Open Letter to Sony, Epic and Whoever has control of MJ's Music

A. Sizzle

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
To Whom It May Concern,

Michael Jackson has not been gone for more than 24 hours and I can’t help but think about all of the songs in the vaults. As sad as it is to see the greatest entertainer of our generation pass away, I know that the people with the rights to Michael Jackson’s music are going to clamor to put together a new greatest hits album to capitalize off of the tragedy. That is to be expected. The thought that scares me most is the decisions that will be made about the unreleased songs.

I know there are both finished songs and unfinished songs that will be unearthed in the next few years. I sincerely hope that if and when you release these songs, you will release them in their purest form. If the songs are remixed in any way, let it be known. If not:

Do not add vocals.

Do not overdub the instrumentation.

Do not add the hot singer or rapper of the week.

Do not try to finish the songs with producers who did not work on the original recording.

Simply mix the songs, master the songs and release the songs.

If it’s an album of old, unreleased songs, album should be sequenced in the order of the time period of which a song was recorded. Whenever a legend passes away, record labels change the artist’s initial intent and try to turn the songs into something they are not. By adding anything to an artist’s work that was not added by the producer or artist themselves is a disgrace and is disrespectful to the artistic vision.

Please take this into consideration for all of the fans around the world. We loved Michael Jackson first and foremost for the music he made, not the music you or anyone else would have liked him to make. We urge you to keep the music he made in the purest form possible. Do not dishonor the legacy. Let him live through his music.


A Fan
Poor Michael, even after his death, his share on the part already. I wish that would have been recorded songs, but it's hard to think of it now.​