OMG It was like Lake Placid today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
SO! about 11o'clock today i was listening to the police scanner and they sent one of our brave cops to a house with a alligator in the drive way! Ok so i was sitting here kinda in shock bc where i live an alligator cant survive the winters. Well a few hours later the cop on the scanner said that it had been taken care of (not killed) and that the animal control can 10-22 (stop and its ok) So the Gator went back to its brave owner and we have a new gator wrestler on the Police force.

CRAZY day!
here is the picture. he was around 3 feet long and was someones pet!


wow...I am glad I dont live in that neighborhood..:lmao:....Imagine having a pet like that.....scary..:)
:eek: Oh wow. I can't even imagine having a pet alligator. This is simultaneously cool and scary to me. Glad to hear it's back with its owner.
Was there anyone resembling Betty White, telling the cop "If I had a d*ck, this is where I'd tell you to suck it!" lol

Man Lake Placid was a great movie
Was there anyone resembling Betty White, telling the cop "If I had a d*ck, this is where I'd tell you to suck it!" lol

Man Lake Placid was a great movie

haha we all told him he needed a raise. His job def does not cover Alligators haha. I mean this is IOWA we are talking about haha