One thing I REALLY appreciate about Michael...


Proud Member
Jul 27, 2012
Well, there's many things about him that I appreciate :D BUT...

I was born with something that's called scoliosis, which means that my spine twists and turns like a snake. There are MUCH worse cases than mine - it's pretty mild compared to how bad it can be. But still... I've never known what it feels like to walk normally. And as I've grown older, I've suffered quite a bit from slipped discs, which hasn't made it any easier for me. As a child, I was bullied constantly for my "funny walk" - and even as an adult, I still have to try to ignore rude comments regularly.

BUT... when I listen to MJs music... it sets me free from that for a litlte while. How? Because it makes me feel like I could get out of my chair any time I want and do his moves perfectly. His music makes me feel light, like I could flow up to the ceiling... instead of feeling clumsy and heavy like I normally do.

There is an incredible freedom in that feeling for me that nothing else really gives me :dancin:

I guess there's not much of a debate in me sharing that, but... I'm sure there are more people here who have somewhat similar stories of MJ helping then cope with obstacles in their lives?
That's a great story, Gozar.

Maybe you read Darren Hayes' recent article about "Bad":

I was also being bullied quite badly at high school during that time so you can imagine the impact Michael's video for Bad had. His character was taunted and what did he do? He only shot up into the air and dropped down as a super hero in black leather and buckles. Then he danced up a storm and sang like an angel spitting out rhetoric and confidence.

Bad filled up two years of my life at high school. It saw me go from bullied teen with no allies to lead in the school musicals full of confidence and a purpose in life. It gave me a hero to look up to. Someone strange, marching to the beat of his own drum and someone proud not to fit into the mould.

How did Michael help me? Just going through everyday hardships. His music can take me away to better worlds.
That's the power, the force that is Michael ;) His music makes me feel better too & so do his words, lyrics, poetry, artistry, photographs, ect and everything in between. He has this magical healing power. :)
In the end of 2008 I began to renovate my apartment, just the walls and floors.
I worked full time and didn´t live there, it took a long time just the groundwork before I could start painting.
Then I realised I didn´t want to move back there, I wanted to stay in my summercottage.
But I had to finish the renovation before I sold it and I payed the rent every month for an apartment I didn´t need.
I was so tired and thought I would never be able to finish it before the summer.

Then Michael made his announcement and although I wasn´t a fan -I just liked him- he gave me so much energy.
It wasn´t his music or words which gave me energy it was just Michael coming back.
I felt he had been away so long and the rehearsals would be hard work for him but he still wanted to do it and the I felt if he can do that then I can finish what I´m doing.
And I sold the apartment in May.

(Maybe I should say with hard work for Michael I meant that I know how it is to be around 50
Your body become stiffer, if you haven´t done exercise for a long time and you start to do it again you feel it.
It´s not always easy to keep track of things, you forget easier then when you where younger
It´s not strange to forget lyrics for your own songs even if you have sung them hundreds of times
But at 50 you can still be able to do the best concert you have ever done , make the best music, you got experience of things)
I totally agree about Michael's music. Especially since not only do I have pretty bad learning disabilities. I also suffer from a skin disorder just like Michael did. I have Eczema had it ever since I could remember. But it is only really bad during the winter time. And it is mostly on my hands now. So going to school was always never easy for me. Because I was always constantly made fun of for not only my skin disorder. And my learning disabilities. But I also had a pretty bad speech problem and that I also had hearing problems. At school all of the kids treated me like I had leprosy or something. So I never had anyone to play with at school. Nor did I ever had any friends. Which is why I always hated recess because of it. The classroom was the only place where I had felt comfortable being at. That and the school library. But I had always liked Michael back in the 80s. Even though I was more of a Madonna fan than a MJ fan. Until May of 1988 when I saw Michael's Bad video for the first time. I was 8 years old at the time. And I was just so happy to know that I wasn't the only one in the world who suffered from a skin disorder. I knew just by looking at Michael's skin in that video he also suffers from a skin disorder as well. Because his skin looked lighter than I remember it being. I was happy because I finally had someone in my life that knows what it is like to have a skin disorder. And ever since then he has been my escape. Other besides my books. Michael has been the only person other besides me. That knew what it is like to suffer from a skin disorder. And not have anyone understand what it is like. Since people always accused him of bleaching his skin. When that is just plain insane to even think that.
that gives insight why i spend so much time on here, but when i was away from here, Michael was all there was and is in music for me. He's proof that music can't be fooled. And, for so many reasons, if there were no Michael, i'd be so alone in this world. You'll never know how much. When i was homeless in handmedowns, he was the only artist/person to wave at me, as if I was Bill Gates in a ten thousand dollar suit. I know just how real Michael was..forever is, and that he could surely relate to such a little guy, such as myself.

Thanks for this thread and your courage, Gozer.

