Oneal Mcknight imitates MJ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Southern California
I'm not sure if this has been posted here yet, but I just saw this video for the first time today and I was not sure what to think of it so I wondered what other forum members thought of it.

The artist, Oneal Mcknight is a well known stylist to the stars. My opinion regarding the song is that it sucks. However, I think this guy is just one more person that has always been an MJ fan and just wanted to come out with a song so that he could imitate him.
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he's not copying Michael. i think this has stepped up a level. we now have imitators who imitate the famous imitators.
Very boring song, and the video isn't much better. It's good that he's giving MJ props, though.


;) psh.. Ya right
Is this what has become of the great Christopher Lloyd?
Very boring. What has this to do with MJ?

Check out what he is wearing....Ring a bell? If not...check this MJ pic out:


I'd say O'neal's jacket is an EXACT copy of MJ's jacket....MJ is wearing white shirt and a tie underneath...O'neal is wearing white shirt and a tie....MJ always wears white socks...O'neal is wearing white socks pants...the only difference is that MJ wears a fedora and O'neal wears a cap and O'neal pulled his pants up even higher than MJ.....:lol:

Plus the beginning of the song has the Billie Jean beat....

MJ is EVERYWHERE! :kickass:

The song is a bit boring though...I agree.
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absolutely horrid, they are playing this crap on MTV in the states. I've seen someone imitate michael in a music video to the level that this guy has, and so poorly at that. it is quite disturbing that he trying to base his fame off of michael jackson. just my 2 cents
haha... oneal is my favorite MJ copycat! :D chris, justin, usher, lil mama (?)... they are all paying tribute to their idol. I dont care HOW they are doing it ASLONG as they do it!
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lol... that other dancer is funny...
looks like a hiphop parody...

a pity Christopher Lloyd agreed to be in this video...
the back to the future element could have been done way cooler.
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He's so short, he looks funny immitating Mike lol!!!

This is pathetic, seriously.

I like the song though, it's cool. I don't get how it's "boring", but whatever.
man i dont know why people are so insulted he's giving MJ props. I don't think he's expecting to be as good as MJ or trying to pass off as being original lol i just think he's giving him his due props.
sure the song sucks though haha

I think it's awesome how it seems like every artist out there today is either sampling Michael's music, making covers of his music, putting whole MJ tributes in their concerts or even asking their audiences to buy MJ's music like Jordin Sparks. It just shows you how much MJ is missed.
lol why do people think the song sucks? I'm confused. I think it's groovy.
the song is "ok" i think...
just the dancing by that other rapper... and the long white socks...are a bit too funny. :D

but anyway... i think we're reaching the point where there have been enough of those
MJ tributes. ....especially when its done so bloody obvious.
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