Open Up Your Mind-Vol.IV-Your Friends & Their Lovers


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Illinois USA
Open Up Your Mind - Vol. IV - Your Friends & Their Lovers

Continuing the Open Up Your Mind threads from Volumes I - III now is the new survey of questions asking your opinions of another touchy subject. Once again, as always, there are no right or wrong answers. Be as candid as you like.

You may elaborate as much or as little as you choose. These questions may be invasively personal but you can of course keep it as square as you like. Maybe...don't name names.:D Copy and paste questions. Have fun, if you can.

Survey A:
Have you ever been a "Third Wheel"? If yes, explain how that felt or feels to you.

Have you ever been abandoned by a friend at a bar or other event for a lover he/she just met? Explain, if you wish.

Have you ever wanted to meet a girl/guy and your friend met them first?

Did that effect your friendship? If yes, How?

Have you ever been introduced to a girl/guy by your friend and they wanted your friend instead of you?

Did you ever find yourself involved in helping a girl/guy get close to your friend when you wanted the girl/guy yourself?

How did you deal with the pain of hooking them up and watching them get close?

Survey B:
Are you the type of person who will try to break up a friend's relationship because you don't want to share them?

When your friend has been hurt by a lover, do you feel like telling the lover off for hurting your friend?

How many times have you been attracted to a friend, but didn't pursue a relationship past friendship?

If this ever happened, Did you do everything to keep their friendship just to be around them?

Would you breakup with a girl/guy because your friends didn't like him/her?

Have you ever or Would you break off a relationship for your friend with his/her lover if he/she asked you because he/she was afraid to do it?

>>If Yes, Explain what happened or How you would handle it.

Have you ever jumped in to help your friend fight a lover? (This is preferably a female only question)

Survey C:
Have you ever flirted with your friend's lover?

Have you ever spent time with your friend's lover without the friend around just hanging out together?

If you were good friends with both the lovers, would you tell either one of them if the other were cheating?

Have you ever been approached romantically by your friend's lover behind his/her back? Did you tell your friend?

>>If you told him/her, Did he/she believe that about their lover?

Have you ever returned the affections towards you from a friend's lover?

If you returned the affections, did you keep it secret?

Would you have a lasting affair with a friend's lover behind his/her back?

Could you remain friends with a girl/guy keeping a dark secret of infidelity with his/her lover?

Survey D:

Do you value friendship over a scandalous love affair?

Can you trust your male/female friends around your lover?

Can you trust your lover around your friends?

Are you a flirtatious person? Can you be trusted?

Do you always want the girl/guy that your friend has?

Are you the type of person who shares everything, (lovers, food, clothes, shoes) with your friends?

Have these questions been hard to answer honestly, or just hard to answer?:D

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. IV - Your Friends & Their Lovers - End.
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Yaay, new questionnaires. Rotfl.

Survey A:

Have you ever been a "Third Wheel"? If yes, explain how that felt or feels to you.

Yes. Awkward.

Have you ever been abandoned by a friend at a bar or other event for a lover he/she just met? Explain, if you wish.


Have you ever wanted to meet a girl/guy and your friend met them first?


Did that effect your friendship? If yes, How?

Can't answer that since I've never experienced it before.

Have you ever been introduced to a girl/guy by your friend and they wanted your friend instead of you?

Never experienced it before.

Did you ever find yourself involved in helping a girl/guy get close to your friend when you wanted the girl/guy yourself?

Yes. There was this guy from Israel that I had a crush with. Kind, a bit naive, funny, beautiful eyes, tall and sexy soothing voice.

How did you deal with the pain of hooking them up and watching them get close?

Well I did my best to hook them up both. Encouraged him to start the first move etc. Then I left. Disappeared. Kapoof! That speaks volume I guess.

Survey B:

Are you the type of person who will try to break up a friend's relationship because you don't want to share them?


When your friend has been hurt by a lover, do you feel like telling the lover off for hurting your friend?

