Open Up Your Mind-Vol.III-Richer or Poorer


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Illinois USA
Open Up Your Mind - Vol. III - Richer or Poorer and (Love and Money)

As with the first 2 Open Up Your Mind threads, Vol. I - Love and Relationships and Vol. II - Race and Hate the questions answered are your opinions and have no right or wrong label attached to them. Be as candid as you like.

You may elaborate as much or as little as you choose. This is just a good old self-evaluation and maybe we all learn something from each other. It's all fun and games (but true to life). Copy and paste questions.

Survey A:

Have you ever fell for someone because they had money?

Does the type of car/house they have matter to you?

Does the color GREEN (money) translate to love interest or a quick con?

When you meet a man/woman do you think...What type of work do they do?

When you're short on cash do you ask a lover before a friend or vice versa?

Have you ever gone "Dutch" with an opposite sex date?

Were you okay with it, or did you protest?

Survey B:

Does money make you excited (happy; sexual; generous)? Pick one or more and explain.

Have you ever done something for money, because someone asked you?

Does it make you feel good if a man/woman offer you money to get your attention?

Do you think it is wrong to ask a man/woman for money when you don't know them that well?

Would you do anything for money?

Survey C:

Which depresses you more the lack of love or the lack of money?

Have you ever given a lover/friend money just because?

Have you ever gotten money from a lover/friend just because?

Have you ever been completely broke for a day or more?

Have you ever accepted a job for less than minimum wage?

Have you ever fought a lover/friend/relative over money?

Have you ever found money? Did you keep it or give it back if you knew who it belonged to?

Have you ever lost money?

Have you ever stolen money? How much?

Survey D:

If you became rich what would you do for your lover before you did anything for anyone else?

If you could buy geniune love, would you? Why?

If being poor didn't mean poverty, would it matter to you to have money? Think about your answer.

Do you think having money makes you a better person?

Are you a generous person? Give an example.

Does it bother you when you see a person flaunt their money?

How much money do you think you're worth? Be realistic. :D

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. III - Richer or Poorer and (Love and Money) - End.
Survey A:

Have you ever fell for someone because they had money?

No. I can honestly say that has never been a priority for me to fall for a guy because he had money. Simply because I am only attracted to the person...not what he has. What it all boils down to's his money, not mine.

Does the type of car/house they have matter to you?

No. I must say that if he has a nice car and I like him then that's okay, but I don't gravitate to a man because of his car or his house...again as stated's his, not mine.

Does the color GREEN (money) translate to love interest or a quick con?

This is basically saying the same thing to a certain degree and NO I don't see the color of money in my eyes translating to love NOR do I see it as a chance to run a game on someone just to get the GREEN. I've known men and women who have done this, specifically ran a quick con on someone trying to take whatever they could get.

I was once approached by a scheming person that I had just met and I figured it out that they were lying and was trying to con me for money and never would I have seen them again. It took a lot of consciousness and fortitude on my part to realize when I did what was going on because the person had expressed this elaborate tale of how I would be repaid. People are conned everyday and I managed to escape from it in a timely manner.

When you meet a man/woman do you think...What type of work do they do?

Not usually for the hopes of romance, but sometimes if I had a chance to observe them from a distance I might have wondered about it.

When you're short on cash do you ask a lover before a friend or vice versa?

Well, I don't have a lover presently (other than MY LUVA, Michael and I wouldn't ask him for anything) and I don't like to ask a friend if I can help it. It's best to try to avoid being short on cash. In the past, I think maybe I would ask a lover before a friend because if a lover can't help you with a financial situation, then what good is he.:D

Have you ever gone "Dutch" with an opposite sex date?

I may have done this once or twice early in my dating life.

Were you okay with it, or did you protest?

I was usually okay with it, because I'm like that, especially a friend. I think I may have protested with someone that I thought was supposed to be that special guy and he is supposed to pay for my meal and my movie.:D

Survey B:

Does money make you excited (happy; sexual; generous)? Pick one or more and explain. makes me happy and generous because there are so many things to do with it when you have it. I may have to think harder on the sexual part of it. Money doesn't move me that way. I've heard of it moving other people, but I'm not in that category by no means.

Have you ever done something for money, because someone asked you?

Absolutely, not. I was asked before if I could be touched for $200.00 and I was disgusted and turned it down. I didn't even know this person, but the person knew a so-called friend of mine and I do believe that she knew that this person would ask me this question, in fact, she may have set me up. That's what you may call: a bitxh azz friend.

Does it make you feel good if a man/woman offer you money to get your attention?

NO. It doesn't.

Do you think it is wrong to ask a man/woman for money when you don't know them that well?

In this circumstance, it would all depend on the immediate need for the money and your connection with the person. I once had to ask a male prospective boyfriend for money to fix my brakes on my car, I didn't want to ask but if I hadn't I would have be flying into somebody's bumper. I promised to pay it back, but the near-relationship was over before I could get the money...and of course, I didn't hunt him down to pay it back. Too bad. :D

Would you do anything for money?

Absolutely, Hell NO. I despise the thought of being put in that position.

Survey C:

Which depresses you more the lack of love or the lack of money?

Hmmm. I would say that the lack of love is depressing, but the lack of money is a lot worse. So it's kinda a toss up. I can live without love, but I need money for essential things in life.

Have you ever given a lover/friend money just because?

I must say that I have done this. I'm a generous person when I can be helpful. It doesn't bother me to give to someone in need.

Have you ever gotten money from a lover/friend just because?

