modern era of new technologies, new regions around the world and became the only/the first real global musician/icon.
Without the internet, Thriller is the best seller, overall, MJ is commercially the most successful artist, and has more follower on FB that JB, for now.

But, as Lady GaGa, he is going to be "outdated" very soon, repeatedly the same, and most people will lost their interest, the teen passion for their Idol, because there are not other artistic/musical arrangements for the future, JB is not artistically flexible, like Justin Timberlake, Usher, Robbie Williams and others so often titled new kings of pop , and where are they now?

yes, teen girls will scream in his shows, but because of the internet, any good looking teen guy can be next JB and become a sensation of YouTube, PSY is not a very good example, but hey... his video has 750M+ clicks during a short period, and is a big thing now.

BUT to compare these icons to 18+ years old teen idol (or in reverse order), is a professional failure, even though its PR for JB.
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

They shouldn't compare Justin Bieber to Michael. Michael is legend and is one of the most top selling artist of the world. Justin Bieber is just a teen idol.
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

Oprah is smoking crack..

That or she's just
to JB!

Yes, he had such rise to stardom because there are more ways to expose musical material and nowadays it's easier to become famous but Oprah's comment besides being an ass kisser, it's insulting because JB didn't struggle like Elvis or Michael did, he didn't grew up in extrme poverty like them.
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

I think her statement even proves how great Michael was; it was harder to succeed back in the 70s and 80s and unlike JB, Michael managed to do it WITHOUT internet or social media..

he did it with his music only, he didnt even give any interwievs in the 80s.

so...what Oprah is saying is bullshit! :mad:
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

I think somehow Andy Warhol was right when he said "In the future, everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes" :)
JB is part of this generation of people with sudden fame but we have to see what will happen to them in the future...

OK, Oprah is a media b!tch, but partially she is right.
Simply because of Youtube (more than 3 billion clicks) and media promotion, and of course, because of the internet possibilities + social nets, yes, JB has the rise to starom like nobody before.


I think her statement even proves how great Michael was;

Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

Exactly. He can have as many followers on twitter but has his albums sold 30 million or even 100 like Thriller did? It is so much easier to get famous now and I hate the comparison to Michael. She must be on something. I feel insulted as a fan and I feel insulted for Elvis and the Beatles fans too. I don't hate him but I just saw him perform on the AMAs and he can't dance. If he does it looks awkward. I see him and it can be anybody up there. Sorry to Bieber fans.

He says too he wants a career like Michael. Who doesn't to be honest but Michael was special and someone like him comes once in a lifetime. All generations of people love Michael and his music. I don't know anybody that like Justin's music unless they tell me their kids like him. Oprah and whoever else can compare or even dare say that he is better than Michael but it doesn't make it true. He reminds me of Nysnc, the backtreet boys and so on. Does he remind me of Michael in any way? Absolutely not.

I doubt she will get the record audience that watched her interview with Michael than her interview with Justin. It's not just the internet either. People get famous from being on reality shows or start careers by winning American Idol. it's a different world now.
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Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

Relax, no one takes Justin Bieber seriously apart from 12-16 year-old girls. And Oprah apparently. Did she just call him the King of Pop? :doh:
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Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

When it comes to Biebers twitter follows i do wonder how many of those are actual fans of his and how many of those are following him just to troll him
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

Relax, no one takes Justin Bieber seriously apart from 12-16 year-old girls. And Oprah apparently. Did she just call him the King of Pop? :doh:

She did? It's just annoying when they take people who are really popular right now and make them bigger and better than what they are. I am not saying he has no talent but people need to slow down with their propping up. It's like they are forcing him on us or something to think he is great and special. It gets annoying after awhile.
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

The media seems to be in complete denial about Justin Bieber. They act like he's the most beloved person ever but lots of people hate him. Infact i come across more people that hate him than more people that love him
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

The media seems to be in complete denial about Justin Bieber. They act like he's the most beloved person ever but lots of people hate him. Infact i come across more people that hate him than more people that love him

I think you are right. Though I find the hatred towards him annoying as well. It makes him look more important than he is when you go to YT and watch some completely different video and people come up with JB mentions like "God, please could you take JB and give back Freddie Mercury instead" - and the like. It's like people associate on Bieber from everything. Annoying. Leave the guy alone, he's a teen idol, no more, no less. His albums aren't that big sellers, he has a limited female teen fanbase, so that really shows that it's just that people blow him out of proportion (both lovers and haters).
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

I can't even tell you how angry that claim makes me, I have always said that your number of f*cking Twitter followers doesn't determine the artists' overall fame, because many of those accounts are either inactive or backup accounts from hardcore fans, this is beyond ridiculous and absurd and for her to compare someone like JB to Michael, The Beatles and Elvis, it's just out of proportion and pathetic. Back in the day people HAD TO WORK HARD to achieve their success reason WHY it's way more meaningful than stupid twitter followers or Youtube views, today, a freakin' orange with lips or a potato can achieve that and that doesn't mean they're talented or even worth the views, for f*cks sake!!! :mat: :puke: I'm getting tired of all this overreaction to that boy, he's no better than other teen idols today and still is treated like he is, what is it with the world today and their perception of what a true music phenomenon is..or was.
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

If Michael had been in his peak during the rise of social media, he would have destroyed all viewing records. Plain and simple. All the last of the megastars that was born of the 80's all would make Justin look like a chump. Let's not kid ourselves. Oprah has been making some really stupid declarations as of late. Basically says whatever the person is paying her to say. Sad.
Re: Oprah: Elvis, The Beatles & Michael Jackson didn't have the rise to stardom like Justin Bieber

How many visits JB's videos have on YT? 300 million?

Well, Black Or White on the day of its premiere was watched by 500 million people and internet or YT didn't even exist, Michael still holds that record. Let's see if that boy still preserves his popularity when his fans grow up.

Michael gave the status that hag has, before that interview in Neverland she was only known in USA and after she became more famous all over the world and powerful.