One of my friends witnessed something truly horrific today.

Jan 17, 2004
Horrific, cause it could be straight out of a horror movie.

I was on Xbox Live with my friends, in a party, so we were chatting and all that. And all of the sudden one of my friends panics and says 'Jesus christ, right outside my door, i see a guy smacking an old lady with a hammer' i'll go call the emergency line right away.

Later he sent me some photos of the whole scene, except for the woman, she was taken by the paramedics by that time. And there was just lots of blood. Basically a trail of blood and ended with a puddle....crazy stuff. It's unknown how many times she got hit by the hammer, but it was a miracle she was still concious when the paramedics came to take her away. However, the paramedics had difficulties getting her downstairs, because she was that badly injured. So a firetruck had to come and pick her up from there. I think with a ladder..but my friend was so panicky that he didn't explain this well, very understandable though.

He said that after he called the emergency line, he went outside right away to catch the guy, (he used to work as security guard) but by that time, the man had already fled. But i gotta be honest, i don't think i''d be a 'hero' and go outside to grab the man, i don't have that kind of guts. What about you guys? If you see something absolutely you jump in or simply call the emergency line right away, but leave it at that?

I just hope my friend wont get a trauma from this, cause its sure possible. After all, he saw the man using the hammer on the woman's head, that's horror movie stuff right there, but this time it's not. I hope the woman survives this...but from what i understand is, even though she was concious, she had several dents/holes in her head...good lord.

What a world.........
I have no idea, i have been thinking about that too. I can understand alot of different types of anger, but this....this is's not even extreme, it's beyond that. I have no words for it. If his mother did something bad...a fight, argument is understandable. Hell i guess even a slap out of pure anger could be understandable...but this?!!
Her own son did it ..:eek: omg

Just sickening it is
this kind of people are not humans :no:
what would I do? I think I would try to hit him with something from the distance, I really don't know.
It would be dangerous to mess with a mad man with a hammer :unsure:
... There are daily 5 o'clock news on here presenting horrid stories of this kind. Daily. ... It happens so much it is scary.
I'd pack me some heat, and nail the guy as he rain kidding. NOONE should do that and get away with it....either that or I'd jump him and pound the shit out of HIS head!!
But they catched the guy, so that's at least some good news. I really wonder if you folks would really go after him, since according to that article the man went after bystanders himself. And don't forget he's carrying a hammer, you can do plenty of damage with that. And i sure as hell ain't gonna shoot someone....simply don't forget that you can end up in jail all the same for that.
If I had a gun, I wouldn't kill him, I'd shoot his knees so that he couldn't get away before the police came.

But seriously, I wouldn't have went after him. I have no security training and he has a hammer...
I'm not scared...I am angry. I am angry that some punk could decide to do that....I pity anyone who would even think about doing something like that to me...cause chances are, they won't live to see another day...lemme tell you..
Im angry too that this man could do that to his own mother.....its so disgusting
I'm not scared...I am angry. I am angry that some punk could decide to do that....I pity anyone who would even think about doing something like that to me...cause chances are, they won't live to see another day...lemme tell you..

Sadly..if some random person decides to do that to you and you get hit by a hammer, i don't think you'll be able to do much back.