I have gotten money from a friend before, but a lover, I think not. I've always for some strange reason (maybe not caring about money) picked lousy S.O.B's who weren't free with their money, if they had any.

Have you ever been completely broke for a day or more?

It's hard to say, but I think usually I would be broke for a minute but not a complete whole day, if anything I was about to get some money when I was broke so my hands didn't wait too long for some cash.

Have you ever accepted a job for less than minimum wage?

Yes. I did this once. It was at an early age and I was taken advantage of.

Have you ever fought a lover/friend/relative over money?

No, I haven't ever fought over money.

Have you ever found money? Did you keep it or give it back if you knew who it belonged to?

Yes, I find money all the time. Usually, it's on the ground somewhere. Once I found 4 dollars in the laundry room dryer. I didn't see who left it and if they had cleaned out the lint tray they would have not left it. So that's what they get.

Have you ever lost money?

I can't remember ever losing any money to speak of. Once in elementary school maybe. I think I lost my lunch money once or someone stole it. :D

Have you ever stolen money? How much?

No, not really. I think I took about $.50 from my mother's purse once. That's not stealing is it? Okay, it is.:D

Survey D:

If you became rich what would you do for your lover before you did anything for anyone else?

I would probably do nothing. It would all depend on how much in love I was with him. If I'm thinking that he's my husband, then maybe I'd buy him some clothes or a new car. I'm generous, but sometimes I can be very upset with the arrangements of the relationship and probably if I wasn't happy, I'd tell his azz to hit the streets and keep stepping.:D

If you could buy geniune love, would you? Why?

Well, if everybody else in the world was buying love, then it wouldn't look bad for me to buy some love. But I would only buy love if I knew that the person I was buying it from really wanted to sell it to me. But in a world where that was accepted, then of course, it would mean that the love was on the real and I would need love, too, just like everybody else buying it up.:D

If being poor didn't mean poverty, would it matter to you to have money? Think about your answer.

I do believe that if the world was made that money didn't matter and we all would have equal things and equal food and water; then I wouldn't care about money, I think. Well, for example, if I could get anything I wanted just by knowing where to get it without needing money, then money would be like maybe the stars in the sky. We see them but we don't need them for very much except light in the night. So money would be like something you got only at Christmas or birthdays and you'd buy stuff like spaceship rides or something crazy like that.

Do you think having money makes you a better person?

No way does money make you a better person. It may make you a important person, but not a better person in the sense of who you really are...your personality, your kindness or your generosity to others.

Are you a generous person? Give an example.

Yes, I would say so. I've given money to charities many times. It may not have been a lot of money, but nevertheless, I contributed to a cause and every little bit helps.

Does it bother you when you see a person flaunt their money?

Well, it all depends on who they are flaunting it with. If they are making a big issue over the fact that they got it and you don't then YES that would bother me. But the money is theirs to do whatever they want with it, even wiping their azzes with it, so I know then I wouldn't care at all about it.

How much money do you think you're worth? Be realistic. :D

Since, I wouldn't try to sell myself for any amount of money, I would say that I'd like to self-consciously think that I am worth tons of cash. I can't come up with a figure. I'll just say that I'm priceless.

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. III - Richer or Poorer and (Love and Money) - End.
Survey A:

Have you ever fell for someone because they had money?


Does the type of car/house they have matter to you?

No but I expect him to take care of his own wellness (spiritually and material) and health.

Does the color GREEN (money) translate to love interest or a quick con?

For me, no. Money is great but love comes first. True love comes from within and not from blings.

When you meet a man/woman do you think...What type of work do they do?

No. Most of the time it doesn't cross my mind. But I think you will casually ask your date during your first meet up or second.

When you're short on cash do you ask a lover before a friend or vice versa?

I hate asking for cash from my bf or from anyone. I told him upfront that I am going to earn my own money through my own sweat. But he explained to me that I need to learn to let him enter my life and let him share everything with me.

Have you ever gone "Dutch" with an opposite sex date?


Were you okay with it, or did you protest?

See my answer above. But if it happens, I don't mind.

Survey B:

Does money make you excited (happy; sexual; generous)? Pick one or more and explain.

Hell yes. It makes me happy and generous. I'll be honest - i want to be rich as possible and then spoil myself, my parents, help people in need and also animals.

Have you ever done something for money, because someone asked you?

Sure, freelance jobs.

Does it make you feel good if a man/woman offer you money to get your attention?


Do you think it is wrong to ask a man/woman for money when you don't know them that well?

Yes. I have a problem lending my money to friends and relatives. The only people that can touch my money is my bf, my parents and one or two good friends. I work hard to earn my money so yes, it bothers me when people looking for shortcuts to get money by asking me. It's not about stingy. It's about working your butt out and stop being lazy.

But it would be a different story if it has to do with charity, homeless shelters and related.

Would you do anything for money?

To a certain limit only.

Survey C:

Which depresses you more the lack of love or the lack of money?

In what kind of situation? It depends on the situation.

Have you ever given a lover/friend money just because?


Have you ever gotten money from a lover/friend just because?


Have you ever been completely broke for a day or more?


Have you ever accepted a job for less than minimum wage?


Have you ever fought a lover/friend/relative over money?


Have you ever found money? Did you keep it or give it back if you knew who it belonged to?

Yes. A wallet, I traced back the owner. I lost my wallet before and the founder also traced me back.

Have you ever lost money?

Frequently when I was in high school. I was naive at the time. I kept my wallet in my backpack. I lost a lot of money and wallets.

Have you ever stolen money? How much?


Survey D:

If you became rich what would you do for your lover before you did anything for anyone else?