And my thanks to Michael Jackson.
Michael spoke of wanting to give people escapism through his music. I think he gave just that and more. Growing up, listening to his music made you forget your real life problems. It made you want to dance, dream and feel that nothing was impossible. You felt on top of the world, if just for 5 minutes.

I will never forget the feeling of elation I felt one crisp, dusky December morning in 1996. I was making my way through a deserted school backyard to class, and Will you be there drifted with the wind from the school dormitory. Someone was playing it there. Pure magic.

The memory reduces me to tears today though, knowing he's gone. That is the one song I still can't listen to after his death.
So many things... :girl_sigh: The purity, the strength, the spirituality, the daring, creativity, always do your best and break all barriers as an artist, the love he felt for others, for nature, for animals and especially for children and the desire of wanting to change the world and make it a better place..... :heart: and much more.... :blushing:
WOW, Thanks for your thread Gozer :ciao:

I absolutely know and FEEL what you wrote there... Sometimes, you think you're the ONLY one that FEELS that way and then you bump into a thread like this... :bow:

I gained a 'disability' 3 years ago from a 'pulverized' disc. I got a 'Titanium friend' and I even got one 'leaking' too... I have a 'problem' with my right hand too and I can't type unless I wear my brace...
People 'notice' this 'disability' and they go AWWWW... How do you cope?

I say proudly MICHAEL JACKSON :heart:
Michael is my INSPIRATION... There is something I can't explain HOW he does it but he's the ONLY ONE that can 'calm' my brain when it's in 'overload' or whenever I'm in 'pain' ...

I exactly HATE cleaning as it's so tough but I just pop in my earphones and I sing along with Michael and before I know it, my house is 'speck and span' again :cheeky:

Even Michael's music helps me to 'overcome' any fear I have...

I even tried 'mediation' to calm my nerves but I always cry for Michael... He's the ONLY one that can really 'sooth' my soul :blush:

Indeed, that is ONE important thing I appreciate about Michael :wub:
Wow, there's so many good responses in this thread :)

WOW, Thanks for your thread Gozer :ciao:

I absolutely know and FEEL what you wrote there... Sometimes, you think you're the ONLY one that FEELS that way and then you bump into a thread like this... :bow:

I gained a 'disability' 3 years ago from a 'pulverized' disc. I got a 'Titanium friend' and I even got one 'leaking' too... I have a 'problem' with my right hand too and I can't type unless I wear my brace...

Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that! Although I was never able to walk like a "normal" person, not many days go by where I don't wonder what it would feel like. And pain is just so draining in every way.

Last summer, my left lower leg went numb for 2 months. I had to be checked for MS, but it really WAS "just" from my back... It used to only affect my lower back, but about 6 months ago, it finally reached my neck and shoulders, so now I have shooting pain in my arms as well... I don't want to sound like I'm whining LOL, but it's so hard to cope sometimes, and I hate the feeling that I never really know what I'll wake up with tomorrow. So - having a way to escape sometimes is just such a blessing :)
In my early thirties I was diagnosed with condromalacia patella. Many operations followed and culminated in having both kneecaps removed without replacement. As you can imagine trying to recover mobility from something like this is 'challenging' to say the least. The physiotherapy was agonising, and went on over several years. Without hearing Michael songs being played during my physio sessions I would have gone crazy. His music gave me strength, courage and determination. At my lowest ebb I listened to his ballads which soothed me and helped with the pain. He got me through so much. Now I am able to walk a little better but still have to use a wheelchair for anything over about 100 yards. I was able to attend his Dangerous and History concerts and felt such a connection to him. I was lucky enough to speak to him in London, his compassion and sympathy just shine from him. I truly believe that when Michael was here 'an angel walked with us'.
^^^ i don't even know that objective science can claim that there is an artist more powerful than Michael, in a positive way.
In my early thirties I was diagnosed with condromalacia patella. Many operations followed and culminated in having both kneecaps removed without replacement. As you can imagine trying to recover mobility from something like this is 'challenging' to say the least. The physiotherapy was agonising, and went on over several years. Without hearing Michael songs being played during my physio sessions I would have gone crazy. His music gave me strength, courage and determination. At my lowest ebb I listened to his ballads which soothed me and helped with the pain. He got me through so much. Now I am able to walk a little better but still have to use a wheelchair for anything over about 100 yards. I was able to attend his Dangerous and History concerts and felt such a connection to him. I was lucky enough to speak to him in London, his compassion and sympathy just shine from him. I truly believe that when Michael was here 'an angel walked with us'.

Ouch ouch ouch! It hurts just to try to imagine that. But I'm glad you got to talk to Michael, that must have been such a special moment :)
I agree with everything in this thread. Michael's music provides an escape from whatever you are feeling or going through at the moment. I'm so glad he shared his thoughts and feelings with us.