One Rose for Michael Jackson - June 25th


Proud Member
Sep 10, 2009
I came across this video two days ago and I wanted to share it with you, so there will be as many flowers, in this case roses, at Forest Lawn as humanly possible.
Beneath the video you will find the facebook link and the text on facebook.
I don''t think you need to have facebook to be able to donate. You need to be able to pay via paypal and send an e-mail to
Each rose costs 3.00 USD

We're gonna fill Holly Terrace June 25'th with roses from the fans. How many roses? That depends on you guys. We need you to donate roses, and we start right away. The roses costs $3 each, and you can donate 1 or how many you want to.

Everyones names will be included in a big card that will be brought together with the roses.

Donations are being accepted from now on, just send your donation via PayPal using this email adress

THANK YOU... (read more)


Let's give our love all the roses he deserves.

I know so many of you around the world wish you could be with Michael for his 1'st year anniversary of passing, but can't. That's why I decided to at least give you the chance to send a rose.
The roses will be red and white, all for the love. They will then be taken to Forest Lawn June 25'th 2010, and be placed outside the Holly Terrace, and hopefully someone will bring them in to Michael.

All money sent for this will go to Michaels flowers.
I hope you like this idea and I hope I will be bringing many many roses to Michael. ♥ (read less)

( For all clarity: this is not my initiative but I support it fully, I will donate for three roses and I hope that many more of you will do the same)
it's a very nice idea, but all this talks about flowers make me soooooo sad because because Michael isn't here with us any more...
OMG! Yes totally in for this... :) Get some publicity for Michael for something beautiful
Roses? Tributes? Don't get me wrong it's beautiful and so touching, but also really really sad that Michael is gone.:boohoo
It truely is lovely but I am really missing MJ atm. :-(
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This is - indeed - a beautiful project :yes:

They have now collected over 2200 roses and there's still time to donate more!

The last day to donate roses is June 17.
I donated. I think it's a beautiful way to show our love for Michael. Especially for people like me that won't be anywhere near California on June 25. It's also affordable. (That helps, too!)
I found a link to Maximum Jackson via a Google search and Sofie Strindberg has written to them as follows:

It has been decided by a majority vote on FB ... that a huge bunch of roses tied with a beautiful bow, accompanied with a card bearing all our names ... will be placed by the Forest Lawn Florist next to Michael inside the Mausoleum.

The Thousands of roses remaining, will be sent by an outside florist & will be placed outside in a sea of roses on Holly Terrace, for the world to see just how much we adore Michael.
No doubt at the end of the day, as many of the roses as possible, will be moved inside beside Michael.
One Rose For Michael Jackson project has reached it's goal! 3000 roses!

9 days left to donate more roses :)
They reached 3000 now trying to get 3500. Thats great alot of love for Michael.
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Such a wonderful idea for Michael - I remember us showering Michael with roses at WMA 06' he looked like he loved it! This is great for me since I live so far away. I have donated and bought 5 roses for Michael - I hope they will go beside him.
i hardly use paypal so which payment do i use to avoid fees? personal transaction or buying something?
Thanks for the idea!
I just sent 5 roses. I can't be there in person... but I can be there in roses and heart :)
I'm gonna donate! But I gotta use my moms Visa cause I dont have one. But I dont want my moms name on the card, I want mine. How do I do that? Silly question, I know :p