No, I don't interfere unless they've asked.

How many times have you been attracted to a friend, but didn't pursue a relationship past friendship?

Several times.

If this ever happened, Did you do everything to keep their friendship just to be around them?

Well it depends on the situation.

Would you breakup with a girl/guy because your friends didn't like him/her?

No. Unless my friends know something that I do not know. Then I would consider and see how it goes from there.

Have you ever or Would you break off a relationship for your friend with his/her lover if he/she asked you because he/she was afraid to do it?

>>If Yes, Explain what happened or How you would handle it.


Have you ever jumped in to help your friend fight a lover? (This is preferably a female only question)


Survey C:

Have you ever flirted with your friend's lover?


Have you ever spent time with your friend's lover without the friend around just hanging out together?


If you were good friends with both the lovers, would you tell either one of them if the other were cheating?


Have you ever been approached romantically by your friend's lover behind his/her back? Did you tell your friend?


>>If you told him/her, Did he/she believe that about their lover?

I think it depends on how you approach and explain it to your friend.

Have you ever returned the affections towards you from a friend's lover?


If you returned the affections, did you keep it secret?

I think so. I don't know since I've never experienced it before.

Would you have a lasting affair with a friend's lover behind his/her back?

No, not possible.

Could you remain friends with a girl/guy keeping a dark secret of infidelity with his/her lover?

No, I don't think so.

Survey D:

Do you value friendship over a scandalous love affair?

Depends on the situation.

Can you trust your male/female friends around your lover?

Since I'm quite naive, yes.

Can you trust your lover around your friends?


Are you a flirtatious person? Can you be trusted?

Me? Am I flirtatious? Depends on who. Can I be trusted? Yes. I'm easily melt but I'm loyal and cherish true love.

Do you always want the girl/guy that your friend has?


Are you the type of person who shares everything, (lovers, food, clothes, shoes) with your friends?


Have these questions been hard to answer honestly, or just hard to answer?

It requires some thinking to dig up my past. lol. But yes I can say it's hard to answer as I haven't experienced most of the questions given above.
Survey A:

Have you ever been a "Third Wheel"? If yes, explain how that felt or feels to you.

Yes. This happened years ago, I knew the girl like a friend even though we hadn't known each other very long. We both basically met the guy later on and we all became closer friends, buddies I should say. We all hung out and rode around town in his car just for fun. Then one night, I was not invited to go out riding just for fun. That was when I became the third wheel because they were getting it on in more ways than friends.

I felt a little bit upset at first because I felt that they should have at least said it to my face that they wanted to be together. That's all they had to do. I thought we were all buddies just hanging out. Everything came out in the open when she blew up in a birthing way. I was pleased that it wasn't me. I still spoke to them but it was never the same. But I was okay.

Have you ever been abandoned by a friend at a bar or other event for a lover he/she just met? Explain, if you wish.

This happened once when I went to a bar with 2 girls that knew each other before they met me. The girl who was driving the car hooked up with some guy and left the other girl and me behind. The funny thing is that the girl that was left with me said that this girl would do this type of stuff because she had done it before. We got a ride home and I never went out with them again.

Have you ever wanted to meet a girl/guy and your friend met them first?

Not really. I can't say that has ever happened.

Did that effect your friendship? If yes, How?


Have you ever been introduced to a girl/guy by your friend and they wanted your friend instead of you?

Something like this happened the other way around. I wanted to introduce a friend to a guy and he wanted to talk to me instead, but I wasn't interested. As a matter of fact, this happened twice with different guys and different girlfriends. The second time though, I was interested even though I shouldn't have been because I was already dating someone else.

Did you ever find yourself involved in helping a girl/guy get close to your friend when you wanted the girl/guy yourself?

One time I had met this guy and it wasn't a relationship, but I sorta wanted it to be. A girlfriend of mine came around to visit and she wanted him too. They only chatted a bit, nothing happened, but I kinda didn't let it be known how I really felt.

