Open Up Your Mind - Vol. II - Race & Hate


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Illinois USA
Open Up Your Mind - Vol. II: Race & Hate

Whenever I hear this phrase, "It's not about race", I get a little infuriated because to me it is always about race, when race is an issue. Some may disagree, but when people want to sweep something under the rug instead of viewing the situation for what it is, that only makes the issue itself "bigger".

In this survey, the questions are about how you feel about conflict and race issues. If the questions are too sensitive for you...Again, there are no wrong or right answers, only what you believe.

Survey - A:

Are you prejudice?

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice?

What happened to you the first time you experience racial prejudice?

Did you feel angry about the experience?

Did it make you feel negative about yourself?

Did you know about racial prejudice before the experience?

How did the experience shape your life?

Survey - B:

What does the word "hate" mean to you in racial situations?

Do you think hatred can be taught?

Have you ever felt hatred about someone of a different race?

Do you believe that "love" can conquer "hate"?

Do you hate things because other people hate them?

Have you ever hated someone because of race for no reason?

Survey - C:

Are you proud of your race?

Have you ever wanted to be another race?

Have you ever been bullied because you looked different?

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice from a family member?

What's more important to you...being accepted or being respected?

Have you ever felt that your race has kept you from having a better life?

Survey - D:

Why do you think racial prejudice exist?

What do you think could help change racial prejudice?

Is it too late for world to get it right?

Is racial prejudice better or the same in your life?

Do you think racial prejudice will ever end?

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. II: Race & Hate - End.
Survey - A:

Are you prejudice?


Have you ever experienced racial prejudice?


What happened to you the first time you experience racial prejudice?

I was about 12 or 13-years-old visiting relatives in Chicago and I took my little cousins for a walk near a park. As we were walking down the street some Caucasian teenage boys started to yell out obscenities about what we smelled like. We were on opposite sides of the street, so surely they couldn't smell any part of us, and even if they could we did not smell like what the expletive they used in taunting us. I was raised in the South and for whatever reason I had never experienced racial prejudice where I lived. It shocked me to hear those words for no reason from those boys while we were simply walking down the street not bothering anyone. That was my big city racial prejudice experience.

Did you feel angry about the experience?

I felt confused, then angry. I might have felt a little fear also, but I did not show it to them.

Did it make you feel negative about yourself?

No. I was raised in a strong positive household and I told to always feel good about myself.

Did you know about racial prejudice before the experience?

I had heard about it on television, but I didn't know that I would know about it first hand. I didn't expect it.

How did the experience shape your life?

I can't really say. It may have had some impact, but I didn't dwell on it for too long. I knew that I would never forget it, though.

Survey - B:

What does the word "hate" mean to you in racial situations?

Well, race & hate to me means that there's fear of the unknown. Instead of trying to understand the similarities that are there, the differences bring about hatred and disgust. In some ways, it's almost human nature and it shouldn't should have never been.

Do you think hatred can be taught?

Yes. Many people learn hatred from their families and friends. Only when we think for ourselves, we can avoid this.

Have you ever felt hatred about someone of a different race?

No. I wasn't raised to hate people.

Do you believe that "love" can conquer "hate"?

In some aspects, this could be possible. It would take a lot of love and dedication for love to conquer years of hatred. The task would be huge.

Do you hate things because other people hate them?

No. I have a mind of my own. I've never been a follower.

Have you ever hated someone because of race for no reason?

No. I can't understand hating for no reason. To me hating would mean that I had no other option left and my life was in danger or something crucial like that.

Survey - C:

Are you proud of your race?

Yes. I love who I am. I have to be proud. I feel I am a beautiful Black female and if no one else loves me, I must love myself because God loves me.

Have you ever wanted to be another race?

I can honestly say I have never wanted to be someone else.

Have you ever been bullied because you looked different?

When I think about it, I can say that I have been bullied in some ways because I looked different. This situation occurred from other females that were the same race. People can be prejudice for more than just the color of your skin. Prejudice can come at you in all types of ways, it could be physically, academically, and socially.

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice from a family member?

No. I have heard of such behavior and seen it in an acquaintance's family.

What's more important to you...being accepted or being respected?

Very good question. I think being accepted is important, but being respected means that I am accepted and taken seriously as well. So I would say that both are extremely important to me.

Have you ever felt that your race has kept you from having a better life?