Buy him a dinner and watch a movie together.

If you could buy geniune love, would you? Why?

You cannot buy genuine love.

If being poor didn't mean poverty, would it matter to you to have money? Think about your answer.

Money would still matter to me. I still need to buy food to feed myself.

Do you think having money makes you a better person?

Not a better person but it makes your feel financially secure and comfortable as you have a solid ground to stand upon.

Are you a generous person? Give an example.

Yes, I am a very generous person but let's just leave it like that. You don't need to 'broadcast' about your generosity to everyone if you are truly sincere.

Does it bother you when you see a person flaunt their money?

No as long as they don't do any 'obnoxious and arrogant personal contact' with me. Your money is your own business.

How much money do you think you're worth? Be realistic.

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Survey A:

Have you ever fell for someone because they had money?

Does the type of car/house they have matter to you?

Does the color GREEN (money) translate to love interest or a quick con?
To me, money is just as important as love is. You don't want a nice guy who can't pay his bills, but you don't want a jerk with money.

When you meet a man/woman do you think...What type of work do they do?
Yes, I want someone who is able to support me just like I'd be able to support them.

When you're short on cash do you ask a lover before a friend or vice versa?
I'd rather ask a family member.

Have you ever gone "Dutch" with an opposite sex date?

Were you okay with it, or did you protest?
I said I could pay for myself, but he wouldn't let me.

Survey B:

Does money make you excited (happy; sexual; generous)? Pick one or more and explain.
Money makes me happy? :lol: I don't know if that's the correct term, but yes, I would be unhappy if I was low on cash.

Have you ever done something for money, because someone asked you?
No, I don't believe so.

Does it make you feel good if a man/woman offer you money to get your attention?
I actually can't stand that.

Do you think it is wrong to ask a man/woman for money when you don't know them that well?

Would you do anything for money?

Survey C:

Which depresses you more the lack of love or the lack of money?
Eh, good question. I really can't answer that. Like I said earlier, their both equal to me.

Have you ever given a lover/friend money just because?

Have you ever gotten money from a lover/friend just because?

Have you ever been completely broke for a day or more?

Have you ever accepted a job for less than minimum wage?

Have you ever fought a lover/friend/relative over money?

Have you ever found money? Did you keep it or give it back if you knew who it belonged to?
I just ignore it.

Have you ever lost money?

Have you ever stolen money? How much?

Survey D:

If you became rich what would you do for your lover before you did anything for anyone else?
Hmm, I don't know. Get him whatever he wishes to have.

If you could buy geniune love, would you? Why?
If I could? Well, sure, who doesn't want genuine love?

If being poor didn't mean poverty, would it matter to you to have money? Think about your answer.
Just b/c you're not living in poverty, it doesn't mean you're not living life tough. I'd still want those luxuries.

Do you think having money makes you a better person?
Not necessarily. I know many rich people with a bad soul. Some of my own family members, for example.

Are you a generous person? Give an example.
Yes, I've never said "no" to anyone who's ever asked me for money.

Does it bother you when you see a person flaunt their money?
Not really, if that's what they want to do, that's fine with me.

How much money do you think you're worth? Be realistic. :D
"It's up there." - MJ :lol:
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Another survey!!! Yay!!! :clapping:I love surveys!! :clapping:

Survey A:

Have you ever fell for someone because they had money?
No because having loads of money says nothing about the person. And actually...if I see someone showing off their wealth, it's actually more of a turn off than a turn on. But vice versa...I'm impressed if someone is wealthy and they are humble and down-to-earth. When I was a student, I was friends with these two guys (brothers). They were really nice...very sweet, always ready to help, they drove a crappy car, they lived together in an apartment with one other guy, they worked to pay for their studies, etc. You know, they were like any other college student. Then one time we rented a cabin on the mountains with them and with some friends of ours and went skiing. We stopped by at their house on our way to the cabin and that was the first time I saw their house. I was like "Wow..." :bugeyed They had a Mercedes and a BMW standing in the front yard...their house was HUGE, like from "Dynasty" (you know that TV series) or something...It was just huge. They had promsied to borrow me their skiis and we walked into their CLOSET...and it was almost bigger than my whole apartment. :lol: And their mom came to help me with the shoes and it was like I would have been in some sports store...they had all kinds of ski shoes in all possible sizes and I was just trying them on until I found ones that fit. And their mother was a DARLING!!! She was SOOOO nice...not stuck up or arrogant at all...not one bit. Just really sweet and nice. So that really impressed know that they were so wealthy and yet they were so humble and nice and weren't thinking they're all "that" and weren't throwing money out left and right to show off their wealth. I liked that. But if I see someone thinking they're" all that" because they're rich and see them show off their money...I lose interest, because I think that's just really shallow. You don't have to hide your money or not enjoy know, a nice house is fine because that's your private space, etc...But you don't have to be "everywhere" either to show off how much you've got. I think that's a bit "tacky"...

Does the type of car/house they have matter to you?
Not really. I mean, if the relationship is serious and we're thinking about moving in together, then it does matter because I have to feel comfortable and safe and if I don't like the house or apartment, then we have to come up with some other solution. But how I think about a person won't really depend on their car or house. Unless they both look really sloppy and trashed...says something about their personality too.

Does the color GREEN (money) translate to love interest or a quick con?
Well I think it would be wrong to say all rich guys are arrogant or that you would never date arich guy, because it all comes down to what the PERSON is like. I don't choose who I fall in love with by how much money they have. It's their personality that matters and how I get along with that person. So since arrogance and thinking one is "all that" and cheating and players and all that kind of stuff is on my "no way" list....I wouldn't be interested in someone who is rich and full of himself, no matter how much money he'd have. I either wanna be with someone I love and care about and who loves me back...or if I can't find that person, then I'll stay single. But I'M not gonna be with someone just for their money. I have better things to do.