How did you deal with the pain of hooking them up and watching them get close?

They never got close. I remained the good friend to him and I think he sorta knew that I wanted more but we never discussed it. I was about 3 years younger than he was, so I accepted the fact that we weren't compatible in that way to be dating each other.

Survey B:

Are you the type of person who will try to break up a friend's relationship because you don't want to share them?

No. That has never been my attitude.

When your friend has been hurt by a lover, do you feel like telling the lover off for hurting your friend?

I can't say that this has ever happened. A girlfriend once told me that she was angry at a guy that I was dating because he hurt my feelings in the relationship. When she said this, I was shocked because I didn't know that she felt that way.

How many times have you been attracted to a friend, but didn't pursue a relationship past friendship?

Counting the one I mentioned earlier, I would say just that one other time. That makes a total of 2 times.

If this ever happened, Did you do everything to keep their friendship just to be around them?

When I think about it, I did just enough to let them know that I was around. I didn't go crazy trying to be everywhere they were, but I did try to be a nice friend in general. It didn't feel all that good to be in that position of being too close to them. So I tried to keep my distance as well as be close by whenever possible to chat with them.

Would you breakup with a girl/guy because your friends didn't like him/her?

That has never happened to me. I would usually break up with guys on my own. I didn't need anyone else to dislike him. As a matter of fact, my friends have always told me that I was too quick to end a relationship. They would tell me that I was too picky.

Have you ever or Would you break off a relationship for your friend with his/her lover if he/she asked you because he/she was afraid to do it?

I have never done this for anyone that I can recall. I think when I was maybe in grade school a friend maybe asked me to tell a boy that she didn't like him.

>>If Yes, Explain what happened or How you would handle it.

As far as I can remember, he just looked stupid and turned and walked away.:D

Have you ever jumped in to help your friend fight a lover? (This is preferably a female only question)

Hell NO. I don't know women who have to fight their men. If I did she wouldn't be my friend. Firstly, because if she wouldn't know that he was an azz, she would be dumb enough to get hurt and I wouldn't help. I wouldn't be in it. I would maybe try to tell her to leave him before that shxt happened.

Survey C:

Have you ever flirted with your friend's lover?

Hell No. I have never found my friend's lovers to be my type.

Have you ever spent time with your friend's lover without the friend around just hanging out together?


If you were good friends with both the lovers, would you tell either one of them if the other were cheating?

Since this has never happened to me, I can only speculate. It would depend on how close I was to the situation. If I saw that the friend getting hurt unknowingly was trying everything to keep the relationship and the other one was disrespecting them and my intelligence then maybe I would say something. But it would probably be better if I didn't get involved. It could always backfire on me.

Have you ever been approached romantically by your friend's lover behind his/her back? Did you tell your friend?

Yes, this has happened more than once. Yes, I did tell her.

>>If you told him/her, Did he/she believe that about their lover?

Well, what pissed me off was that she said that I needed to settle this with him. I was like what the hell are you talking about. I was so angry that he had tried to get me to let him touch me in her home that I threatened him bodily harm. He asked me not to tell her, but I didn't listen and she just played it off and stayed in the relationship with him. She said that he told her his reason for trying something with me was to test my friendship with her. I told her that my friendship didn't need to be tested by him and that he could kiss my azz and stay the "f" away from me.

Have you ever returned the affections towards you from a friend's lover?

NEVER. I would be disgusted.

If you returned the affections, did you keep it secret?

Does not apply to me.

Would you have a lasting affair with a friend's lover behind his/her back?

Again, this doesn't apply to me. I've heard of others doing this, but I couldn't find the need to shame myself that way. Of course, whatever a person chooses to do is their own business.

Could you remain friends with a girl/guy keeping a dark secret of infidelity with his/her lover?

If this had ever happened to me, I can't say that I would be that person. I probably would not want to remain her friend just because it would be too taxing to keep up the facade. I'm not a fake person.

