Omer's New Interview


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
Omer tweeted a magazine cover of him. The magazine is called "SPRIT" (It's Norwegian). I was able to download the magazine article and translate it via Google Translate, I bolded answers relating to Michael:

Omer Bhatti facilitate the veil:

From Holmlia to Hollywood

Despite its 26 young years, Omer Bhatti lived a life no one can imagine up or dream about. From the Holmlia Hollywood sound clichéd shit out.

This time it's damn facts!

The mystical and mysterious boy with big eyes feel most again, but very few know anything about him. Now he eases the veil!

I had a great childhood in Holmlia, there's no doubt about that. I grew up with many good friends and we were just as many kids. Skate, played ball and did of course also some rowdy bars like most other kids. A few of the friends that I got then, are some of my closest friends today.

My childhood has also been marked by less pleasant events that have made me a stronger person.

I've seen several close friends have been killed or died in a tragic way before I had turned 20, and this went very heavily on me, "he says seriously.

Omer has always had a tremendous interest in music and dance. - I've had a passion for music and dance as long as I can remember. People say that "Norwegians are born with skis on, "but I'm rather" born with music and dance of the soul. "At the same time the hours of training behind my movements. These are not things you learn over night. One must work at it and really dedicate themselves. "Practice Makes the Master" he says.

Ever since I was a little kid I've had a great burning desire. I've always wanted to work to establish myself as an artist, but because of various incidents that have occurred in my life so far, has not always been right until now. Some of these events have made that there has been some "off and on" - work which has led that I have not got complete different projects. Now I'm really glad that I finally managed to get going, he reveals.

Omer was a natural talent and got lots of attention. But it was small compared to the attention he received after he and his family met Michael Jackson.

This meeting changed his life completely. At the same time was the friendship of the Omer and Michael Omer much for talent. - We had very good chemistry and were very similar as Omer tells people about why the two were so close.

- We had a lot in common. And we shared the same taste, music, movies, food and humor. Michael introduced me to entertainers and movies I probably would not known about the day as Frankie Lymon, "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "The Twilight Zone".

In many ways, MJ raised me and taught me a lot as a person. He has certainly helped to make me the person I am today, "says Omer.

Omer has been a lot together with the "King of Pop", and now he appreciated that he did be with MJ on the "History" turn. There, he learned a lot. - In the "History" tour I was much backstage where I got a place that gave me the opportunity to see him performing live in front of hundreds of thousands of fans. I also got to me how things are going backstage throughout the show. At that age I was when, one is a sponge that absorbs everything, and this is something I've gotten good use of today.

Now Omer adult and have already received many offers. I have been offered and been in contact with various producers and artists such as Will.I.Am and Mims, but at this time, it was not music that engaged me. I have also received offers and inquiries from all over media world, from Larry King to MTV.

Now he is engaged as never before, and the music has a big place in Omer heart, now he's working with a mixed team of producers and artists everything from local residents to Oslo superstars. Now I work with Jarl Aanestad, a production team from New Jersey, Jae-R, Shontelle and Genevieve Jackson.

After he has really begun to establish himself as an artist, he has also Law of Jante been feeling on the body. I notice how strong the Law of Jante is here in Norway. For example, when I did my TV appearance was there any stood in the media and believed that I mimte. This did not vote at all, but I take it also as a compliment. I get a feeling that one can not stand out. I do not expect everyone to accept and like it I do, but I want people to be open to something new and give it a chance. Open your minds, "he says.

Omer has lived off Wed and in Norway and the United States and elsewhere in the world many, many years and says that at times can be tiring, but thrive well-being on the road. It always had to stay in the bag and not knowing what that will happen is part of the action. I do not know where in the world I ends up, since my life is getting turned upside down. Right now LA dream, "he says with a dreamy gaze.

In LA, the possibilities are bigger, and you are allowed to differ more in relation in Norway. I feel more free in LA with regard to my race and what I do. I want to live a free and happy life with the people I'm happy in. It is that I have experienced so much in particular, and traveled the world Around where I have learned so much do I appreciate. I am also very happy that I now have the opportunity to share my talent with the rest of the world.

Omer will not say anything about where he lives when he's LA, but he does not hide the fact that he acts like a brother and a role model for Micahel Jackson children. - We have good contact, something we've always had. Looking at them as your own siblings?

- Yes, says the cash.

It was speculated that the dramatically in whether or not you were Michael Jackson's son in all the world's press. What can you say about that? - There will always be speculation around Michael and me no matter what is being said. I have no interested to use my energy on rumors and speculation that the media have blown up. I think people forget that I have always been in private comes to Michael. Loyalty is extremely important to me, so why should I begin to talk about my relationship with him now that he's gone, when I did not do it before? Just because a man has passed away, it means not that my loyalty disappears.