When you meet a man/woman do you think...What type of work do they do?
Well actually...yeah I do. And I ask that too. I think it's natural to want to know what peope do for their living. It gives you something to talk about and allows you to get to know the person better. You know.... if they like their job...why they chose that job...if they have some goals they wanna reach or if they wanna change their job, etc. etc. You know, I ask about work to get to know the person. Not to know how much money they make. Like if the guy was a janitor somewhere I know I'd still keep asking questions about their work. What kind of hours do they work? Is it exhausting? Are the people he works with nice? How long has he been working? What exactly does he do at work...what kind of things does he do at work? Do they have breaks...etc. etc. It just interests me to get to know what different jobs are like and the people behind those jobs.

When you're short on cash do you ask a lover before a friend or vice versa?
Actually I have a hard time asking ANYONE for money if I don't have any. When I was a student I had hardly any money for food and I was too proud to ask my parents for money. They'd alsways keep asking me if I have enough money, especially for food, and I used to lie and say "Yeah, of course"...when the reality was that I had been eating noodles (and ONLY noodles...cooked noodles with salt...and that was it), for WEEKS. My dad knew me and so he'd often send me money for food, because he knew I'd never ask him for it. Actually that's what he did when I was younger and living with them too. If I needed money to go see a movie with friends etc. I calculated EXACTLY the amount I'd need and then I'd ask my dad if it would be possible to get that amount (we never got a weekly allowance or anything...we got money when we needed it), and then let's say I'd need 15 dad would give me 50 dollars and I'd be like "No dad...I just need 15 dollars...This is too much." and my dad would be like "Well, maybe you guys want to go somewhere to have dinner too or you see something nice or's fine, you can take it!" And I'd be like "But dad....I don't NEED this much." And he'd often say that because I never ASK for any extras...he wants to give me some extra money. And to this day...unless I REALLY need it...I don't ask for anything. Or if I ever did ask my parents for extra money, I asked them to BORROW in...I'll pay them back. I never asked them to just give me the money. And if my dad didn't think it was a good enough reason (like for example...borrowing money to go see MJ in London...:(), he'd say no. But I never ask friends to borrow me money, unless I'm in a real need (like when I was in Sri Lanka, for some reason the ATM's didn't accept my card (nor the cards from the others in our group)....Only one of the guys' card worked, so he borrowed money for all of us while we were there (we started calling him our "bank"...:lol:) and we then payed him back as soon as we got home).

Have you ever gone "Dutch" with an opposite sex date?
Well, believe it or not...I actually often feel uneasy if someone pays for me. I rather pay for myself. Or that we at least take turns. He pays this time...I'll pay next time. I'd feel really uncomfortable if someone was paying for everything the whole time. Like if I go out with friends and someone pays for my food/drink/ticket/whatever...I usually offer to pay for theirs next time. I think that's fair.

Were you okay with it, or did you protest?
I usually don't take it for granted that the other person is paying for me, so I usually offer to pay my half, or pay the next time we go out.

Survey B:

Does money make you excited (happy; sexual; generous)? Pick one or more and explain.
Well if I get a bigger paycheck because I worked more, sure I'm happy! Who wouldn't be! I can use the extra money. Or if I'd win in the lottery, of course I'd be excited and happy! But other than that...not really. Money from someone else wouldn't get me excited or happy because I'd know it wasn't MINE.

Have you ever done something for money, because someone asked you?
Yeah! I have accepted to do more shifts at work for extra money. :cheers::lol: We have a huge staff shortage and so the hospital is offering more money for the nurses if they do extra shifts, so I was like "Hell yeah!!" :clapping::lol: But other than that...can't think of anything else I would have done for money.

Does it make you feel good if a man/woman offer you money to get your attention?
No...actually quite the opposite. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I am not great at receiving gifts. Besides...I think I'd be PRETTY insulted if some GUY would give me MONEY....I mean, what does he think I am....a call girl?! :rolleyes: :rant: :lol: And like I said, with gifts, it's the same too...especially if they are expensive...I'd feel like it's too much. And IF someone does give me a gift "just like that" know a good friend or someone I work with, etc....I usually try to find something I think they might like and then buy them that and surprise them. I usually try to give something back. But if someone who barely knows me gives me something just to get my attention....I think my first reaction would be to doubt their motives. I'd be like "What does he want from me?", and I don't think I'd feel too flattered.

Do you think it is wrong to ask a man/woman for money when you don't know them that well?
Unless you were in DESPERATE need and it was an emergency (like someone stole your wallet and you didn't know how to get home other wise...or something like that), then yes I think it would be pretty WEIRD ad rude to ask a stranger for money.

Would you do anything for money?
Hell no!

Survey C:

Which depresses you more the lack of love or the lack of money?
The lack of love. You can have money and still be sad because you have no one to share it with. But if you have just enough to get by and someone to love...I think you'll be ten times happier than you would if you were rich and alone.

Have you ever given a lover/friend money just because?
I have never really given anyone MONEY "just because". I have given GIFTS "just because". Sometimes if I'm shopping and I see something that I think someone I know might like, I might buy it and give it to them even if it wasn't their birthday or whatever.

