Opening/Light Man


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
I dont know if this have been posted before? I searched but couldnt find anything.

I remember all the rumours pre-opening show how he was gonna float above the fans!
Was this the case with the Light Man? Was he gonna float above us in that Light Man/Opening? How is that even possible? Hehe.. anyone have a clue?

If so, the opening would have been soo cool...
i just think the light man would have come up from the stage like the spaceship did it during HIStory tour.
In the opening you hear Kenny saying Lightman, floating above the stage. So I guess thats what he was supposed to do. Float right above the stage, and land.

and piece by piece by piece MJ is revealed.. love that part.
I would have died right there I swear. My heart would not take the amount of excitement, nervous wreck I'd be, SO HAPPY that my smile would EXPLODE and my EYES would not take all the tears that would stream down my face THAT MOMENT HE WOULD BE THERE AT STAGE, PIECE BY PIECE MJ IS REVEALED. OH MY GOD just thinking about it makes me SHIVER
^ ^ ^ I agree with you. OH God the adrenaline from seeing Michael in flesh would make me buzzed FOREVER