Hmmm. There is a cop out reflex action to this question. I could say "Yes", and not really be able to fully explain myself and I could say "No" and feel that I didn't answer the question correctly. So with that I will attempt to come up with a basic answer. I have had moments where I saw someone of another race get treated better with more respect than I got and at that moment I felt racial prejudice, but it didn't make me feel that I was something less because of it.

Survey - D:

Why do you think racial prejudice exist?

I think I touched on this earlier when I said that "fear" is a major reason why people behave with racial prejudice. We all are one race, The Human Race, yet we have different physical attributes. We are made up of the same cerebral capacity, skeletal frame, muscles, blood types, physical agility and 5 senses. With so much alike, yet so much not alike it's puzzling to discern why racial prejudice exists.

What do you think could help change racial prejudice?

I think learning and understanding what we have in common and embracing how we differ to come together as one would help. Starting with infants and toddlers who have no prejudice for the most part because it's a learned behavior would help our future society grow up loving who we all are.

Is it too late for world to get it right?

In reality, it could be. To be optimistic, I would say it's never too late.

Is racial prejudice better or the same in your life?

It's better and the same. I can say that I've been surprised by good things that have occurred and then I can say that the same negative feeling has come at other times. I think as a person, I've come to live with the aura of it coming and going in my life.

Do you think racial prejudice will ever end?

No. I seriously do not think it will ever end.

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. II: Race & Hate - End.
People are afraid of this LadyP, but I think this is important.

My opinion is that prejudice and racial hatred will never be eraticated because people are too afraid of what they don't undrestand. It is easier for people to walk around with an "invisible priveledge" and others to walk around with absolution that it is uneccesary to cross cultural boundries. This comes from egocentrism and "believed" racial superiority. Ignorance is bliss so why disrupt what they were consciously and unconsciously taught? It is too difficult which is disheartening for us as a HUMAN race.

Another fact is that we are all caught in systemic ideologies and just as old habits are hard to break, so is the long line of segregation, haterd, and inequality.

That situation that happened with you was overt prejudice. I personally have never experienced overt prejudice. I've experienced subtle prejudice which can, in some cases, actually be worse. I think in some odd way, at least with overt racism I know exactly how you feel about me and the color of my skin. If you call me the N-word, then you've told me you hate me and I can deal with that accordingly. When the racism is more under the table its scarier which is the basis of systemic racism because now your hatred is effecting my existence within the status quo i.e., education, jobs, and basic opportunity.

I sent you a pm also.
Survey - A:

Are you prejudice?
1: injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims2 a (1): preconceived judgment or opinion (2): an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b: an instance of such judgment or opinion c: an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
My instant answer to the question is NO. However, on a certain level, I believe many people that would like to think they are not 'Prejudice' ... have the potential to sink to ignorance, when provoked or angered enough.

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice?
Yes, through my children's dealings with it.
What happened to you the first time you experience racial prejudice?
We live in a mainly white suburb, at the time, my son was the only ethnic child in the class. He was in first grade and an item was stolen from the classroom. The parents were called to school ... as we sat outside the office, the parents began discussing the issue.
"My kid is not a thief ... I don't know why they want to talk to me, my kid is not a thief ... what would my kid need to take something for, he has everything ... my kid doesn't steal either"
One Father makes the comment about 'paying the taxes to live there' and how it is a shame, how the problems of the 'Urban' areas, continues to filter into 'His' part of town... what is the point of paying all these taxes if he still has to send his child to school with 'blacks' ... because, "you know it was the 'black' kid that stole it!" The initial response to his comments was quiet but the more he went on ... there was more and more, quiet agreement from the other parents. Being the parent of the 'black' he was talking about and them not knowing I was, I continued to allow them all to bury themselves. The more comfortable they became with the freedom to be who they really are...they just let loose with all kinds of ignorant bullshit. You would have thought we was in the 'glorious' old South and it was the porch of the plantation. The gleeful Hate the was building inside of them, was only compared to the hate I had, for sending my child to school, with the children they were raising. When the principals door opened and he came out, I stood up and declared that the other parents have decided my 'black' child was the thief. None of their children need to take things, they do not have thieves for children. No need to look into this matter any further, it was my son that did it!! These fine, classy, upstanding, ignorant White parents could not have possibly had time to teach their children to steal ... they are too busy instilling ethnic hatred in them. Even though my child was born in this town, grew up here, never had any 'Urban' influence, the criminal that is in his DNA must have taken over. Who do I write the check out to for his thievery ?? None of these fine white people's children could have possibly done anything wrong ... that is, unless my son is hanging from a tree somewhere. .... they all were trying to apologize and back track but I had already listened to their ignorance. At that point, I felt very prejudiced against my own race and nothing they could have said would have helped change my mind. One of the fathers stepped up to me and was asking me to calm down ... he reached his hand towards me and all I could think was, "touch me, PLEASE!!" I was gonna knock his face off when he did. The thought must have generated through my face because he stopped his motion. Calm down ?? Hell no, I am not calming down and allowing my child to be subjected to your ignorance. I told the principal to find the guilty kid and when he does, I expect an apology to my son from him and one from the parents to me, then I left the building :chichi:
Did you feel angry about the experience?
Did it make you feel negative about yourself?
Did you know about racial prejudice before the experience?
How did the experience shape your life?
it shaped the experience of their lives and that father was the parent of a white thief

i took too long with part A ... fill in the other parts later ...
Survey - B:

What does the word "hate" mean to you in racial situations?
it means an ugly and ignorant opinion based on very little actuallity of fact
Do you think hatred can be taught?
unfortunately, yes, all too easily it can be embedded in a person's routine.
Have you ever felt hatred about someone of a different race?
sure....not because of the race though
Do you believe that "love" can conquer "hate"?
in a manner of speaking, yes
Do you hate things because other people hate them?
Have you ever hated someone because of race for no reason?

Survey - C:

Are you proud of your race?
the human race ?? no, as a race we have screwed all kinds of shit up.
Have you ever wanted to be another race?
Have you ever been bullied because you looked different?
mmm... i been mugged a couple times
Have you ever experienced racial prejudice from a family member?
oh !! i cannot go into this right now :) too long to complicated but yes
What's more important to you...being accepted or being respected?
i only need acceptance from my family and friends. i only respect those that can accept me.
Have you ever felt that your race has kept you from having a better life?

Survey - D:

Why do you think racial prejudice exist?
people want to feel better than others and instill those values into thier children
What do you think could help change racial prejudice?
more racial/cultural education and diversity training in school
Is it too late for world to get it right?
it is never too late to try and get along with one another
Is racial prejudice better or the same in your life?
racial prejudice is never "better" it is simply predjudice
Do you think racial prejudice will ever end?
I believe there will come a time that it will not be an issue any longer. Even if we cannot get it right through education, children have an innate nature to be trusting of people.
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Open Up Your Mind - Vol. II: Race & Hate

Survey - A:

Are you prejudice?
Yes. I think everybody is.

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice?
yes... well it wasn't really pure racial... it was also religious

What happened to you the first time you experience racial prejudice?
I suppose I just didn't understand it. I was send out of class cuz I didn't stop calling it 'unfair' that my Muslim friend wasn't allowed to take part in sports cuz we had to wear school clothes (her father didn't allow her to wear them while the school then didn't allow her to take part! while my friend wanted to take part and I wanted that too) well we were just six years old.

Did you feel angry about the experience?
Very much so yes.

Did it make you feel negative about yourself?
not really. I was just angry up to desperate cuz I couldn't understand the whole issue.

Did you know about racial prejudice before the experience?
yes, I heard about it before, I was pretty young when my brother read the book 'Uncle Tom' to me.

How did the experience shape your life?
I've learned pretty early that only education can open someones mind and also heart to me only that and some courage can really help with prejudices.

Survey - B:

What does the word "hate" mean to you in racial situations?

Do you think hatred can be taught?
yes... there's manipulation... there's brain washing etc. we're all easy victims if we do not go on educating ourselves to keep our minds open through our lives

Have you ever felt hatred about someone of a different race?
no... but I did never really feel it generally I think

Do you believe that "love" can conquer "hate"?
I am not sure. I think it all starts with loving yourself and developing true self esteem.

Do you hate things because other people hate them?
I do not hate things... I mean I have a spider phobia but I don't hate those poor animals. I really think I do not hate in general. There are ppl who make me shake my head and I do not understand some... but I can't say I hate someone. Hate should be a more intense feeling than what I feel for those.

Have you ever hated someone because of race for no reason?