Have you ever gotten money from a lover/friend just because?
I was a nanny years ago and the family used to ALWAYS give me money "just because". It was actually pretty hilarious. They'd want to give me some extra money because they were happy to have me....and I'd feel like there was no need to give me so much extra money so I'd be like "No....I won't take it, that's too much!!" and I'd run away because they'd try to put it in my pocket...and if they succeeded in it, I'd take it out and run after them (because now they were running away so that I can't give the money back to them :smilerolleyes:) was actually pretty funny. Like playing tag with money. :doh: :lol: Or then I'd take the money so that they'd think they won...but then hide it in their house somewhere where they'd find it later on (like under their pillow or under their perfume bottle in the bathroom, etc.)...And then after they found it...they'd hide it in some of my things. And it went on and on like that. :lol: It was pretty funny. Like "I wanna give you this. No, I'm not taking it. No I'm not taking it back, it's yours. No it's not mine because I said I'm not taking it..." :doh::hysterical: One time, when the mom's dad died...we were going through things in his house and the mom said that if I see something that I like, I can take it. So I chose some books and old drawings and binoculars. I used the binoculars a couple of times to watch stars and birds and stuff and then I forgot about them. Then after a while I started studying at the university, so I quit as their nanny...but stayed in contact with them (I'm still in contact with them) and I occassionally babysat the boy whose nanny I had been too. one time I took out the binoculars out of their box again...and this little book fell out. I was like "What's this...?". So I looked at it. And it looked like one of those old "bank account books". It had the mom's dad's name on it...and the last sum on it was around 50 000 dollars or so. So I immediately called the mom and told her about that book and she was like "Ah...I think it must be some really old account...". And I said that I think she should take it to the bank and ask them and take a look at it because maybe the money is still there! So the next day I went over to their house and gave her the book and she then went to the bank with it. And sure enough...the 50 000 plus was still there! And she was so happy about it. And then she wanted to give me FIVE THOUSAND dollars because I had found it and I was like "ARE YOU INSANE??!!". That is YOUR DAD'S MONEY...I had nothing to do with it!! I ain't taking one cent from you!!". And we argued and argued about it and she'd be like´"Well...okay...3000?" and I'd be like "No way!! You're crazy!!"...and she'd go down with the sum and I'd be like ""....and she kept insisting and I was like "Well, okay...if you MUST give me something...then just buy me some chocolate!!" (I'm so easy to please!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:) and she bought me like a whole shopping cart full of candy. :smilerolleyes: :lol: So yeah...I know...I'm weird that way. I just don't like taking money from other people if I feel I have done nothing for it. I mean, if I am working, I don't let anyone use me or rip me off or anything like that...but I find it extremely difficult to accept money or gifts "just like that", especially from friends. (But then on the other hand...I MYSELf am often buying people all these gifts "just like that"....:lol:)

Have you ever been completely broke for a day or more?
Yeah!!! As a student!! :lol: :lol: I had nooooo money! :lol: And I worked during all my vacations. And I ate noodles...:puke: Noodles...noodles...noodles...I had noodles coming out of my ears!! :puke: Cooked noodles with salt....cooked noodels with sugar and cinnamon (yeah...GROSS!!! :puke: But after weeks and weeks of noodles with salt, you wanna try something else...:lol:)...noodles with ketchup or mustard (if I had a bit more money left...))...

Have you ever accepted a job for less than minimum wage?
Well, I once picked berries for very little money...:lol: My very first job...I took it so that I can afford to go to Michael's concert...:lol:

Have you ever fought a lover/friend/relative over money?
There were some discussions before and after my dad died...My dad often took me aside when he was still alive and told me what certain things are worth and told me that I have to make SURE that I get my share. He knew I am not interested in money and he knew my sister can be very "dominant", so he he was like "If your sister takes my car for example...she has to pay you this and this amount for it". And I was like "But she can take the car...I don't care." And my dad was like "NO. You need to get something for it. And I want you to make SURE. PROMISE me that!!". And then after he died...sure sister wanted his car, and I actually didn't was gone and I was just sad and the last thing I wanted to do was to fight about money. But since it was my dad's will that everything gets divided fairly...I said to my mom and my sister "You know that I don't care about the money...but dad said that if (my sister) gets the car, then I get money for it. I'm only doing it for dad." And they knew it and agreed.

Have you ever found money? Did you keep it or give it back if you knew who it belonged to?
Yeah I found 5 dollars at the beach in California on my first day there after moving there. :lol:

Have you ever lost money?
Well, I did one time accidentally give one cab driver a too big of a bill...and he gave me back too little for it. I got out, and then I was like "OMG....I gave him that amount...and he gave me only this back!!". I immediately called the cab central and told them what has happened...but unfortunately the cab driver wasn't an honest one and had told them that he hadn't gotten such a big bill from me.... so he got a "tip" of tens of dollars. :( Well, needless to say....I've never called a cab from that number again. A**holes!! :rant:

Have you ever stolen money? How much?
No and never would.

Survey D:

If you became rich what would you do for your lover before you did anything for anyone else?
Wow....I doubt I'd buy something for a LOVER as the first thing. I think I'd buy something for my mom and the rest of the family first. And then, maybe I'd book a vacation for us two or something like that. If we were in a serious relationship, I probably would buy something he had always wanted (maybe some golf set, or a TV or a computer or something like that). If we were married I'd buy him something more expensive. Car or something like that. But I wouldn't put thousands of dollars into a gift to someone I was not sure is going to be there for years. And if I bought him all this stuff, I'd be scared he'd want to marry me just to get part of the money, etc.

If you could buy geniune love, would you? Why?
No, because if I could buy their love, it wouldn't be genuine, right?

If being poor didn't mean poverty, would it matter to you to have money? Think about your answer.
If being poor didn't mean poverty...then it wouldn't matter if I had no money, right? I don't really understand the question...:lol:

Do you think having money makes you a better person?
No because you can't buy manners, you can't buy a nice personality, you can't buy compassion, etc. It all has to come from the inside. It has to be in your very being and if you don't have those will never have them, no matter how much money you have. And vice versa too...just because you're poor doesn't mean you can't have good manners. Good manners don't cost a thing.

Are you a generous person? Give an example.
Yeah... I'd say so...I like to give gifts. And I often go a bit "overboard" with it too. Usually when I give gifts...I don't buy just one gift...I buy several. Like when I was a nanny, I bought the kids bags full of gifts for their birthday, christmas, etc. Or one time I saw SUCH cute toddler outfits that I just couldn't I bought pretty much all of them with matching hats and socks and the works for my friend's two year old daughter (and he's a celebrity and wealthy, so they wouldn't have really needed all that, but I just couldn't resist! :lol: The outfits were too cute!! :lol:). So I had like two huge bags FULL of clothes for their daughter and they were just like "OMG...summer!! You shouldn't have!!" :wild: :lol: And last time I saw them I had tons of stuff for them again. I just couldn't resist. I saw these cute toys and books, so I just bought one...two...three...and then by the time I was going home and saw them, I had a bag full once again! :lol: Or if I see stuff I think my niece woud like, I buy it and then give it to my niece when I see her. Or if someone comes to visit me and stays over at my place, I usually fill the fridge up with all kinds of food possible so that I'll have something they like for sure. :lol:

Does it bother you when you see a person flaunt their money?
Depends how they do it. Like if someone is making sure everyone and their mother sees how much money they have...I don't really like it. Or when someone thinks they can behave whatever way they want just because their rich...I don't like that either. Or what I really hate is when guys drive around in some fancy car and then drive really fast to make sure that everyone notices them and sees them...I just think that's pretty ridicilous. :doh:

How much money do you think you're worth? Be realistic. :D
I don't think you can measure any person's worth in money. Every single person is invaluable.
Open Up Your Mind - Vol. III - Richer or Poorer and (Love and Money)

Survey A:

Have you ever fell for someone because they had money?

Does the type of car/house they have matter to you?
If he had a Ferrari I'd certainly like that... but every other car, nope doesn't matter. House doesn't matter at all! lol

Does the color GREEN (money) translate to love interest or a quick con?
can't say. I don't believe in generalizations making any sense!

When you meet a man/woman do you think...What type of work do they do?
I am also interested in what kind of work ppl are doing and why they are doing so and if they like doing so... yep it's one piece of the puzzle making the unique picture of a person.

When you're short on cash do you ask a lover before a friend or vice versa?
I had to ask my parents twice in my life. Never asked lover or friend yet and hope that will not have to happen.

Have you ever gone "Dutch" with an opposite sex date?
"dutch"??? from the other answers I guess the paying thing is meant... well it's ok to be invited and sometimes I do invite... there's not that much thinking before or afterwards from my side.

Were you okay with it, or did you protest?
I think ppl who protest are funny... but don't ask me why lol they just are. When someone is my guest, they are my guest... they can protest or not lol doesn't change a thing.
Nope I'm usually not that funny.

Survey B:

Does money make you excited (happy; sexual; generous)? Pick one or more and explain.
It makes me happy a certain way because it makes things for my beloved ones and me possible.

Have you ever done something for money, because someone asked you?
Yeah sure... I had many jobs. Started working from age 16 and have always done so since.

Does it make you feel good if a man/woman offer you money to get your attention?
Money for my attention... I think that's strange behavior from then but it would probably work this way... well maybe not for long.
Usually my attention is for free to gain lol I'm a curious person.

Do you think it is wrong to ask a man/woman for money when you don't know them that well?
Depends on the situation. I was pretty young when I was in Greece for holidays with a friend. At the main station in Athens we met some young girls from the netherlands who told us that someone robbed all their money and they wouldn't know how to come home and/or what to do. Well all ppl told them to go to their embassy ect. I just gave them the money I still had which was anyways planned to be spend on that vacation and not to be brought home. It was easily enough money for them to get home.
Well everybody around but those two girls clearly thought I'm stupid and naive.
Two weeks later I got a letter from one of the girls and got double the money back cuz she told me her parents and the parents of her friends were so thankfull and wanted me to have it.
Well I gave all the money to charity.
Sometimes it's just not the money.
So no I don't think it's always wrong... it depends on the situation and all the circumstances.

Would you do anything for money?

Survey C:

Which depresses you more the lack of love or the lack of money?
well I'm a lucky person... I've never really suffered any of those lacks... for sure not a lack of love and the moments I really was in need for money my parents helped me out. So no... neither nor.

Have you ever given a lover/friend money just because?

Have you ever gotten money from a lover/friend just because?

Have you ever been completely broke for a day or more?
read above... nope

Have you ever accepted a job for less than minimum wage?
no thankfully I never had to

Have you ever fought a lover/friend/relative over money?

Have you ever found money? Did you keep it or give it back if you knew who it belonged to?
a few times. If I couldn't find out to whom it belonged I usually gave it to charity.

Have you ever lost money?
no, not that I can remember

Have you ever stolen money? How much?
yes when I was younger from my brother... a few DM... I gave it back later. He has never noticed. I've told him years later!

Survey D:

If you became rich what would you do for your lover before you did anything for anyone else?
whatever he wishes for would come true.
Probably we'd just save to just have enough for whatever happens and also comes to our mind now as these are his last very few years.
But certainly I'd spend it all on being with him and enjoying eachother and life as much as possible.

If you could buy geniune love, would you? Why?
this question is too theoretical for me... it makes sense that it is not to buy.

If being poor didn't mean poverty, would it matter to you to have money? Think about your answer.
what else would being poor mean... being without love means for sure one would be poorer than one without money... if that's what's meant here :scratch: not sure though. The important things in life are not too buy.

Do you think having money makes you a better person?
It makes it easier to be a good person at times, yep.

Are you a generous person? Give an example.
Yes I am. I like to share whatever I have... means love, means happiness, means also money.

Does it bother you when you see a person flaunt their money?
Yes it bothers me... but it's their choice.

How much money do you think you're worth? Be realistic. :D
money... lol sorry it's not to define by money... one can get me completely for nothing... one other will never get me whatever is their offer

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. III - Richer or Poorer and (Love and Money) - End.
Thanks everyone for fattening up the thread.:D I enjoy reading everyone's survey answers.

Hopefully other posters will join the fun, and share some laughs like "summer".

summer, the answers you gave had me tripping out. I was laughing at almost everything you wrote. I'm sorry for the loss of your father. He seemed like a wonderful man and I think you are a lot like him.

The little stories you shared were hilarious, especially the one about the nanny job and the running and chasing episodes.:D Also, the "What Type of Work Do They Do?" answer was crazy with all the questions you said you would ask a person. I don't know if you meant it to be funny, but it had me cracking up.

I'm glad you like surveys. I think it's kind of like a mental therapy when I answer questions that aren't hard to answer. I like surveys, too when they are fun. I hate the kind online where they ask you about all the things you like to buy like food and things. Sometimes they don't allow you to answer the question the way you want to. They don't give enough variables. I hate when that happens.

Anyways, thanks again everyone. I hope to reading more.

I needed those laughs, summer.:D Maybe I'll read it again when I'm wide awake.:D
Survey A:

Have you ever fell for someone because they had money?

Does the type of car/house they have matter to you?

Does the color GREEN (money) translate to love interest or a quick con?

When you meet a man/woman do you think...What type of work do they do?
doesn't matter.
there was one of my best friend, after we had been good friend for several years, then i know her real name and she's a richwoman(i used her pen name all time), it took me 1~2 more years then i finally remember her real name, no more asked her with mobile message each time:p
....... well i confessed, my reaction is not a common one on facing this part.

When you're short on cash do you ask a lover before a friend or vice versa?
...i don't know, never ever try.
but once one friend want money and i had no money to lend to... my families had doubts and i can't persuade them, finally another friend give the help(i borrowed money from him, then lend the money to...), well now the borrow-side had returned all money to another side. so... it doesn't matter whoever it was, the key is the credit and the will(do you want to do).

Have you ever gone "Dutch" with an opposite sex date?
... hard to answer.
quite often go dutch or i paid... is it a date? it belonged to friends' meeting. in my opinion friends are fair on paying bill whatever gender. if you can afford, then go. but yes, if one guy have interests on me, he would insist to pay for the meeting whatever it was a friend's meeting or a date. some friends do have the views of "men should pay", they insisted paying however poor---the kind of people is rare. i have more esteem to them, not because they paid, but because they insisted the belief. at the same time, to some people "go dutch" is also a belief, but to insist the belief "paying" is more difficult than insist "go dutch" especially to common people. the former is a harder/deeper test, and you don't know what's the result while those people insisting "go dutch" faced a equal-hard test.

Were you okay with it, or did you protest?

Survey B:

Does money make you excited (happy; sexual; generous)? Pick one or more and explain.
... hard to answer.

Have you ever done something for money, because someone asked you?
never try
the both question(with the above) looks odd. only when you put them(question) in a concrete state, you can answer. because... money is only a way to reach our goal(the good and the bad). such as if i had a goal, with that money then i can fulfil, for sure it made me so exciting. our goals is always sth. complex, not only money, but also needed other conditions. 1)when other conditions had been ready, only money you lacked... while you got that money, you would feel like in a heaven; 2)if you have had that money, but other condition is not yet ready, you won't be too much excited... etc.
when someone asked you... it also depended on what's the goal, what kind of way to earn that money.
only when you know the concrete condition, otherwise you don't know how to judge/answer.

Does it make you feel good if a man/woman offer you money to get your attention?
... the same with above.
depended on how much urgent i need that money, what's the goal... etc.

Do you think it is wrong to ask a man/woman for money when you don't know them that well?
in the personal state is very different from the commercial state. odd question.

Would you do anything for money?

Survey C:

Which depresses you more the lack of love or the lack of money?
lack love

Have you ever given a lover/friend money just because?
a young boy in another city, he told he had no a cent and had to walk several streets to have breakfast in a friend's home. i had no money at the end of month, i had to borrow some... :p

Have you ever gotten money from a lover/friend just because?

Have you ever been completely broke for a day or more?
...i was accustomed that i had no a cent before i worked. each time i need to use money i would ask parents and stated "why" clearly.

Have you ever accepted a job for less than minimum wage?
never try

Have you ever fought a lover/friend/relative over money?

Have you ever found money? Did you keep it or give it back if you knew who it belonged to?
yes... when i was a child.
give back.

Have you ever lost money?

Have you ever stolen money? How much?
... i don't know. when we(my brothers) were children, sometimes we would try to find out some changes from parents' bag/pocket to buy snacks------is it some kind of steal? maybe :p

Survey D:

If you became rich what would you do for your lover before you did anything for anyone else?
to buy a ring for him? :p

If you could buy geniune love, would you? Why?
i won't.
i don't want such a love that can be bought whatever it was called.

If being poor didn't mean poverty, would it matter to you to have money? Think about your answer.
of course.
money is a basical tool in this world, it is a way to all kinds of direction---whatever you want to do: to buy sth. expensive or build a school for children. "If being poor didn't mean poverty" this word had put the use of money under the will of self-benefit, it didn't think of using money to do more things for others, it(the word) only based the will on "(ourselves) didn't mean be poverty".

Do you think having money makes you a better person?
the truth is, haveing money makes us more/larger chance, including the more chance to do the good, the more chance to do the bad.
the "more chance to do the good" didn't equal the "better person". eg, in the "go dutch" case, a person that insisted "go dutch" as a belief for all time had become a very rich man all of sudden, it made him facing pressure that he never meet before when he shared the bill with common people. if he gave up the belief, did it mean he a "better person"? he became such a person that might change his belief under the pressure, even if it made him "like a better person in public". it a interesting case? the real life is more complicated than this case.

Are you a generous person? Give an example.
... depended on how do you think of "generous".
one thing did impress me. once my older uncle sick seriously, need to use money, my younger uncle'd rather give him some money less than he asked but needn't return, and my father promised to lend the number that he needed, and uncle needed to reture when he got ability. compared with the two behavior, my father is the generous one: he gave my older uncle the both stuffs: money he needed, and dignity of a man.
not only some "generous" might be paid by sacrifying the dignity or others else, but also some so-called "generous" do harms on people's abillity of independence/diligent/insight to the hard time... etc. we can observe it(the phenomenon) obviously in the relationship of parents & children. in adults it would be more blur, complex, delicate and changable. sometimes "not to be generous" is a kind of "intelligent generous"

Does it bother you when you see a person flaunt their money?
... depended on what kind of state.
"flaunt" is a double-bladed knife. one side, the desire of chasing a better life(including material life) the largest motor of mankind. in some economic downturn, the government needed to encourage the consumerization. how can we tell the "flaunt" and "suitable consumerization"? there was no absolute border. another side, even if you threw away a bread in front of a hungry dying beggar, it would be called "flaunt".
in many cases, people use "flaunt" to criticize others in the name of protecting morality(rebel "flaunt" would be granted as a morality), they didn't put it(flaunt) in a concrete status to observe, so... in fact it(the criticize) might be out of a losing-balance mental state.

How much money do you think you're worth? Be realistic. :D
how can people use money to value "how much i worth"

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. III - Richer or Poorer and (Love and Money) - End.
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Survey A:

Have you ever fell for someone because they had money?

Does the type of car/house they have matter to you?

Dosen't matter at all.As long as the car can drive,and the house is clean,it's perfect for me.
Does the color GREEN (money) translate to love interest or a quick con?


When you meet a man/woman do you think...What type of work do they do?

Yes...but only because i like to know what the people i meet do,and nothing else.
When you're short on cash do you ask a lover before a friend or vice versa?

Never asked for money to the a lover.
Have you ever gone "Dutch" with an opposite sex date?

If i can pay,i love to pay.I love to able to give.

Were you okay with it, or did you protest?


Survey B:

Does money make you excited (happy; sexual; generous)? Pick one or more and explain.

Yes...if i can make the ones i love happy because i can buy for them something they need or want,then yes.

Have you ever done something for money, because someone asked you?

Never.Does it make you feel good if a man/woman offer you money to get your attention?

No.If i need to accept money from others,it means that i am having problems with it.And the only feeling i can haveis being embaressed.But i never accepted money from a man or a woman to get their attention.

Do you think it is wrong to ask a man/woman for money when you don't know them that well?

oh for sure yes.

Would you do anything for money?


Survey C:

Which depresses you more the lack of love or the lack of money?

Lack of money can depress a lot...but i think that lack of love is much worst.

Have you ever given a lover/friend money just because?


Have you ever gotten money from a lover/friend just because?


Have you ever been completely broke for a day or more?

unffortunately yes.

Have you ever accepted a job for less than minimum wage?

Yes.The need,the lack of money, foerced me to do it.

Have you ever fought a lover/friend/relative over money?


Have you ever found money? Did you keep it or give it back if you knew who it belonged to?

yes i did.i kept it to myself because i didn't see anyone near me.No claimed to have lost it

Have you ever lost money?

yes.Have you ever stolen money? How much?

Can't say how much cause i really don't remember,but yes i did.To my parents.Me and my brother.we wanted money to buy sweets,we were kids.

Survey D:

If you became rich what would you do for your lover before you did anything for anyone else?

Anything he would want and need

If you could buy geniune love, would you? Why?

No way.Plus feelings can't be bought.

If being poor didn't mean poverty, would it matter to you to have money? Think about your answer.

yes it does.As the song says,"money makes the worl go around".

Do you think having money makes you a better person?

That depends on what i do with the money,and how i spent it.

Are you a generous person? Give an example

I think i am.I love to help.It makes me feel usefull.
Anytime i can do something for someone,i do my best to make it.

Does it bother you when you see a person flaunt their money?

I don't know really.I never thought about it:unsure:

How much money do you think you're worth? Be realistic. :D

LOLLLL.crazy question.It depends on the job,the responsabilities,and how all that is done.Can't think of a value.specially if it is to say "how much i am worth it".

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. III - Richer or Poorer and (Love and Money) - End.