After MJs death Omer Bhatti changed its name to Michael Omer Bhatti,-Name Change are personal reasons, even though Michael was part of my name before too. So this is not the first time, he claims.

Last year, wrote the Norwegian press that Omer had a new girlfriend and Look and Listen

Building a paparazzi photo of him and Feven Gebramichael. The truth was that they two have been together for eight years and is deleted no new flame. She has been a great support for me through thick and thin, "says Omer girlfriend. Now would Omer to share their artistic side with the world, spreading joy and inspire others to do something positive. And the new release is essential to summer. He is looking forward to performing with the new songs and hopefully filming more music videos. I have so many ideas in my head that I want to share with others, "he said.

In 20 years, what makes Omer then?

- It's hard for me to say. So far my life has been like a "roller coaster, "and I've been turned on its head several times. I do not know where I'm going to be in two months either, but I focus on living "in the moment" and make the most of the time I have, "he concludes.

[NOTE]:Now Genevieve is being interviewed, I bolded anbswers that stood out to me

What do you think of Norway, and what is special about the Norwegians?

- I think Norway is a beautiful country with beautiful scenery. In general, I think that

Norwegians are good-hearted people.

I hear that you like here. Would you like to live here?

- Yes, I love this country! But I do not think I could ever live permanently in Norway. I'm definitely not used to frost and cold. A holiday in Norway However, I could certainly imagine.

And what is special about the O-Bee?

- O-bee is a hard working and skilled talent that is going to reach very far. But above all he is a very loving person.

How did the collaboration between you?

- O-bee called me on Skype and told me to listen to "All Around the World", and wondered if I could sing it. I fell in love with the song and I said yes, then flew manufacturer Los Angeles, and I recorded my part here.

What characterizes Genevieve J as a person?

- I'm good to think positive all the time.

Do you feel pressure on you that you are a Jackson?

- I know that there will always be expectations of me, but ignore them and continue to do what I love most to do.

What do you do when you sing?

- I like to keep doing creative things like painting. Also, I read a lot and

exercising a lot.

What is your biggest goal?

- My biggest goal in life is to stand behind my own charity fund.

What is your life motto?

- Never regret what I do, and there is a reason why things happen in my life. The most important

of all is still love.

Do you have a boyfriend?

- Yes

Who is your biggest role model?

- God

Can you tell a funny story that you have experienced with the O-Bee?

"It's hard to mention just one, because every time we're together we laugh so much.

The first time you met O-Bee, what do you do?

- O-bee, and I have two distinct memories from when we met for the first

time. I remember he came home to me, when I was seven years old. I thought he

was very nice.

Will you work on?

- Yes, I think. In the near future.
All I will say is that is a lame ass excuse for him to use and not do the RIGHT AND LOYAL THING and put the STUPID rumors about him being Michael's kid to rest. It's not respectful towards Michael OR Michael's children. Just another person trying to ride his connection to Michael for all its worth. Pathetic. I used to have nothing against him but this crap about is he or isn't he Michael's just ridiculous...Pfft...whatever...


Whatever, I am sooooo over a lot of people...Omer being one of them...
All I will say is that is a lame ass excuse for him to use and not do the RIGHT AND LOYAL THING and put the STUPID rumors about him being Michael's kid to rest. It's not respectful towards Michael OR Michael's children. Just another person trying to ride his connection to Michael for all its worth. Pathetic. I used to have nothing against him but this crap about is he or isn't he Michael's just ridiculous...Pfft...whatever...


Whatever, I am sooooo over a lot of people...Omer being one of them...

I thought I read somewhere before that Omer clearly said that he is not MJ's son.
It's the media you should blame not Omer...
Maybe you should also blame Joe Jackson feeding on this rumor.
It was speculated that the dramatically in whether or not you were Michael Jackson's son in all the world's press. What can you say about that? - There will always be speculation around Michael and me no matter what is being said. I have no interested to use my energy on rumors and speculation that the media have blown up. I think people forget that I have always been in private comes to Michael. Loyalty is extremely important to me, so why should I begin to talk about my relationship with him now that he's gone, when I did not do it before? Just because a man has passed away, it means not that my loyalty disappears.

instead of this looooong speech he could have just said, "No, I'm not his son but he was like a father to me". Saying something like that wouldn't make him look less loyal to Michael, but it would definitely make him look like he's finally stopped milking that rumour.
Whatever, Omer... Really sad I've to be this blunt.. but he hasn't learned much from Michael at all. He just loves the attention he gets for his association with Michael, milking it and getting people to wonder. And all to compensate for his moderate, if not barely noticeable talent. Blunt, I know, but true. ...