Survey D:

Do you value friendship over a scandalous love affair?


Can you trust your male/female friends around your lover?

Whereas, I don't have a lover per se, I think with the friends that I do have I could trust them wholeheartedly.

Can you trust your lover around your friends?

I would hope that I could, if I had a lover. But let it be known that I would be analyzing the situation of his character every time he was near my friends.

Are you a flirtatious person? Can you be trusted?

I'm not considered a flirtatious person. I flirt for a purpose and that purpose to to get what I'm after, not just flirt to be flirting. So I would never flirt with someone else's man knowingly, and especially if I knew who he was with.

Yes, I can be trusted.

Do you always want the girl/guy that your friend has?

NO. But like the song, "Jessie's Girl", that happens to some. It hasn't happened to me that way. I can say this though, I've looked at a couple and wondered why they were together and why I couldn't be with someone, too. The moment passes quickly, because then I remember why I'm not with someone too...because I don't want to be stuck with a loser. To me all men are losers because I'm alone; and I don't feel like I should have to look for anyone to be with. It's a bad attitude I have, but it keeps me from wanting or needing to look for the nearest body.

Are you the type of person who shares everything, (lovers, food, clothes, shoes) with your friends?

No. I have never had those type of friendships.

Have these questions been hard to answer honestly, or just hard to answer?:D

I would say they have been hard to answer only because they touch very closed up thoughts that never usually get talked about.

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. IV - Your Friends & Their Lovers - End.

Survey A:

Have you ever been a "Third Wheel"? If yes, explain how that felt or feels to you.

Have you ever been abandoned by a friend at a bar or other event for a lover he/she just met? Explain, if you wish.

Have you ever wanted to meet a girl/guy and your friend met them first?
the question is blur.
what's the matter if only "meet first"? for sure we have the same right to meet, to love... even if my friends met firstly.

Did that effect your friendship? If yes, How?
... the same blur question.
if we both(the friend and i) have interests to the guys, i would ask my friend directly and express my feeling & goal frankly. even if it did brought some hurt, the hurt was on a way of rightness. imagined: if the guy did love you, not your friend, and your friend have a crush on the guy... the only proper behaviour with smalliest damages is to love bravely and express frankly. sometimes hurt is evitable. to work in a proper didn't means we can reach our goals without any hurts, it means the smallest damage in long-sight.

Have you ever been introduced to a girl/guy by your friend and they wanted your friend instead of you?

Did you ever find yourself involved in helping a girl/guy get close to your friend when you wanted the girl/guy yourself?
if you did want, you should show the courage of expressing yourself frankly to both your friend and the one you wanted, then fought for winning in a proper way. if you losed, they had fell in love for each other, then you faced another fighting: left as a rightness people, heal yourself with rebuilding yourself, desire another love in patient. however i never grant "betraying your own heart" as a morality.

How did you deal with the pain of hooking them up and watching them get close?
i have only 1 word: it's not a hero-like behavior.

Survey B:

Are you the type of person who will try to break up a friend's relationship because you don't want to share them?
this type is evil, terribly selfish.

When your friend has been hurt by a lover, do you feel like telling the lover off for hurting your friend?
i would.
but i wouldn't act in hasty. emotion is the most blur thing in this world. for sure you should protect your friend, but it didn't mean you can hurt others ramdonly in the name of helping friend.

How many times have you been attracted to a friend, but didn't pursue a relationship past friendship?
... odd question. there were many types of attraction, if you had enough ability to dig out the beauty in this world, you would find everybody got some attracting point, would you chase them for those attrations? only when attraction is strong enough that it can be called love, then you'd better chase your happiness rapidly.

If this ever happened, Did you do everything to keep their friendship just to be around them?
... i never agree such a blur emotion, those blur emotion always caused a lot tragedy in the name of love & beauty & morality.

Would you breakup with a girl/guy because your friends didn't like him/her?

Have you ever or Would you break off a relationship for your friend with his/her lover if he/she asked you because he/she was afraid to do it?
i would tell the friend they should handle it themselves. i might sit down and analyze the whole thing with him/her, and try to find a better way, and give encouragement of facing it themselves.

>>If Yes, Explain what happened or How you would handle it.

Have you ever jumped in to help your friend fight a lover? (This is preferably a female only question)
depending on what kind of "jump into". 1)i would encourage my friends face themselves; 2)i might give some analysis, but they need to decide themselves; 3)i never agree others involved in a love relationship. not only love is the most complicated stuff in this world, so hard to tell which side is right, but also because "a love relationship" like a growing tree, the both side grew together, adjusted for matching each other, there were a natural/delicated pressure, it was also dangerous because love is a kind of power that worked on the heart. they both and their love grew up in such a delicat/dangerous balance, there wasn't any space to others' interfere with. it also means, you can't afford the results(any danger that happened on both sides' heart) as the others outside this love. even if you want to afford the possible danger/pain for one side, you just had no ability---it(the pain) was the stuff only working on the lover's heart.

Survey C:

Have you ever flirted with your friend's lover?
but it was also a problem on "the size of rule"---what kind of behavior would be granted as "flirt"? in real life, the whole thing became so complex, sometimes a mess. i trend to treat people with passion/funs/charms... the danger of "flirt" would be larger. at the same time, i also trend to talk to people frankly clearly "what kind of relationship it was", in a suitable way.

Have you ever spent time with your friend's lover without the friend around just hanging out together?
quite often
both side is my friend, and there were enough trust in friendship.

If you were good friends with both the lovers, would you tell either one of them if the other were cheating?
there wasn't a absolute answer in real life.
there was only some principle you should know: 1)there was your both friends' benefits---their happiness, try to think more on this part; 2)there was your own benefit---friendship is some kind of mental benefit, think less while facing friends' happiness(sometimes we'd rather choose stay outside the troubles, for keeping our "fame"---it's dangerous while invovled in such kind of troubles). even though "to be honest" is some kind of morality, but in this case, it shouldn't be bigger than your friend's happiness(it's the most important stuff in a person's life, it also might destroy a person); 3)to tell or not here turned into a way that help your friends, it was not that simple as the morality "to be honest or not".............odd question, in real life things might be complex double, triple...

Have you ever been approached romantically by your friend's lover behind his/her back? Did you tell your friend?
... i don't exactly know.
this behaviors disgust me, even though i can understand(human nature), i would ignore and stopped it as soon as i can, with a clearly but not hurting way. on the other side, if the person dare to tell the adore openly, i would say no, but won't dispise him/her.
i won't tell my friend. but i would have a doubt to their relationship since that.

>>If you told him/her, Did he/she believe that about their lover?

Have you ever returned the affections towards you from a friend's lover?

If you returned the affections, did you keep it secret?

Would you have a lasting affair with a friend's lover behind his/her back?
...and, as a short-tempered people, how can i stand such a coward-like behavior? :pp

Could you remain friends with a girl/guy keeping a dark secret of infidelity with his/her lover?
i might tell the friend about my opinion on it directly if he/she asked, but i won't intefere with others' relationship.

Survey D:

Do you value friendship over a scandalous love affair?
i judge friends with all aspects of their life, and in a long-term.
for sure the emotion life is an important aspect, at the same time i never judge a friend with 1 thing in his life.

Can you trust your male/female friends around your lover?
why not
human nature has a natural danger such as emotion might have change because of this or that. we need to face this truth. and, in a love relationship some pressures(including the natural danger) make us keep in a healthy intense, it means, you can't put your lover aside even if you both had in a law relationship, you need to keep on care/cherish/sharing creative opinions... as that you had done for him in your honeymoon.
to give the trust, not only it was a morality, but also brought you more tense because of his more space, if you don't wanna lose, made yourself & your love keep on progress.

Can you trust your lover around your friends?
... as above.