Survey - C:

Are you proud of your race?
no, I didn't earn it nor did I even only chose it

Have you ever wanted to be another race?
sometimes yes... I was pretty young when I was in love with a black guy but he only wanted to date black girls... well we were only like 13, he was 14

Have you ever been bullied because you looked different?
yes... I got my first glasses when I was two... I liked them but other kids didn't. I got beaten till I made clear to them that even in beating I was stronger.

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice from a family member?
yes. My mom is racial prejudiced very much.

What's more important to you...being accepted or being respected?

Have you ever felt that your race has kept you from having a better life?

Survey - D:

Why do you think racial prejudice exist?
because some ppl are stupid to no end and not able to find love inside themselves

What do you think could help change racial prejudice?
education and laws

Is it too late for world to get it right?
it is never too late
My boyfriend is suffering brain cancer. He maybe has only weeks, months maybe a year or two to live... believe me, it is never too late!

Is racial prejudice better or the same in your life?
don't understand... :scratch:

Do you think racial prejudice will ever end?
it will end... or humanity will end

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. II: Race & Hate - End.
Survey - A:

Are you prejudice?

no no no no no only in one point maybe!

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice?
i just hate it to be called Arab and i hate it when Arabs tries to destroy my culture as they have 1000 years ago. liek they call "PERSIAN GUILF" arabs gulf. is it prejiduce? to say i hate arabs doing it?

Survey - B:

What does the word "hate" mean to you in racial situations?

Do you think hatred can be taught?
it can become a part of u

Have you ever felt hatred about someone of a different race?
not because of he was on another race but for he's hurt me.

Do you believe that "love" can conquer "hate"?

Do you hate things because other people hate them?

Have you ever hated someone because of race for no reason?

Survey - C:

Are you proud of your race?

Have you ever wanted to be another race?
sometimes i wish i were black :blush:

Have you ever been bullied because you looked different?
in my country all are of one race, no black, no red indian or other races.

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice from a family member?
no there is no racism in iran

What's more important to you...being accepted or being respected?

Have you ever felt that your race has kept you from having a better life?
no, i dont even think of my race! it never troubles me.

Survey - D:

Why do you think racial prejudice exist?

beyond doubts YES!

What do you think could help change racial prejudice?
becomeing more open minded and love.

Is it too late for world to get it right?
i wish not.

Do you think racial prejudice will ever end?
i hope.
Survey - A:

Are you prejudice?

My instant answer to the question is NO. However, on a certain level, I believe many people that would like to think they are not 'Prejudice' ... have the potential to sink to ignorance, when provoked or angered enough.

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice?
Yes, through my children's dealings with it.

Interesting that throughout your life you had to wait until you had children to experience racial prejudice. I guess this explains how we all are subjected to it at some point in our lives. Protecting our children makes all the difference when they can't understand what's happening to them in racial situations.

I could feel your anger and I knew that I probably would have done the same or even worse. Knowing me I would have gone off on them at the beginning of their bitching. But then they might not have said it openly in front of a Black person.

I once experienced hearing a little white girl tell her parents that "this big black boy" was playing with them in the McDonald's activity jungle gym (whatever they call that damn thing) while I sat a few tables away from them. The little girl didn't think to look around to see if the "big black boy's" mother was in the area before she spoke. The interesting thing was that my son wasn't that much bigger than she was. They were the same size and probably the same age (around 8 or 9 years old). He wasn't doing anything but going through the tubes behind them and from what I saw just having fun. But I guess the little girl hadn't played with a "black boy" before so it bothered her that he was in the tubes with them.

I didn't say anything because the parents undoubtedly had noticed that I was sitting across from them eating and they simply told her to just go back in there and play. She went back in there and my son didn't even know that he was being looked at as being different. He was just having a good time. The other white children (girls and boys) didn't complain. They thought he was funny.

So on that day, I didn't have to erupt on somebody's head, because nothing got started...thanks to the white parents thinking properly that my son wasn't causing a problem to their little girl.

I know that talking about that incident got you unnerved...I get like that when I have to recall something that really got me upset.

Hopefully, you'll get to finish the rest of the survey. :)
Survey - A:

Are you prejudice?

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice?

I don't think i am.I guess the best way for me to know this,is to ask someone that really knows me,because sometimes people from the outside can see better.

What happened to you the first time you experience racial prejudice?

I never did
Did you feel angry about the experience?

Never had that experience.

Did it make you feel negative about yourself?

Did you know about racial prejudice before the experience?

Yes i know about it.

How did the experience shape your life?

It didn't because i never lived something like that thank God.

