One thing that really annoyed me


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
On one of the special features there's a clip of Michael singing Don't Stop Til You Get Enough and he sounded awesome but then someone just starts talking over it. Shut up i wanna hear Michael sing. You can say what you need to say when Michael is done singing

So was anyone else annoyed by that?
Yeah, I loved it. Bit of a suprise that it sounded THAT good even though he didn't try that much! Wish we could hear more!
One of the few things that kind of buged me about the film is that at times it seemed to focus more on Kenny Ortega than it did on MJ. When I was reading the film reviews and interviews by Ortega, Travis and the rest of the crew they give the impression that you see MJ going through every single nook, cranny and detail regarding the shows. I was expecting to see more than just MJ standing there nodding and agreeing to whatever Kenny asked/ told him. I don't know...perhaps I should watch the film again...with subtitles this time. :p
I think it was on the Meet The Vocalist special feture
Thanks. There were times I wanted to see what we didn't see at the theaters and instead we got talking over Michael or just glimpses. I wish there was more.
I havent seen this, ill take a look in a second.
If I were Michael I'd just look at him saying, YO SHUT THE F UP, I'M SINGING HERE, YOU GOT SOME NERVE

then he should fire him and hire someone who never ever opens the MOUTH the moment Mj starts to sing :D
On which DVD is the Meet the Vocalist feature? i don't have it on mine.
He sounds so amazing! I keep playing it over and over again.

There is two little clips of him singing a bit of DSTYGE. One were he is walking on stage, and another where he is standing a circle with Kenny & co.
yeah he did sound really great. But what i loved was that MJ was explaining to the others that it was his voice layered over his voice (he mentioned this in Moonwalk as well)...I loved the fact that he was so honest...he could have just lied and said he was capable of singing that high lol
im sure he said something like that in moonwalk...i might be remembering wrong though...
There is two little clips of him singing a bit of DSTYGE. One were he is walking on stage
Can you please tell me what part he's singing there? I just watched it but couldn't recognize... forgive me, but it sounds more like a Prince song to me :D.
in moonwalk he was talking about "leave me alone" how he layered the chorus...
yes i checked too..he said he couldnt produce that song with his natural voice, so he layered it
That clip is so short that I don't understand why they didn't include it somewhere in the film like they did other little bits ie. the fragment of Speechless.