OMG haha...Y'all should READ THIS!!!


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Ok so I was reading Bruce Swedien's Book "In The Studio with Michael Jackson". And there's this Hillrious part.

I clearly remember one rather interesting event that happened early on the project, while we were working at Westlate's Beautiful Studio D on Beverly Boulevard in Hollywood. A healthy Los Angeles young lady walked slowly by the front window of the studio. That window was made of a one-way glass facing the sidewalk and the street. All of a sudden, while we were wathing she pulled up her dress high up over her head. She was wearing absolutely NOTHING underneath! Quincy, Rod and I got a very good look! We just stood there, gawking! We turned around and there was Michael,a devoted Jehovah's Witness and all, hiding behind big Harrison mixing console, getting an eyeful, all the same! True story.


And the next funny event was told by Russ RAGSDALE Who worked on the BAD album...
One fear of mine was that I knew there'd come a day that it would be jsut Michael and I in the same room one on one. I'd rehearsed it in the mirror over and over; just what was I going to say to this guy? Well, that day came, and what was probably secons seemed like a very long time. Catering had arrived at the studio and here Michael and I were standing by ourselves. I was looking at the floor and said to my self, "This is it, this is what I'd been afraid of. I'm going to have to break the ice". I took a big deep breath and raised my head to speak and WHAM!!-I got hit with a handful of corn. I thought, "Oh no, this is going to be war." I picked up some pickles and threw them at Michael, then he threw something else and it went back and forth for a while. We were laughing so hard (I had to clean it all up later of course), but for three weeks we couldnt look at each other without laughing. What a great way for him to make me feel at ease.

Michael really has a great sense of humor; he just loves seeing people do a Three Stooges act and fumble all over themselves. I wish there were more people in the world exactly like Michael Jackson. He is truly one amazing human being.

Such Wonderful stories. Michael had so much effect not only on ppl that worked with him but also the world.!!:D

Thank you for this :) where did you get the book from?

Just got the book from Borders...It was the last one they had... I was lauging so hard while i was reading it that some ppl turned to luk @ me...I think They thought I was Mental...lolz

I guess its out...I was looking if they had other books but there was only the "Unmasked" and This book. so I chose this one...
Aww...that second part just made me burst to tears in laughing and crying at the same time. Didn't expect it came flooded again.:cry:
just seen that the book is available on amazon......................the review on there isn't very good though

what does anyone else think?
Hehe jupp the "healthy girl" got me cracking also :D

I just wanna say to everyone here though... if you're not interested in audio technology on a deep level, then it's like only 40-50% of this book that you will enjoy.
I reckon about 2/5 or 2.5/5 of the book is actually about Michael as a person. But man, the stories about Michael are absolutely wonderful!
hahaha. :lol: That first one is too funny. haha.

Aw, the second one. :) Made me smile. I love hearing these stories.
I was just at borders yesterday. I should check this book out.
very lucky the ones who got to meet michael and spend time with him..thanks for sharing!
Well, IMO I like it. It has some music words like producers or other musicians use that i dont get at all...but It gives you a little bit of how Michael was Serious when he does what he does!

Yeah, I just wanted to say that in case everybody think it's JUST about Michael.

But the book is really worth the 25bucks, when it's good it's really good - Some rare pictures in it also.