One Year Without Michael Jackson...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
On this day, the the one year anniversary of Michael's death, I finally must open up.

Let me first say I am 15 years old, and I have been a fan of Michael BEFORE June 25th, 2009. (Since I was 11/12).

I remember first watching Thriller and falling in love with his artistry. I bought every one of his albums. He became a huge part of my life, I listen to his music, think about him, watch YouTube videos of him, check the latest news on him, EVERY DAY. I absolutely adore him. He was, is, and forever will be, an inspiration to me. He will always have a special place in my heart that no one will ever be able to fill.

Fast forward to March 2009. Michael had a "Major Announcement" to make. I was completely excited and thrilled at just the POSSIBILITY that MICHAEL JACKSON would be PERFORMING AGAIN, and that maybe I could see him perform LIVE. I know I could never be able to afford to buy a ticket and go to LONDON. But I was still THRILLED, that Michael was going to do it.

It turned out to be true. Michael Jackson. 50 Concerts. London.

The next couple months I would countdown the days until the opening show.

Fast forward again, to June 25th 2009. It was just another normal summer day. Nothing seemed out of the normal. I was checking the latest news, like I always do, and I saw "MICHAEL JACKSON: COMA" "MICHAEL JACKSON HOSPITAL" When I first read it, my heart dropped. But then I took a deep breath, and thought "Oh, Its just another rumor" I really thought it was... Until a few minutes later. I saw it was confirmed from a legit source, I think it was CNN. And then I realized, Michael Jackson was dead. And at that very moment, my mother from down stairs screamed "MICHAEL JACKSON DIED!!!" I immediately started sobbing, I opened my door, walked half way down the stars, my mother walked half way up the stairs, and I hugged her. I then walked back into my room, and didn't leave my room for a couple days. I only left to get food, and go to the bathroom.

I think in those few days, I cried the most in my life. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest when I least inspected it, and it was tore apart.

Its now been a year, and I am done morning, I now CELEBRATE his life.

But... I just want to know, HOW DID MICHAEL REALLY DIE?!

What happened? He didn't need to die. HE WAS SO CLOSE, TO MAKING THE BIGGEST COMEBACK OF ALL TIME. It completely angers and infuriates me. Why is that "DOCTOR" STILL FREE?! What the hell is going on? Michael died from a overdose on propofol, its in the official autopsy, either Murry injected Michael and KILLED HIM, or Micheal injected himself. I'm guessing it was Murry. :mat:

I just want JUSTICE for MICHAEL.
Thank you for posting. I am glad you came to the point that you can celebrate Michael's life. We are all here for you though if you need us.