One Day It May Be Just You and MJ Fighting the Battle


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Protester Takes Aim at
Enbridge, Oil Spill

Justin Hinkley • The Enquirer • August 2, 2010

Blasting Michael Jackson’s “Earth Song” out of her
car stereo, Battle Creek’s Autumn Smith, 26, is
protesting Enbridge Inc.’s oil spill response alone
outside Marshall High School, where the company
and governments are hosting press conferences on
the issue.

Holding a sign spelling out ENBRIDGE as an
acronymn, Smith’s sign reads: “Environmental
Negligence Because Revenue is Important Due to
our Greed & Exploitation.”

Smith said her East Michigan Avenue home is near
the Kalamazoo River and she’s been feeling the
effects on Enbridge’s 810,000-gallon oil spill since

Also since Tuesday, she has asked to be relocated
to a hotel but was told by the company she had to
cover the costs upfront and be reimbursed.
Unemployed, she said she couldn’t do that and
didn’t get into a hotel until Saturday.

She said she agreed with Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s
Tuesday assessment that Enbridge’s response was
“anemic” and wanted to draw attention to what she
called the company’s faults.

“It’s a mess for the environment, it’s a mess for
animals, it’s a mess for people,” Smith said. “It’s
sad. They’re (Enbridge) not feeling the impacts like
we are.”
this whole mess that is going on with this oil spill would break Michael's heart....I like that she was playing Earthsong....its jsut sad what is happening to our world.
I too have been so concerned about this massive danger to our environment. I may be sitting in India but the entire planet is our home, like Michael sang, believed and taught us 'its our mother's womb'...I wish this lady all the best and send her my best wishes. With the way the world is we may not even have two year(till 2012) to save our blue planet.

CherubimII, your thread title is a bit misleading I feel, I couldnot have guessed the content of the thread by reading it, just my humble opinion. Thanks for sharing the news anyway.
You know, I think that the whole debate about environment is not about Earth, but about human species. I wouldn't be worried much about the planet, I'd rather be worried about our future and our children on this planet.

We can spoil this planet to death, but in the end, the planet will survive without us. Conversely, the human species will be eradicated from the surface of this Earth, but the earth will be still standing. It had in the past before we appeared and it will after we destroy actually ourselves, not the planet.