OMG. I must be really really bored.

haha linda,i thought you meant you posted their pictures on your myspace page,but they have their own myspace page cool,
I think my guinea pigs love me - cause they chirp in the middle of the night...and that means:

Chirping A rare sound made by some guinea pigs. I have only ever had the good fortune to hear and see my Sweetpea making this sound. I was in another room and suddenly heard what sounded like a bird singing. I even thought a bird may have flown through an open window by accident. When I came to investigate, there was Sweetpea, with her head held high, chirping like a bird. Her little lips were going in and out as though she was whistling a tune. All my other piggies were very still and quiet, as though they were listening to Sweetpea singing. I was so chuffed to witness one of my guinea pigs making this sound, it lasted about 30 seconds. Nothing unusual was happening, so I don't know why she was making this lovely sound. Sweetpea seemed to be in a world of her own at the time. Even when I approched her she continued to chirp for a few more seconds. When she stopped, she went straight to her food bowl, as though nothing had happened. Read this very interesting information about guinea pigs chirping Guinea Lynx: Chirping

Here's what one sounds like...LOL!! I think Oreo was doing the soprano part..

Here you can actually see one guinea pig chirping!! LOL!!

hey i like guinea pigs they are so cute
Altough i still dont get why they are called pigs! :lol: :lol:
Mine chirps.. wheeeeeeaks and popcorns. LOL. She is a right mess, our Ino. :)

She loves carrots.. She don't like celery. She eats allllllll the time a 24hr a day non-stop recycling machine!! She has extra-baggage also. lol
Mine chirps.. wheeeeeeaks and popcorns. LOL. She is a right mess, our Ino. :)

She loves carrots.. She don't like celery. She eats allllllll the time a 24hr a day non-stop recycling machine!! She has extra-baggage also. lol

aww bless :lol:

i have 3 bearded dragon's and they love fruit and vegetable's they certainly get their 5 a day portions that's for sure :lol: