Omg my grandmaother had death bed visit


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I feel lost without my grandmother, she was the rock of my family now she's gone and my family is torn apoart won't talk to each other , we were visitng her in the hospital but idk if she could hear us, she kept looking up at the celing pointing at something we tried to turn her attention toward us but she kept calling someone name berta and john who i had no idea who they were until my mom told me that were the name of my grandma's mother and first husband and she said did you see the baby girl and i was confuse then i think she might be perfering to my's cousin daughter that she's miscarriage a few yrs ago then all of a sudden she passed. I'm so hurted i wish i spent more time with her
Im sorry for your loss. Ive always hoped that when I die someone I know will come for me. I hear a lot of stories about that.
Yeah but now the rest of my family doesn't want nothing to do with each other , my grandmother was always the one who put us in our place and make amends now they are becoming bitter, but she comes to me in my dreams
oh...I am sorry for your is not easy..:hug:...I am sure she is watching over you.
I'm so sorry, for your take comfort that she was with those who have passed over, they were there to comfot her and giude her into her next phase....I'm glad you shared that.

I read a saying, it may be on these fan boards but it said something like, "the spirit does not die, it just transcends."
I feel lost without my grandmother, she was the rock of my family now she's gone and my family is torn apoart won't talk to each other , we were visitng her in the hospital but idk if she could hear us, she kept looking up at the celing pointing at something we tried to turn her attention toward us but she kept calling someone name berta and john who i had no idea who they were until my mom told me that were the name of my grandma's mother and first husband and she said did you see the baby girl and i was confuse then i think she might be perfering to my's cousin daughter that she's miscarriage a few yrs ago then all of a sudden she passed. I'm so hurted i wish i spent more time with her

Oh my gosh this made me :cry:

I feel for you, I really do :hug:

Its interesting to say she was looking at the celing and caling her mother's and her mother's first husbands name...and she mentioned the baby girl wow.. thank you for sharing that its really interesting. Perhaps you should take comfort from that.

I think about how it will be when my English grandparents pass and I dread the days when that happens, I should spend more time with them. Don't feel guilt about it hun, parents and grandparents understand that their children and grandchildren have their own lives too.

Yeah but now the rest of my family doesn't want nothing to do with each other , my grandmother was always the one who put us in our place and make amends now they are becoming bitter, but she comes to me in my dreams
This can happen after a family member passes on. When my Maltese grandmother died, our family had problems to do with her Will and it just wasn't nice to see a previously pretty close family arguing and being tense over this kind of thing. Me and my cousins have kind of drifted apart and there is awkwardness when we see each other, because of the disagreements between our parents. Do you want to be close to the other members of your family? You could always reach out to them, I know its easier said than done, and I should probably take my own advise.
I feel for you. When my grandfather entered the hospital for the last time, he kept asking my mom "Who's that over there in the corner?" and she said no one. Then he asked it again. I believe it was someone there to help him cross over. I do believe in stuff like this.

Your grandmother's experience just firms my belief in all of this.

Hugs to you, and I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. It isn't easy losing someone you love. :hug: She will always be with you and watch over you.

She gets to meet Michael now. :)
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I feel lost without my grandmother, she was the rock of my family now she's gone and my family is torn apoart won't talk to each other , we were visitng her in the hospital but idk if she could hear us, she kept looking up at the celing pointing at something we tried to turn her attention toward us but she kept calling someone name berta and john who i had no idea who they were until my mom told me that were the name of my grandma's mother and first husband and she said did you see the baby girl and i was confuse then i think she might be perfering to my's cousin daughter that she's miscarriage a few yrs ago then all of a sudden she passed. I'm so hurted i wish i spent more time with her

Billyworld please take some comfort if you can that I truely believe that when a person's body leaves this earth we have an angel to help us make that transition. :angel: When my late mum was in her last few hours of life she kept saying ''oh is the sun shining?'' ''That's nice, the sun is shining''.......
but it wasnt shining, we were in a hospital ward and it was a dull Dec day 4 days before Xmas ( 1999). Those were the last words she spoke to me.
Pain of grief and loss is very hard to deal with. I hope you are getting support. Sorry that the family bickering is making things harder for you but hopefully in time this will settle.:timer:
Take care Billy.
When my late mum was in her last few hours of life she kept saying ''oh is the sun shining?'' ''That's nice, the sun is shining''.......
but it wasnt shining, we were in a hospital ward and it was a dull Dec day 4 days before Xmas ( 1999). Those were the last words she spoke to me.
Aww :hug:
omg i had two dreams of my grandmother, 1 last night when i fell asleep around ten and when i took a nap around 5pm excuse i'm still kind of shaky

the one i had last night, i was walking down this beautiful field when different color flowers there were so many people in the feild talking to each other and i spotted my grandma she was younger looking and had bothe her legs ( one was remove due to diabetes and poor circulation) then i automatcally thought she wasn't dead and i thought running towards her and those people i couldn't see thier faces clearly only my grandmother , i was about ten inches apart from her then all of a sudden a big hand slap me backward it felt like i was falling off a cliff i woke up crying my mom had to see if i was ok

then today i took a nap and the room which was very bright and my grandmother was sitting on the edge of the bed and i start crying and saying grandma we need you how can you leave us you know our family have such hatred toward each other most of the time and she spoken and she said well that's not my problem anymore i told all of you over and over again to get along and love each other but you just ignored me and she said why are you crying over me i told you not to cry when i die i'm doing just fine and she told me you always been afraid of challenges in life, afraid of judgement and failure, just like the majority of the people in this world that why there's so much hatred and and negatively in this place i just wanted to go home do u wanted to still be miserable here in this place jsut to your sastifaction, then the last thing she said in my dream find my courage and regain hope which people have lost then my sisiter had knocked on my door then she stared to faded into a yellowish-orange color and i have this huge migraine i can't even think straight it felt sooo real it took me a long time to move b/c it felt like my body was numb and i was trying to talk to my mom about but she wants to be left alone b.c she's still greiving

i kind of scared, but at same time those words were comforting
I dream about my grandparents all the time. To me, it means they are missing us just as much as we are missing them.