One Drug...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Could have saved Michael's life. One drug that could counter the effects of the others IF there are any in his body. For those in the medical profession you know of the drug Narcan. This is a drug used for people who have overdosed on drugs any narcotic drug. This is the one drug that could have helped or saved Michael's life.

For those who want to know more about Narcan please follow the below link


If the doctors were to do anything right they would have given this to Michael. It would have brought him back almost instantly.I do believe that someone wanted Michael dead for some reason. The doctor is FISHY. Why wouldn't he even try Narcan?
it does not always bring them out
especially if someone has already gone into cardiac arrest.
it does not always bring them out
especially if someone has already gone into cardiac arrest.

From what i have been hearing Michael had a slight pulse it could have helped him. We could have had our star but no one thought to try it.
first of all yes this drug would of been helpful if....Michael truly still had a pulse when that doc got into that room. But who is too say he is telling the truth about that . I am sorry but I just dont believe him. I dont say this just because I am sad about this whole tragedy. I just have a gut feeling and I have been telling anyone who will listen to me ever since the minute they said Michael died. Si I guess we will just have to wait and see
first of all yes this drug would of been helpful if....Michael truly still had a pulse when that doc got into that room. But who is too say he is telling the truth about that . I am sorry but I just dont believe him. I dont say this just because I am sad about this whole tragedy. I just have a gut feeling and I have been telling anyone who will listen to me ever since the minute they said Michael died. Si I guess we will just have to wait and see

i am passing along information i thought should have been shared. You do not have to have the attitude with me that you are showing.

I did say IF so do not put words into my mouth. IF Michael had drugs and IF he had a pulse he could have been saved. But like i said No one thought to try Narcan.
i am passing along information i thought should have been shared. You do not have to have the attitude with me that you are showing.

I did say IF so do not put words into my mouth. IF Michael had drugs and IF he had a pulse he could have been saved. But like i said No one thought to try Narcan.

I think you misunderstood my post.. not an attitude with you.... and attitude towards the doctor Murray who supposedly TRIED to save Michael. I am saying I do not believe HIM. I am saying I dont believe that Michael even had a pulse when he found him. I think he found him already gone because of an overdose of the medication deprivan, that he himself administered. That is what my post is about
How do we know the doctor had Narcan available?

first of all yes this drug would of been helpful if....Michael truly still had a pulse when that doc got into that room. But who is too say he is telling the truth about that . I am sorry but I just dont believe him. I dont say this just because I am sad about this whole tragedy. I just have a gut feeling and I have been telling anyone who will listen to me ever since the minute they said Michael died. Si I guess we will just have to wait and see

I agree with you.
How do we know the doctor had Narcan available?

I agree with you.

Are you seriously asking? Even the ambulance should have it in the ambulance. I dont give a shit what that no talent hack had with him or not.
I'm sure once the paramedics got there they did all they could to save him. I think that if the doctor with him would've done the CPR correctly, that would've made the diffeence.
All I can say is this....there is a reason that doctor left Michael estate and was not in the ambulance with him. He had to be hiding something. I don't believe that he didn't give Michael something. I believe he was missing in action because after he found Michael not breathing, he left to go and get rid of something that would implicate him. This is what I believe. Why would he leave otherwise?
Thanks for your thread, but the drug Narcan has already been extensively discussed in other threads. Yes, it might have saved him, if the doctor had had it on hand. There is much we don't know, yet.
all the details about Michael's death are so so upsetting, to know he could've been saved
just wait and see - the media and the people who worked for MJ are going to blame him for everything and say he did it to himself, he was self-destructive and so on and so on...when the truth is they let him die! and they're going to get away with it!
Michael didn't have anyone really close to him he only had the children, he had no one who could say what he was doing day to day, so now the doctors can say whatever they want they can just put words in his mouth. now I'm starting to think everything Michael said about "conspiracy" is just breaks my heart
All I can say is this....there is a reason that doctor left Michael estate and was not in the ambulance with him. He had to be hiding something. I don't believe that he didn't give Michael something. I believe he was missing in action because after he found Michael not breathing, he left to go and get rid of something that would implicate him. This is what I believe. Why would he leave otherwise?

He was in the ambulance and he went to the hospital with them... he did talk to police there, but when they wanted to speak to him again, he was gone! That's why his car was still at Michael's mansion! But anyway, yes... that doctor is fishy and he almost certainly screwed up.... and if it's just botching up CPR and calling the ambulance too late (but maybe that was indeed because he had to first hide something)!
just wait and see - the media and the people who worked for MJ are going to blame him for everything and say he did it to himself, he was self-destructive and so on and so on...when the truth is they let him die! and they're going to get away with it!

THIS is what makes me angry. It's just gonna down in history that Michael was a helpless addict that destroyed his own life. The media is already making it seem that way for the most part.

And yeah, to whoever said that they think the doctor left the room to go and hide some evidence, I can agree with that.

Biggest no-no: CPR on a BED??
I discussed this whole thing with a friend who is a GP. He said for a start you can't rely on what we are hearing. He says what jumps out at him is why you would do chest compressions when there is a pulse? He agreed the CPR on a bed was not effective, and when I said that the excuse was that the doctor had one hand under him, he said that was even worse, ridiculous.

He said we don't know how long Michael was down, and that would affect Narcan working, also he said if that Doctor gave him a drug, he would have known how to handle the reaction, but obviously didn't have the drugs or equipment to do it. he said from what I was saying there was too much of a delay in calling EMT, and the doctor should have done mouth to mouth, got some oxygen in his system, and if here was a pulse he could have left him for a few moments and screamed the place down for help.

He thinks this doctor knew what had happened and panicked, he also said Diprivan wouldn't keep Michael asleep, someone would have to give him another long acting sedative. He thinks there is something really dodgy about it, if what we hear is true.
I remember a tabloid article a few years ago about family accusing the nanny and publicist for keeping M on drugs? Does anyone remember that? After his death, fans may realize that a good portion of the crazy articles about him were in fact true...although most were complete bs.
its heartbreaking. why did that doctor not seem to have this drug!?!? he was on $150,000 a month!! he was asked to stay over cos MJ was feeling unwell... seems he wasnt checking on him very often atall.. i need answers to all this. how are we supposed to get on with ourlives til we know?