Are you a flirtatious person? Can you be trusted?
i don't think so. my passion/charm/funs/creation... not for captured a lover/a sex-partner, only for both sides pleasure, for a high-spirit state in both lifes. i love to activate people as a motor, ignited their dream/passion/the desire of chasing creation(if you can do, why not i...)
but in real life, your will is a shapeless stuff, so, your behavior would look like the biggest flirt.
well i won't never let this kind of worries to destroy the former(they are the rarest stuff in this world), but yes, it did need a more transparent/intelligent/rightness... heart to handle this situation.

Do you always want the girl/guy that your friend has?

Are you the type of person who shares everything, (lovers, food, clothes, shoes) with your friends?
lovers... never.

Have these questions been hard to answer honestly, or just hard to answer?:D
some is really hard to answer.
because the question is too much simple, even you gave a thousand answer isn't enough. and there was a lot hiding misunderstandings that existed in common sense, to overturn in a clear way is not easy.

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. IV - Your Friends & Their Lovers - End.
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Open Up Your Mind - Vol. IV - Your Friends & Their Lovers

Survey A:
Have you ever been a "Third Wheel"? If yes, explain how that felt or feels to you.

Have you ever been abandoned by a friend at a bar or other event for a lover he/she just met? Explain, if you wish.

Have you ever wanted to meet a girl/guy and your friend met them first?
well not really... I once dated the ex-bf of one of my friends. Not sure that's meant.

Did that effect your friendship? If yes, How?
no, not really... well ok we didn't talk too much about our guys we're dating at first... but after some time she got used to it and I do not talk too much about my dates etc. anyways lol

Have you ever been introduced to a girl/guy by your friend and they wanted your friend instead of you?
nope lol but I tried to make a connection between two of my friends and that guy turned out to be more interested in me. That was stupid as I was in a that time pretty happy relationship

Did you ever find yourself involved in helping a girl/guy get close to your friend when you wanted the girl/guy yourself?
no lol I don't believe in too much love-support for others anyways... if they don't make it alone it's often just not what's supposed to be

How did you deal with the pain of hooking them up and watching them get close?
never happened to me

Survey B:
Are you the type of person who will try to break up a friend's relationship because you don't want to share them?
I don't believe a third person can break up or break in into a couples relationship if the relationship is ok

When your friend has been hurt by a lover, do you feel like telling the lover off for hurting your friend?
yep I sometimes did that... but only if I have been friends with both
I always tell my friends when I think they behave like idiots. They usually do also.

How many times have you been attracted to a friend, but didn't pursue a relationship past friendship?
I think twice

If this ever happened, Did you do everything to keep their friendship just to be around them?
no I don't do everything to keep a friendship...

Would you breakup with a girl/guy because your friends didn't like him/her?
oh sheeeesh no... my friends can dislike my bf that's ok but they are adults so they are respectfull and tolerant towards everybody

Have you ever or Would you break off a relationship for your friend with his/her lover if he/she asked you because he/she was afraid to do it?
no... I'd probably tell them to better grow up

>>If Yes, Explain what happened or How you would handle it.

Have you ever jumped in to help your friend fight a lover? (This is preferably a female only question)
uh? not sure I do understand... well I don't like fighting and I think intelligent ppl can handle things differently... but well sometimes I let a fight go cuz it clears the air and some ppl are not able to vent or better canalize their emotions better

Survey C:
Have you ever flirted with your friend's lover?
Yes... I am a flirty type at times... but with a very clear line drawn usually

Have you ever spent time with your friend's lover without the friend around just hanging out together?

If you were good friends with both the lovers, would you tell either one of them if the other were cheating?
yes... I'd give the cheater the chance to tell first in clearly telling them if you don't then I will.

Have you ever been approached romantically by your friend's lover behind his/her back? Did you tell your friend?
yes... but no I didn't tell as nothing happened... I'm not into just hurting for no reason

>>If you told him/her, Did he/she believe that about their lover?
their relationship is not my problem or even business

Have you ever returned the affections towards you from a friend's lover?

If you returned the affections, did you keep it secret?

Would you have a lasting affair with a friend's lover behind his/her back?
oh sheeeesh no... if someone wants me they will always have enough with only me or they'll simply never have me like that in their life

Could you remain friends with a girl/guy keeping a dark secret of infidelity with his/her lover?
I don't know... fortunately never happened to me

Survey D:

Do you value friendship over a scandalous love affair?

Can you trust your male/female friends around your lover?
yes cuz I do trust my lover

Can you trust your lover around your friends?
friends and others... always lol

Are you a flirtatious person? Can you be trusted?

Do you always want the girl/guy that your friend has?

Are you the type of person who shares everything, (lovers, food, clothes, shoes) with your friends?
lovers I don't share... the rest doesn't matter... although a friend who tries to copy me in having all I have often gets boring to me... I mean I am living with myself 24/7, so who wonders

Have these questions been hard to answer honestly, or just hard to answer?:D
pretty easy as long as I have been sure I understood what was asked.

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. IV - Your Friends & Their Lovers - End.
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changed my mind* :doh:
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Survey A:
Have you ever been a "Third Wheel"? If yes, explain how that felt or feels to you.

Sure. Very awkward.

Have you ever been abandoned by a friend at a bar or other event for a lover he/she just met? Explain, if you wish.

Yeah, I guess. Aaand very awkward again.

Have you ever wanted to meet a girl/guy and your friend met them first?


Did that effect your friendship? If yes, How?


Have you ever been introduced to a girl/guy by your friend and they wanted your friend instead of you?


Did you ever find yourself involved in helping a girl/guy get close to your friend when you wanted the girl/guy yourself?


How did you deal with the pain of hooking them up and watching them get close?


Survey B:
Are you the type of person who will try to break up a friend's relationship because you don't want to share them?

Of course not.

When your friend has been hurt by a lover, do you feel like telling the lover off for hurting your friend?


How many times have you been attracted to a friend, but didn't pursue a relationship past friendship?


If this ever happened, Did you do everything to keep their friendship just to be around them?


Would you breakup with a girl/guy because your friends didn't like him/her?

No. But it would be a problem.

Have you ever or Would you break off a relationship for your friend with his/her lover if he/she asked you because he/she was afraid to do it?

If there was a good reason for it, then yes of course. I'd kick that persons ass.

>>If Yes, Explain what happened or How you would handle it.

See above. :D

Have you ever jumped in to help your friend fight a lover? (This is preferably a female only question)

Like in a physical fight? Nah.

Survey C:
Have you ever flirted with your friend's lover?


Have you ever spent time with your friend's lover without the friend around just hanging out together?


If you were good friends with both the lovers, would you tell either one of them if the other were cheating?


Have you ever been approached romantically by your friend's lover behind his/her back? Did you tell your friend?

Haha. Nope.

>>If you told him/her, Did he/she believe that about their lover?


Have you ever returned the affections towards you from a friend's lover?

Never happened. And...never would happen.

If you returned the affections, did you keep it secret?


Would you have a lasting affair with a friend's lover behind his/her back?

Of course not.

Could you remain friends with a girl/guy keeping a dark secret of infidelity with his/her lover?


Survey D:

Do you value friendship over a scandalous love affair?


Can you trust your male/female friends around your lover?

Um. Yeah.

Can you trust your lover around your friends?

Haha. I'd certainly hope so.

Are you a flirtatious person? Can you be trusted?

Nope. Can not be trusted. Just kidding. I wouldn't know how to flirt to save my life so no worries there.

Do you always want the girl/guy that your friend has?


Are you the type of person who shares everything, (lovers, food, clothes, shoes) with your friends?

I share pretty much...nothing of that with my friends.

Have these questions been hard to answer honestly, or just hard to answer?:D

They've been alright. :D