omg lol Darth Jackson is back!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi folks, just got back from the B.G.T auditions down @ the hipprodome in Birmingham and Darth Jackson returned lol.
This time however he was Bat-Jackson and dressed as the Batman he danced to 2Bad.
I dont know when it will air but it was hilarious but sadly he didnt get through this tim :(
:cry: I remember him. oh the memories.
Michael was the reason I watched them kinda shows
there were always some sort of rumour he might have appeared.
BGT has always had a lot of MJ love-there's always been lots of MJ related acts, of course the most famous being Signature. I read a few weeks ago that BGT had its youngest auditionee who was a 4 year old boy and his act was dancing to Michael.
Darth Jackson???
Who is this?
Am I supposed to know him? :D

He was an act last year on the TV show Britain's Got Talent and reached the semi-finals dancing to Billie Jean dressed as Darth Vader from Star Wars (hence the name).