Omg!!! :'( R.I.P.


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Ethipian Plane crashes ex-Beirut


Ok,hi everyone.

This might not be a BIG news to some but it is one of the most horrific things that happened today!. Ethiopian Plane carying different nationalities from Beirut to Ethiopia's Capital Addis Abeba. It's not only we lost 34 people, its also because my sisters BEST Friend from Ethiopia(A flight attendant) Might have been on board.:cry: I dont know if she was because every where we call in Ethiopia, it gives a busy sign. I'm like freaking out right now.

My sister is in class right now, and we(My mom and I) dont wanna say anything b4 telling her anything about this.

PLEASE PRAY for these people...and Pray that they find people that are alive (which is too much to ask for since they're mostly in the water...) :cry:

Thankyou for reading...


I heard about this on the news this morning.

I don't think anyone can fail to see that it is always big news when a tragedy like this happens.

90 people were on board, and there is no word of any survivors :( I hope they will find survivors, and I hope your sister's friend is ok. xx
Oh no, that's awful. :( I hope your sister's friend was not on the plane.
Oh my goodness... Romi I'm so sorry about this.
My prayers for the safety of your sisters best friend. I'd be extremely worried too. Let us know if you find out she's ok.

Geez. :(
Romi hun, that is a horrible tragedy :(
I really hope your sister's friend wasn't on that flight..
This is terrible... pray for everyone on board and hope your sisters friend wasn't on there and is
Omg, all those people :( :( R.I.P . I pray that your sisters friend was not on that plane. Last night I dreamed that I plane crashed and now I see this, it is very sad.
OMG that is terrible!!!!!!

I feel so terrible for the victims and I pray for their families

also I pray your sisters were not on the plane, please keep us updated.
I heard about the crash, my thoughts and prayers for everyone affected.
Romi, I hope your sister's friend is safe. :angel: