OMG no.. can someone verify this?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
I just went to google maps to see how to walk from Custom House Hotel to the o2. Somehow i managed to get a viritual tour with google maps (didn't even know there was such option) and then there was some shock when i saw this:

Don't tell me it still looks like this! Hopefully google maps uses old photo's for thier viritual tour! If it still does look like that can someone tell me when they are done with this?:angel:
OOPS,I havent been to that area, but if you give me the full addres I might have time at the weekend to check it out for you
That would be cool, if it's not to much trouble? Wierd the travelagency didn't tell me this and the rooms the agency offers in that hotel where almost full so i kindda doubt it still looks like this but i want to be sure.

Custom House Hotel,
272-283 Victoria Dock Road, London E16 3BY
cant garuntee anything, but if I do I will take a photo and post it here
Maybe i should call the travel agency to make sure.. but i doubt they know otherwise they told me. It's nice inside as far as i can tell but hey i don't want to close the curtains all day and i don't want strange guys taking a peek when we change. LOL Not to mention all the extra noise it might give and such
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'Google Street View' has only just started in UK areas (has been available for US for a while), so yes, it probably does still look like that.
the pictures on the google map service are not recent, they were in most taken last year, september I think.
I just booked a room from that hotel. But I don't really mind, I'm only going to spend one night there...