Survey - B:

What does the word "hate" mean to you in racial situations?

Most of all i think it means rudness and ignorance.

Do you think hatred can be taught?

I think that everything related with feelings can't be taughted.It is something that either we feel or we don't.

Have you ever felt hatred about someone of a different race?

No.Do you believe that "love" can conquer "hate"?

There's a saying that says that love and hate are very near to eatchother,and that the line that separates them is very thin.But to me love and hate are very opposite feelings,andbecause of it,something as beautiful ads love,can never conquer something so bad as hate.

Do you hate things because other people hate them?


Have you ever hated someone because of race for no reason?

I don't hate anyone.Hate is feeling that thank God i never felt,and i hope i never will.

Survey - C:

Are you proud of your race?

how can i be proud of something i didn't choose to be?i am what i am and that's it.

Have you ever wanted to be another race?

If by race,you mean other country,oh yes i wish i was so much!In fact,since very litle i think and feel that i was born in this country by mistake.I don't belong here at all.

Have you ever been bullied because you looked different?

Yes...Have you ever experienced racial prejudice from a family member?

Racial no,but lots of injustices...unffortunately yes.

What's more important to you...being accepted or being respected?


Have you ever felt that your race has kept you from having a better life?

I never think about my race,or races at all.What keeps me from having a better life is the country i live in,and what life itself made me become.

Survey - D:

Why do you think racial prejudice exist?

Because of the ignorance,selfishess and blindness of peple.

What do you think could help change racial prejudice?

If people were able to open themselfs to others,to accept the differences,and to realise that no matter the race,a person is always aperson and deserves to be treated as such.

Is it too late for world to get it right?

It's never too late to change something.But for that,people must really want it.

Do you think racial prejudice will ever end?

I wish and hope it does.but i think it will not.Just look at what is going on in the world.

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. II: Race & Hate - End.
it's so happy to answer this Vol. II after Barack Hussein Obama
the hand of Mr. Fate left this page on purpose---the only Vol. i didn't answer.

Survey - A:

Are you prejudice?

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice?

What happened to you the first time you experience racial prejudice?

Did you feel angry about the experience?
of course if i experienced

Did it make you feel negative about yourself?
i won't

Did you know about racial prejudice before the experience?
i know
i still remembered a novel about South Africa love story. the lover both died because of racial prejudice.

How did the experience shape your life?

Survey - B:

What does the word "hate" mean to you in racial situations?
i think it might be some complex stuffs.

Do you think hatred can be taught?

Have you ever felt hatred about someone of a different race?

Do you believe that "love" can conquer "hate"?

Do you hate things because other people hate them?
but i'm human being. at least people's opinions would make me keep watchful or think it thoroughly.

Have you ever hated someone because of race for no reason?

Survey - C:

Are you proud of your race?
...odd question
if i had many lifes, i love to try all kinds of race.

Have you ever wanted to be another race?
...if i want, it was because my curiosity. i won't want to be another race because of racial prejudice. the racial prejudice only makes me fight against the oppression, fight for the oppressed race whatever it is. also, i won't be proud of my race because racial prejudice(such as my race didn't be oppressed by the racial prejudice... etc.)

Have you ever been bullied because you looked different?

Have you ever experienced racial prejudice from a family member?

What's more important to you...being accepted or being respected?
doesn't matter
people can refuse to accepte or respect if they acted in a suitable space, it doesn't matter, we have different view of this world, but they can't hurt others because of different views. if necessary, i would become a fighter.

Have you ever felt that your race has kept you from having a better life?

Survey - D:

Why do you think racial prejudice exist?
complex. the root of racial prejudice is because of benefits. some is because of shallow stuff such as smell/different hobby... for example, some race ban eating pork, some not, one side grant another side as evil......

What do you think could help change racial prejudice?
nothing special.
i just follow my heart to live. my current life is far away from racial situations. and, if in future it happened to my doing sth. special that help change the racial prejudice, it wasn't on purpose, it still based on "following my heart to live".

Is it too late for world to get it right?
never too late

Is racial prejudice better or the same in your life?
the whole world is getting better
since Obama... far more better:D:D:D it's a great step in human being history

Do you think racial prejudice will ever end?
new challenges would come, such as different class according the intelligence... etc. human being never lack challenge(including all kinds of prejudices)

Open Up Your Mind - Vol. II: Race & Hate - End.[/QUOTE]
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